Holding one’s nose
As this election season unfolds, some Republicans have contended that while they find Trump to be morally and ethically reprehensible, they will still hold their noses and vote the Republican ticket because they support his policies. As self-appointed leader of the GOP one would assume that the policies espoused by Trump are ones that GOP members support. Yet, those holding their noses conspicuously avoid advocating strenuously for many of Trump’s policies.
As examples, three of Trump’s premier proposals include:
1. On Climate Change: Despite an overwhelming preponderance of fact-based scientific evidence linking CO2 emissions to global warming and the lived experience of many suffering through back-to-back one-hundred-year storms, the Trump/Republican policy is to declare climate change a hoax, roll back green energy initiatives, and increase the production and use of fossil fuels.
2. On Health Care: Despite having no workable alternative, the Trump/Republican policy is to continue efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act disenfranchising millions of American citizens from access to affordable health care and allowing medical insurance providers to once again discriminate against those with pre-existing conditions.
3. On Reproductive Freedom: Despite evidence that a majority of Americans support a woman’s right to bodily autonomy and choice concerning health care decisions, the Trump/Republican policy is to continue the restriction of reproductive freedom, leaving these rights to be determined state-by-state, resulting in an abusive patchwork of cruel and restrictive barriers for women and families needing to make intensely personal and private health care decisions.
Susan Collins stands as Maine’s senior Republican member of Congress. Since her Republican colleagues are reticent about openly defending Trump/Republican policies - one would assume that she should be able to explain to Maine citizens how these policy initiatives are in our collective best interests. If she is incapable or unwilling to do that, then one might wonder why she remains a member of the GOP?
But then again, in the spirit of ‘holding one’s nose,’ Collins has informed her Maine constituents that she intends to throw away her vote and write in Nicki Halley for the highest office in the land on November 5, notwithstanding Halley’s now deceitful endorsement of Trump.
Wouldn’t it be refreshing if Senator Collins could display a bit of courageous and principled Liz Cheney backbone? Maine citizens seeking clear-eyed leadership certainly deserve better.
Neal Guyer lives in Thomaston