When you draw a blank
What do you do when your mind goes blank while you’re speaking to an audience? Freak out? Cry? Keel over? Wish the floor would open so you can drop through it? In today’s vlog I offer a few ideas to help you when your thoughts go on vacation during a presentation. Fear not: it happens to a lot of people. You can deal with it in a poised, thoughtful manner that will allow you and your audience to remain calm and confident.
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About this blog:
As you were saying . . .
Beverly Scott takes great delight in helping people get over the discomfort of performing or presenting in public. She holds a Masters Degree in Communications with an emphasis in theatre and drama; co-ran a community theatre in Kansas; traveled around the country teaching for the American Management Association; and has worked with countless students of all ages to aid them in relaxing, focusing, breathing fully, giving freely. Above all, she loves teaching. Beverly is thrilled to help people break free of fear and limitation to gain a sense of poise, clarity and assurance. You may send questions or comments to her at 123beverlyscott@gmail.com.