Maine Playwrights One Act Festival accepting submissions
BELFAST — Belfast Maskers' artistic director, Tucker Atwood, is accepting submissions for the inaugural Maine Playwrights One Act Festival. The festival runs June 20-29, 2025, at the Basil Burwell Community Theater, owned and operated by Belfast Maskers, at 17 Court Street, in Belfast.
"As a playwright always on the lookout for these opportunities, I am looking forward to helping support the works of my fellow Maine
writers," said Atwood, in a news release. "Whether you are an accomplished writer with volumes of work or an intrigued newcomer to the page, we welcome your stories. The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2025, so mark your calendars and prepare your typewriters."
The four to-be-selected plays will be directed by Cassidy Small, Zafra Whitcomb, Angelina Nichols, and Olivia West, who, along with producer Tucker Atwood, will select casts from volunteer actors who will audition in the spring.
The festival's first weekend will feature cabaret-style seating with wine, cheese, soft drinks, and more. The following weekend will be presented with normal theater seating.
The writers of the four chosen plays will receive $150 in royalties and a complimentary ticket to a performance during the second weekend of performances. If a ticket to the first weekend's Cabaret-style is preferred, the value of a normal theater seating ticket will be comped and only the difference will be due.
To submit a One Act play for consideration, please send a blind (i.e. without your name) PDF version of your script to Title your email “2025 Maine Playwrights One Act Festival Submission.” Only one script submission will be considered per playwright. In the body of your email, please include the following:
Your name and pronouns; your town of residence; the production, staged reading, and/or workshop history of the play, if applicable; if not, an acknowledgement that it is a new and original play; the estimated running time of the play; and the cast breakdown and flexibility if applicable (i.e. 2 M, 2 F, 1 M/F).
The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2025. These submission guidelines can be found at along with details about their full 2025 season of productions and volunteer opportunities.