Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness for all of us
I cannot accept what America may become if the likes of Reagan Paul wins her election. I strongly believe in the founding father's vision: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness for all of us.
I pay taxes, love my country, and I served — VFW. I am a husband, and a father of an incredible woman, who also happens to be a gay person of color.
I've been to countries where religious extremists run the government. Countries known for rampant human rights abuses such as the shaming of and executions of gay people.
As a former service member, I never expected to fight this enemy at home. Our Constitution guarantees freedom of and from religion. The history of zealots foisting their faith upon others and destroying personal liberty is extensive and the Founding Fathers understood this danger well hence our First Amendment. And yet, this is exactly what Christian Supremacists like Reagan Paul want to achieve.
Look at who she associates with. See and understand what organizations she's been sponsored by for events: FAIR, which has ties to white supremacist groups and eugenicists.
FAIR’s founder, the late John Tanton has expressed his wish that America remain a majority-white population: a goal to be achieved, presumably, by limiting the number of nonwhites who enter the country. Lest we forget, the American Eugenics Society directly inspired Hitler. He used to write fawning letters to the organization's founders while he was in prison.
The Wallbuilders (PFLN), a Christian Nationalist think tank that supplies legislators, including Reagan Paul, with policy ideas to impose their far-right religious views on the public. The Wallbuilders’ push the widely discredited idea that America was found specifically as a Christian nation and that the Founding Fathers, including Thomas Jefferson, were Evangelical Christians.
Jefferson was a Deist.
David Barton ,their founder, believes the United States was found as a explicit Christian Nation and the Founding fathers never intended for the separation of church and state.
Barton spoke at a event sponsored by Scriptures for America in 1991, another far right group, that believes Jews are the Satanic offspring of Eve’s liaison with the serpent in the Garden of Eden, while Africans are a separate species of “mud people.”
Other speakers included Holocaust denier Malcolm Ross and white supremacist Richard Kelly Hoskins. Barton has demonized LGBTQ people, arguing that HIV and AIDS are god-given consequences for living out one’s LGBTQ life.
These are just a small example of who influences Reagan Paul.
Her agenda is to impose Christian Supremacist beliefs onto the rest of us. She doesn't believe that we're all entitled to Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness. She in fact believes, as per her perversion of faith, that certain of us Americans ought to be ostracized, persecuted, and criminalized just for being born different.
There is nothing Christ like in creating division that victimizes citizens simply for being who they are. Christ healed, Christ provided succor to the vulnerable, the outsiders, and proclaimed them as the greatest servants in all of God's kingdom.
Matthew 5:5-13
Reagan Paul is a divider; she choses ignore half of her constituency and has pitted our community against each other in District 37. She thrives on fanning the flames of bigotry according to her perverted version of the Christian faith. She has directly targeted the LGBTQIA+ community on more than one occasion. She directly violates the 1st. Amendment and proudly puts her twisted version of Christianity above the needs of our country.
Proverbs 6:16-19
My daughter has no place in Reagan Paul's America. My daughter would face mortal danger in Paul's perverted version of America.
Martin J. Hornung lives in Searsport
I didn't fight for our nation against such only to have it take hold here at home.
We must fight this and win at the voting booth so that America remains the land of the free for all of us.