Pilot Distractions

‘Prankvertising’ telekinesis stunt in coffee shop sweeping the Web this week

Wed, 10/09/2013 - 6:30pm

    Imagine trying to get yourself a cafe latte in New York City’s ‘sNice Cafe in the West Village, when all of the sudden, the girl in the corner whose laptop just got coffee spilled on it goes supernova. She has full blown rage for the guy who did it. All of a sudden the guy is slammed up against the wall and driven upward by some unseen force. Then the tables and chairs all move on their own and books come flying off the bookshelf.

    How would you react?

    Apparently, this was an elaborately staged promotion for the upcoming remake of the thriller Carrie, engineered by Sony. And while the jury is out whether everyone in this clip is an actual real customer, the idea is pretty novel, which is why this video has amassed more than 18 million views since it came out.

    Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com