National Prescription Drug Takeback Day scheduled for Saturday is postponed until April 2024
The National Prescription Drug Takeback Day scheduled for Oct. 28 has been postponed.
“In light of the horrific incident in Lewiston, its impact on the public, and out of respect for the need for law enforcement agencies and personnel to stay focused on the ongoing investigation, DEA’s Portland Maine Resident Office has CANCELED Maine’s drug take back event scheduled for Saturday, October 28, 2023,” said the Maine office of the Drug Enforcement Administration. “We will resume with the next take back event in April 2024.”
Knox County had been ready to participate at area fire departments, but the event is canceled.
National Prescription Drug Takeback Day addresses a crucial public safety and public health issue. According to the 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 5.8% of people aged 12 or older reported misusing a prescription drug in the past 12 months.
According to The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, two-thirds of teens who misused prescriptions for pain in the past year got them from family and friends, including their home’s medicine cabinets, making it essential to safeguard medicine in the home.
The DEA’s Take Back Day events provide an opportunity for Americans to prevent drug addiction and overdose deaths.
Drug Take Back Day is sponsored by the US DEA & Maine Sheriff’s Association.
To find out how you can become involved locally, contact Jamie Lovley, Substance Use Prevention Specialist, Penobscot Bay Community Health Partnerships – 236.6313, Ext. 4;