Support Mike Ray for House District 40
I'm writing in support of Mike Ray, who is running to represent House District 40. The included towns are Appleton, Islesboro, Liberty, Lincolnville, Montville, Morrill and Searsmont.
I first met Mike six years ago while we were canvassing for another candidate. But Mike's political involvement goes back much further. So now that he's chosen to be a candidate himself, he has enthusiastically jumped in with both feet! And he has already sat in on legislative committees both in person and remotely, witnessing the process in action.
As a member of Lincolnville's Select Board, he has a keen interest and awareness of the issues facing our municipalities. His hope, if elected, is to act as a liaison for more effective communication and action between our local and state governing bodies.
My other contact with Mike is through volunteering at the Waldo County Woodshed. We are both regulars and Mike is always willing to jump in and help wherever needed, whether it be processing firewood or helping folks load their vehicles with the wood we distribute. He has a pleasant even-keeled demeanor and is willing to talk to just about anybody. Not only that, but he also taught me how to operate the wood processor, which I love, then graciously stepped aside and handed over the controls.
As I said, Mike has spent many years actively involved in other people's campaigns and now it is his turn to shine! Please join me by casting your vote for Mike Ray.
Bernice Nadler lives in Montville