S.E.A. offers new grants to local teachers through mission of producing better stewards of local watersheds
S.E.A. invites teachers in Appleton, Camden, Hope, Lincolnville and Rockport to apply for a grant of up to $500 to fund a project or program that furthers the S.E.A. mission: to increase community awareness of ways to be better stewards of local watersheds. Projects should include ways for students to collect and share data, and grants can also be used for professional development
New for 2023: High school students may apply for an individual or group grant as long as they have the support of a teacher.
Please submit your application online before March 4. S.E.A. hopes to announce awards before the end of March.
Building bird houses, growing native plants, studying local and invasive crabs, searching for micro plastics, and protecting Amphibians on Big Night Amphibian. S.E.A. has supported all those projects and many more and awarded over $11,000 in grants over the past three years.
What would you like to do with a little help?
For more information, and an application form, please visit www.StewardshipEducationAlliance.org/grants. If you have questions, please send an email to info@StewardshipeducationAlliance.org.