Legion Post 1 holds 2024 Memorial Day ceremony, May 27
ROCKLAND — Officers and members of Rockland's Winslow-Holbrook-Merritt Post No. 1 of the American Legion will be conducting a Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 27, 2024, at the base of the giant flagpole, which is actually Rockland's Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Memorial, on the corner of Park and Main streets.
The lead-in music supplied by Marlene Hall's Bay Winds North Music Ensemble will commence at 0945 with the ceremony commencing at 1000. Accompanying Bay Winds North will be volunteer members of the Oceanside Middle School Chorus.
Carol Bachofner, former poet laureate of the City of Rockland, is unable to attend, but has supplied one of her poems written especially for the occasion.
“A wreath will be placed at the monument in honor of those brave citizens who have given the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation over its 248 year history,” said Legion Post 1, in a news release.
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Chapman Park
Rockland, ME 04841
United States