‘we have so much of which to be proud’

Union’s Sestercentennial committee begins planning 2024 event

Sub-committee volunteers, suggestions welcome
Mon, 12/05/2022 - 4:00pm

UNION — The town of Union was founded in July 1774 and will be recognizing that history in July of 2024 with the theme Looking Back to Look Ahead. Planning is underway by a group of volunteers who are excited about the possibilities to bring every citizen in Union together to help celebrate the Sestercentennial – 250 years.

A variety of activities are being considered and it will take many hands to help plan and implement the celebration. The committee invites community members to help with planning and to submit ideas for the celebration by emailing unionme250@gmail.com.

“I love living in the town of Union,” said long time Union citizen Janice Harriman, in a news release.

She remembers serving on the planning committee in 1974 when the town celebrated their 200th year. Harriman shared “the people of Union have always been so friendly - it’s a wonderful union of people.”

In the closing celebration in 1974 a time capsule was buried on the Union Common near the war memorial statue. The time capsule contains a variety of items, including coins, catalogs, photographs and a 1974 Town Report. The capsule will be dug up and buried again with items reflecting the year 2024.

The committee envisions that activities will be taking place over several months leading up to July 2024. The committee will be collaborating with local groups including the students and staff of the Union Elementary School.

“It will take many hands to plan and implement the celebration and the committee is excited about every local citizen having the chance to celebrate our history and our future since we have so much of which to be proud,” said the committee.

If you’re interested in serving on a sub-committee or have suggestions or questions please email unionme250@gmail.com.