Camden Rotarians Invite Local Residents to February 16 Presentation on Broadband Access

Tue, 02/09/2021 - 8:15am

How could residents throughout Mid-coast Maine get universal access to high-quality internet connections? Debra Hall, chair of the new Mid-Coast Broadband Coalition, will address this question during a Zoom meeting of Camden Rotary Club at noon on Tuesday, February 16.

The select board members, technology consultants and citizens from Camden, Rockport, Hope, Lincolnville, and Northport who belong to the coalition hope that people from other Midcoast communities will join their effort to bring the benefits of high-speed telecommunications to everyone in the region. They regard universal broadband access as a means of expanding educational and economic opportunities, making telehealth more available to seniors, and attracting young families and a vibrant workforce to the area.

Hall, who has 40 years of experience as an international corporate, regulatory and technology attorney, is passionate about the need for high-quality internet access. She previously led a successful effort to bring fiber-optic to 541 homes in Naples, Florida. She has continued to champion internet access as a member of the Rockport Technology Ad Hoc Working Group and later as an elected member and chair of the Rockport Select Board.

“Access to high-speed internet is not an option,” Hall says. “It is an essential driver of today’s economy and social fabric. We need smart, efficient, financially viable and creative means to ensure the availability of high-speed internet throughout the Mid-coast.

Hall’s presentation will be the fifth in a monthly series the club is hosting to foster learning about and finding creative solutions for local economic challenges. It followed talks by Martha Bentley, director of economic development coordination for the State of Maine, on the State’s 10-year economic development strategy; Bill Najpauer, executive director of the Mid Coast Economic Development District  (MCEDD), on regional economic trends; Jason Judd, executive director of Educate Maine, who told about the work of MaineSpark in preparing the state’s workforce for skilled jobs; and Mid-Coast School of Technology Director Bobby Deetjen

The speaker series stems from the club’s efforts to promote economic and workforce development as a means of alleviating poverty, food insecurity, and other regional challenges. Previous talks have indicated that improved internet access is essential for economic progress.

Anyone who would like to attend can obtain connection details from Stephanie Griffin: