John French is right

Thu, 02/22/2024 - 8:00pm

On Feb. 20th, 2024, during the Camden Select Board meeting, we heard from John French. John is a former Select Board member, local business owner and a citizen who served numerous committees to help guide Camden through the maze of challenges, issues and emotions. For decades.

Now probably some in town would find this a bit ironic, considering that John and I differ on some viewpoints: but when he stated that night, “We need the towns of Rockport and Camden to do a better job of working together.”

John French is right.

Rockport and Camden have collectively solved problems in the past and we should ask our town leaders to collaborate on current problems, instead of setting up separate programs and departments. The financial resources that could be reduced & programs made more sustainable simply by sharing the load...

Well, it’s time for OUR towns to treat each other like partners, instead of like grumpy folks on a crowded airline flight. Thank you for speaking up, Mr. French.

Peter Lindquist, former Camden Budget Committee member and current Knox County Budget Committee member, lives in Camden