High school writing club announces winners of “Last Monday of the Month Writing Challenge”
WALDOBORO — On October 30, the Medomak Valley High School Writing Club held its first “Last Monday of the Month Writing Challenge” contest. The prompt for Ms. Barbour’s creative writing class was an article from the New York Times about Eastern European revenant lore.
“Though not all contestants were in the creative writing class, they seemed to catch the Halloween vibe,” said a news release.
The winners are the following: 1st prize, $50, to Rioux Meinersmann for her short story Again I Am Living; 2nd prize, $30, to Teagan Aiken for her poem Monster Under the Bed, and Honorable Mention, $20, to Kylie Blake for her poem The Craving.
“We thank the judges who listened to the authors and completed a contest evaluation sheet: Kali Martin, Paul Forest, Heather Webster (also a writing club mentor), and Kat Silva, a 2006 MVHS graduate and published horror author, who was also a guest speaker that day in Ms. Barbour's creative writing class,” said the release.
The next contest will be held on Monday, November 27. The writing prompt is “Gratitude” with an ekphrastic focus on Edward Hick’s painting Peaceable Kingdom. The contest is open to any MVHS student.
“Please encourage students to write and participate,” said the release. “Also, thanks to a generous donor for providing prize funds, and to Maine Antique Digest for sponsoring our ‘Last Monday of the Month Writing Challenge’ for November.”