This Week in Lincolnville: Buried Treasure
Thirty-five years ago something was buried in an overgrown field. And (mostly) forgotten.
Except by the 14 who were there. And maybe their teachers.
It was 1989 and social studies teacher Laurie Pendleton had an idea for her eighth grade class, which was likely a bit challenging to teach in that final spring of their time at Lincolnville Central School. She would have her students create a time capsule, a galvanized trash can full of artifacts from the late 1980s.
Students in the class contributed random items that might be significant to a future generation. It was buried far behind LCS, and a map was created, along with a letter intended for the LCS eighth grade of that science fiction year of 2019.
I was one of the 14.
In the Spring of 1989 we were ready to get out of Lincolnville. Many of us had spent nine years together, since that first private Kindergarten in the corner of the cafeteria. Some joined us along the way, and we had become our own, marginally dysfunctional, family. But it was all about to change, though we were blissfully unaware young adolescents.
We grew up. We moved on to the Camden-Rockport High School that autumn, and made new friends. Some of us stayed close. Some of us became familiar faces we passed in the hall. We left Lincolnville, we stayed in Lincolnville, we came back to Lincolnville. We found joy and success and heartbreak and loss. We aged and grayed; we were never again together the way we were in that spring of 1989.
Sometimes, when we connected, someone would mention that time capsule, and muse about whatever happened to it. The LCS we attended was gone, condemned and bulldozed and replaced. If we ever even found the map we created, it would be useless, as we had based it on the footprint of the old school.
Flash forward to June of 2024. A certain town administrator, digging through the Town Office vault, came upon a document with the name of his former finance director- dated 1989. Jodi Richards. She was one of the 14. And, apparently the one we designated to write the letter to the Class of 2019.
The letter, the maps, the list of artifacts were there all along, preserved thanks to a municipal government that never throws anything out- a fact that I know the Lincolnville Historical Society greatly appreciates.
And thanks to the double-edged sword that is the internet, Jodi and I were able to connect with most of our former classmates. Josh Coombs, who was always good at this sort of thing, was able to use Google Maps to tentatively locate where we must have buried it. The overgrown field is now the baseball diamond. It was buried somewhere between second and third base.
Don’t know how he did this, but Josh is a bright dude, and I’d trust him.
But given the amount of construction that has occurred over the last 35 years, it is debatable whether it is even still there.
This was all uncovered as my middle boy attended his final week at LCS, the last days he would have with classmates he has been with for nine years. As the class of 2024 graduated Camden Hills Regional High School, and moves on to their own joys and triumphs and hardships.
Buried treasure, even if the treasure consists of old TV Guides, Koosh Balls, and snack wrappers. We were here, and we were young, and we were together.
And to the LCS class of 2019, my niece Zoe among them, sorry you were denied the opportunity to uncover our time capsule. But from the artifact list I see there were audio taped interviews, and we, the class of 1989, are pleased you didn’t have to hear them. We are sure they were cringe.
So Tuesday is voting day. Vote in the primary, vote on local candidates for Select Board as well as School and Budget Committees, vote on the school budget. And Thursday at 6 p.m. at Walsh Commons will be the Town Meeting.
Politics are local, so do your part. This little town is great because you participate.
For the loved ones of Cecil Dennison, a great man. I served with Cecil on the Budget Committee for many years, and he loved this town. He was soft spoken and funny as heck.
And to Peg Carney DiGiovani, my old neighbor on Slab City Road. Such a warm and loving woman, and I am honored to have known her.
I will admit that it feels a little melancholy, reminiscing about my youth. Maybe a bit the way this year’s graduates feels, whether they are leaving LCS for the high school, or Camden Hills for the world beyond. I wish them all the best.
Congratulations to the graduates, love to their families. Love to all the people in this little town of ours, be kind and be good, and reach out to me at
Monday, June 10
Recreation Commission, 4 p.m., Town Office
Select Board,5 p.m., Town Office
Tuesday, June 11
State and Primary Elections, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., LCS Gymnasium
Library open 3-6 p.m. 208 Main Street
AA Meeting 12:15 p.m., Community Building, 18 Searsmont Road
Wednesday, June 12
Library open 2-5 p.m.
Harbor Committee, 6 p.m. Town Office
Planning Board, 7 p.m., Town Office
Thursday, June 13
Conservation Commission, 4 p.m. Town Office
Town Meeting, 6 p.m. LCS
Friday June 14
AA Meeting 12:15 p.m., Community Building, 18 Searsmont Road
Library open 9-12, 208 Main Street
Saturday, June 15
Library open 9-12, 208 Main Street
Sunday, June 16
United Christian Church, 9:30 a.m. Worship, 18 Searsmont Road
Bayshore Baptist Church, 9:30 a.m. Sunday School, 11:00 worship, 2648 Atlantic Highway