orange: “its vibrancy makes an impactful statement”

South School students practice kindness, inclusion, and acceptance in honor of Unity Day

Mon, 10/30/2023 - 5:00pm

ROCKLAND — Unity Day is part of National Bullying Prevention Month, a month-long event to prevent childhood bullying and promote kindness, acceptance and inclusion.

South School (RSU #13) staff and students were encouraged to wear orange because it is a color commonly identified with the month and the autumn season. It is also a color that is associated with safety and visibility, according to Brenda Thomas, media liason for South School. It is a color described as warm and inviting, and its vibrancy makes an impactful statement.

All shades of orange were worn and provided a visual representation of unity around the message that no child should ever experience bullying, and that all students deserve to be safe in school, online, and in the community.

Principal Arroyo offered opening comments for a school-wide assembly, and said, “I’m so happy to see so many of you wearing orange and making our school a place where everyone feels safe, valued, and included. Let’s show our unity, not just today, but every day, because together we can make a difference and build a better, more compassionate world.”

South School students contributed their own unique experiences, creative ideas, and strategies by writing positive messages on leaves that were attached to a Unity Tree displayed near the school office for all to see.

“The Unity Tree is a powerful symbol reminding everyone that bullying can be prevented when we all come together – united for kindness, acceptance and inclusion,” said Thomas.