Waldo County Sheriff’s Office beat: OUI, driving to endanger
BELFAST — The Waldo County Sheriff’s Office reported the following activity June 3-14. An arrest or summons does not imply guilt.
May 26 (late entry)
Jonathan A. Berry, 47, of Lincolnville, was issued summonses for driving to endanger and criminal mischief on Northport Avenue in Northport.
June 3
Ann Otteson, 76, of Penobscot, was issued a summons for failure to register a vehicle (30-150 days expired) on Swan Lake Avenue in Monroe.
June 5
Kurt Brasslett, 49, of Glenburn, was issued a summons for speeding 45 mph in a 35 mph zone on Boston Street in Winterport.
June 6
Terri-Lynn Fowler, 43, of Unity, was issued summonses for an inspection sticker violation and failure to register a motor vehicle (over 150 days expired) on Swan Lake Avenue in Belfast.
Gary Martin, 45, of Hampden, was issued a summons for failure to register a motor vehicle (30-150 days expired) on Route 69 in Winterport.
Reanna A. Emery, 22, of Old Town, was issued a summons for criminal speeding 30+ mph over the speed limit on North Searsport Road in Frankfort.
June 8
Katelynn Wallace, 20, of Winterport, was issued a summons for operating after suspension on Monroe Highway in Brooks.
June 9
Sherry D. Curtis, 47, of Unity, was arrested for operating under the influence and issued a summons for operating after suspension on School Street in Unity.
June 10
Jesse L. Curtis, 51, of Unity, was arrested for burglary of a motor vehicle, assault, and violating conditions of release on Bangor Road in Unity.
*The age of one person listed was incorrectly given as four years old in an earlier version of this story and has been corrected to reflect their actual age.
Erica Thoms can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com
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