Knox/Lincoln counties organize for Robert Kennedy for President, call rally for Feb. 17

Wed, 02/07/2024 - 11:15am
    A rally in support of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s independent bid for the presidency will be held at historic Watts Hall in Thomaston on Saturday, February 17, at 1p.m.
    Representatives of the Kennedy campaign will be present. Featured speakers will include former State Senator David Miramant, of Camden, and former State Representative Jeffrey Evangelos, of Friendship.
    Campaign literature and signs will be available and a volunteer list will be collected at the rally. Bonnie Potter from Chamberlain in Lincoln County is also heading up the effort. Monica Perry, of Appleton, and William Leonard, of Thomaston, are assisting in the effort.
    "We are lucky that RFK Jr. has stepped up to represent all the people of America,” said Miramant. “His knowledge, passion and commitment will go a long way to healing the divide left by party divisions and corporate greed. His bright mind and compassionate heart are sorely needed in these challenging times.
    “RFK Jr. has used his wisdom and talent as a lawyer to protect the environment and the rights of Americans. He is the answer to the concerns about Washington, D.C., that I have heard from the people of Knox County. We have never had more reasons or a better opportunity for dynamic leadership than in 2024."
    "Bobby and I have been good friends for over a decade and share a common deep belief that our nation needs the truth in regards to the tragedies of the 1960s that took JFK, MLK, and Bob's Dad RFK from us,” said Evangelos. “It's the truth that will set the nation free. We don't accept the fairy tales that we were fed regarding these assassinations. Robert Kennedy is committed to seeking justice and is on record that he will free journalist Julian Assange as well. His war on poverty is a throwback to his father's effort to unite the nation in 1967-68.
    “I met Robert in Augusta in 2013 and we immediately hit it off. To this day, he still answers my emails and phone calls, which I think demonstrates his connection  and commitment to common people. I urge anyone interested in Bob's unifying campaign to join us on the 17th."
    Evangelos said a representative of the Kennedy national campaign will also be present to answer questions.
    "We look forward to opening up the meeting to the audience as well, to hear your concerns and answer your questions,” he said. “Please join us on Feb. 17."