Midcoast Foodie Festival raises $28,000 For Finding Our Voices

Businesses across 15 Midcoast towns raised $28,000 for Maine domestic abuse survivors in July's Finding Our Voices second annual "Into the Light!” Foodie Festival.
Sixty eateries from Searsport to Thomaston, including Islesboro and Vinalhaven, donated proceeds of yellow food and drink menu items, Windsor Chairmakers raffled a yellow hand-crafted chair, Glendarragh Farm Lavender sold yellow scarves and Barnswallow sold yellow books, and 11 businesses and individuals donated money in sponsorships including $2,500 from First National Bank.
Thirty-five downtown businesses contributed yellow items ranging from throw blankets and dog biscuits to binoculars and children’s books as prizes for a Selfie Raffle. The raffle garnered 150 photo-entries of diners enjoying yellow taste treats ranging from yellow rose gelato from Freya’s to Irish Eggs Benedict at Buttermilk Kitchen and golden raspberry jam at Hubbard Brook Farm in the Camden Farmer’s Market.
Raffle winners were Matthew Moore of Camden for the pet basket, Heather Howard of Lake Worth Florida for the children’s basket, and Anthony Passaro from Collingswood, New Jersey for the adult basket valued at $2,000.
Proceeds of the fundraiser will help the nonprofit meet an expected spike in need for services in the upcoming holiday season from Maine women trapped in domestic abuse, with payments for emergency shelter, car, legal, and home security costs, according to Patrisha McLean, CEO and Founder of Finding Our Voices, in a news release.
“Domestic abuse survivors will tell you that it was always worse during the holidays — for so many reasons including financial strain and increased alcohol consumption — and how beautiful that the generosity of the Midcoast business community will bring light in this traditionally dark time to women and children all across the state," said McLean.
The group is “definitely” bringing the event back for a third time in 2025, and still deciding if it will be in the Midcoast again or another region in Maine, said Finding Our Voices.
Participating eateries included Dos Gatos Gastropub and Wiley’s donating $1,669.63 and $700 respectively, 18 Central, 40 Paper, Alsace, Apron at Terminal A, Aster & Rose at the Youngtown Inn, Atlantic Baking Company, Bixby Chocolate, Black Goat Test Kitchen & Supperclub, Bleecker and Greer, Barren's Distillery, Brazen Baking, Buttermilk Kitchen, Cafe Louis, Camden House of Pizza, Causeway at the Craignair Inn, Common Wealth Farm, Dark Harbor Shop, Delvino’s, Dots Market, First Fig, Freya’s, Frontier Maple Sugarworks, Hey Sailor!, Hubbbard Brook Farm, In Good Company, KaChai Thai Street Food, Laugh Loud Smile Big, Laurel's Dolce Vita, Long Grain, Mosaic, Must Be Nice Lobster, Nina June, North Beacon Oyster, Norumbega Inn, Paper Plane, Pottle’s, Primo, Rock City Coffee, Rose Cottage Bakery, Salt Wharf, Samoset Resort, Sea Dog Brewing, Skal, Slipway, Station 118, Sterlingtown Public House, StreetFood 330, Stone Fox Farm Creamery, Sweet Monkey Business, The Atrium in the Rockport Harbor Hotel ,The Only Doughnut, The Place Bakery, The Scone Goddess, Thomaston Cafe, Vinolio, and Whale's Tooth Pub.
Sponsors included First National Bank, Dirigo Law, Borden Cottage, Viking Lumber, and Lucinda Watson.
Finding Our Voices is a Camden-based survivor-led nonprofit mitigating the stigma, isolation, and financial abuse that are the key factors trapping women and children and pets in domestic abuse. It provides sister-support across Maine with healing retreats and online support groups, donated dental care through Finding Our Smiles, and funding for emergency shelter as well as car, legal, and home security needs. Its ground-breaking survivor-powered public awareness campaigns include posters and bookmarks featuring the photo portraits and quotes of 45 Maine women survivors as well as presentations including to schools. For more information visit FindingOurVoices.net or contact Patrisha directly at hello@findingourvoices.net