letter to the editor

National Popular Vote is remarkably divisive

Wed, 05/22/2024 - 1:45pm

Our Maine legislature is attempting to usurp our beloved U.S. Constitution by joining the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPV). Their intent is to nullify the Electoral College by passing LD 1578. NPV pledges Maine’s electoral votes to the winner of the National Popular Vote, regardless of the results of Maine’s voters in the 1st and 2nd Congressional Districts. If the NPV had been effective in 2016 and 2020, the 2nd District’s electoral vote would not have gone to Donald Trump, the voter’s majority choice, but to his opponents, disenfranchising every Trump voter in the 2nd CD. Hooray Democracy! 

The National Popular Vote is a concoction by far-left political operatives to create an energy outlet for their active base. It has no constitutional standing and will require a mass propaganda initiative by the corporate media to convince Americans it has standing. 

The NPV is remarkably divisive and its entire purpose is to usurp our federal constitution. I urge Mainers to join me in contacting our local legislators and asking them to uphold their oath by protecting our constitution by removing Maine’s partnership in the NPV next legislative session. 

Paula Sutton lives in Warren