Maine Artists

Travel the Blackie Langlais art trail

Follow the trail and discover some of Maine’s most imaginative art
Sat, 02/22/2014 - 10:15am

    There's a new art trail in Maine.

    Thanks to Colby College and Kohler Foundation of Wisconsin there is a “trail” of wood sculptures and reliefs made by late Cushing sculptor, Bernard (Blackie) Langlais at nonprofit organizations in Maine and throughout the country.

    The Langlais estate was willed to Colby College by Langlais' wife, Helen Friend Langlais, when she died in 2010. Colby College Museum of Art Curator Hannah Blunt contacted Kohler Foundation, which deals in the conservation and placement of art, and approximately 2,900 pieces of Langlais' works were transferred to the foundation.

    In turn Kohler Foundation's Terri Yoho and Susan Kelly have been working at distributing and gifting many of these works to nonprofits, mostly in Maine. Georges River Land Trust has also become involved and is collaborating with Colby and Kohler Foundation to maintain and preserve the property and sculptures in Cushing. Plans are in the works for a sculpture park on the Langlais property to open this summer.

    To explore and plan your own trip along the the Bernard Langlais art trail, or see which pieces are in your town, click here.