
Shape-Shifter Moon, 2023

Wed, 12/13/2023 - 7:30pm

    In early November

    the Beaver Moon reminds us:

    to stack the wood and stock the freezer,

    to mend the thick down quilt,

    to patch the roof and clean the chimney

    before the Cold Moon arrives.


    And then, in late November, 

    when the Beaver Moon is full, 

    we watch her as she shreds her bark

    and gnaws at slices of light

    night after night until, 

    longing for her cozy lair,

    wrapped in her blackest cloak,

    she retreats to her New Moon lodge (December 12).


    In her den the Shape-Shifter Moon

    of our winter hours 

    yawns and stretches,

    paints and sketches,

    chooses frost from her closet of colors,

    then opens the door just enough

    so a sliver of silver slides into view

    and we see a young moon's slender curve

    as she skates out onto the First Quarter

    of her icy sky-rink (December 19).


    Growing daily in her beauty,

    the Cold Moon of December 

    adds layers of light to the path

    toward the Longest Night

    of the Winter Solstice (December 21)

    and sends prayers for peace

    around the Earth

    on the day of her fullness

    (December 26).


    Janet N. Gold lives in Camden