Merryspring online talk with Tim Shaw: Breakwater Birds
Tim Shaw will lead an online presentation called, Breakwater Birds, hosted by Merryspring Nature Center, on Tuesday, January 14, at 12 p.m.
Why is the Breakwater a focus for birds? It’s a food factory for fish, crustaceans, marine invertebrates, mollusks, saltwater plants, and insects, according to Merryspring, in a news release. The Breakwater provides shelter from wind and waves, is a place to find mates or relax.
What can you see? Predominately sea birds, waterfowl, and shore birds; breeding and winter plumages; feeding and courtship behaviors; preening.
What makes it good for photography? Often you can get close to birds, sometimes very close. North/South orientation of the Breakwater makes front and back light situations and different water/wave conditions. Tides provide multiple feeding opportunities and expose different habitats. There is always something different on every visit.
This talk is part of Merryspring’s Online Winter Talk series, co-sponsored by Camden Riverhouse Hotel.
Online Talks are held as Zoom webinars. This Zoom link: can be used for all Merryspring Zoom talks. The link can also be found on the website calendar,, or you may request the link via email:
Online Talks are open to everyone, free of charge.
Merryspring currently does not record nor distribute Tuesday Talks.
Merryspring is your community nature center offering walking trails, cultivated gardens, wildlife, and ecology and horticulture educational programs all year round. The park is located at the end of Conway Road, just off of Route 1 in Camden behind Hannaford Shopping Plaza. For more information on this program, please contact or call 207-236-2239.