Union Select Board to hold public hearing on extending metallic mining moratorium
UNION – The Union Select Board will convene this evening to consider extending the moratorium on metallic mining for another 180 days. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m., in the William L. Pulled Municipal Building meeting room, and will be streamed live at https://townhallstreams.com/towns/union_me
The moratorium follows a town vote June 13. That was the result of private mining interests in Union and Warren land.
Exiro Minerals Corp, a mineral exploration company based in Canada, first introduced itself to the town at a February Select Board meeting. In March, representatives of Citizens Against Residential Mining Activity appeared before the Select Board, explaining their intention to gather signatures to place a proposed amendment to the town’s Land Use Ordinance on the June ballot.
The stated purpose of the mining moratorium is to prevent any metallic mining, including industrial mining and explorations, to give the Planning Board time to rectify inconsistencies in the current ordinances and comprehensive plan. It has been in effect for 180-days beginning March 21, 2023.
During the moratorium “exploration for and/or extraction of industrial metallic minerals, and or metallic mining whether permanent or temporary, and any activity associated with the exploration and/or mining, within the Town of Union” would be prohibited and the town would “issue no license, permit, or approval: for the prohibited activities related to metallic mineral exploration or mining.
The full text of the moratorium can be found here.
- Call Select Board Meeting to order.
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Open public hearing on Metallic Mining Ordinance Moratorium Extension
- Close public hearing on MMOME
- Approve minutes of Tuesday, Tuesday November 21, 2023
- Approve Treasurer’s Warrants dated Tuesday, December 5, 2023
- Vote to extend the Metallic Moratorium and additional 180 days
- Chief Thompson request to discuss fire apparatus
- Town Manager’s Report
- Other Business
- Public Comment
- Committee Reports
- a. Broadband
b. Green Space
c. Sestercentenniald. Ambulance Advisory
- Select Board Report
- Adjourn