A Time of Empowerment.
This Thursday, June 4th, is our next Prophetic Training session at 10:00 am ET. We continue to unpack the gift of spiritual life that is our inheritance in Christ, “For He (Christ Jesus) has QUICKENED you (made spiritually alive, awakened your spirit) who were once dead in trespasses and living in sin (spiritually dead - (Ephesians 2:1).
Most people see salvation as the gift of eternal life, meaning that once they pass on from this earth, they will go to heaven and have eternal life. Although that part is true, John 3:16 tells us that those who receive Jesus have an EVERLASTING life. In other words, at the time of your salvation, your spirit became alive with Spiritual life. Jesus told us being born again is of the Spirit. In other words, your eternal life begins the day you are saved.
Because this area of spiritual life is overlooked and not cultivated to the point where people are able to grow in the Spirit, the body of Christ is powerless and spiritually dry. I believe we are in a season where spiritual showers will refresh the people to become people of presence and power rather than just ordinary Church-going Christians.
Join us this coming Thursday for a time of empowerment. If you are not a member of our on line Prophetic Community and wish to join our meetings where we post the Zoom training link, webcast replays and notifications of our meetings, go to this FB page https://www.facebook.com/groups/268569051289784
In His grace with love – Roy Roden