Letter to the editor: Jennifer Healy

Save the Dam Falls

Mon, 08/02/2021 - 1:00pm

Thomas Paine wrote “Such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing.”

Unfortunately, the Select Board in Camden has chosen what it considers the “best option” to address Montgomery Dam and sea wall concerns in our harbor while leaving the residents of Camden essentially uninformed from its’ predetermined choice. The truth is the Board members are working diligently to push through a proposal that involves dam destruction and rearrangement of one side of Harbor Park.

Please, Select Board, do not proceed in isolation, but share the multiple options presented by the Interfluve study and create an open forum for differing opinions and perspectives. Do not continue to disregard or dismiss those businesses and Camden residents who have reached out repeatedly over several years now for a respectful exchange of ideas and information.

Your efforts have not succeeded in wearing these business owners and residents down but has encouraged them to carry on with their strong spirit and determination that consistently contributes significantly to the heart and fiscal success of this town.

The truth is, residents and our visitors from away, who are the touchstone of our business economy, want to experience the accessibility of the falls. At the same time, they understand and support efforts for repairs as needed for the Montgomery Dam and sea wall to be followed through on with safety, efficiency, and fiscal responsibility in mind. Let’s not destroy our heritage needlessly when there are multiple options available. The options just ask for the “liberty of appearing.”

The truth is, reasonable and thoughtful Camden residents welcome being part of the process and having all of the options from the Interfluve Report presented and not just the one choice of the Select Board being steered over the falls.

Jennifer Healy lives in Camden