attracting, supporting pollinators; Plants You Should Grow Side-By-Side

Garden course with Jean Vose: Growing Gardens for Pollinators, Plants

Mon, 04/26/2021 - 6:30pm

COVID has sparked a deeper interest in gardening throughout the Midcoast. People have always gardened in hard times, but food is only part of that story. They are motivated by the desire for beauty, a creative or physical outlet, contact with nature, or tangible results, according to Jean Vose, in a news release. For many, the most notable interactions for the summer of 2020 were conversing and sharing with neighbors as they all work their gardens.

Mid-Coast School of Technology Adult Education Program welcomes Master Gardener Jean Vose to their Spring Program to present a 2 week program.  It will be held on two consecutive Thursdays, May 13, and May 20, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Each class will feature an interactive slide show presentation with take-home-handouts.

The May 13 live class focuses on "Finding Success with Garden Pollinators." This program highlights Maine’s local pollinators and the plants that feed them.

“Pollinators are critical to our food supply, but many pollinators are in decline due, in part, to habitat issues,” said Vose. “Most of our landscapes have little to offer pollinators in the way of food, but it’s possible to provide a pollinator habitat in the yard. Greater garden yield is the benefit. She will discuss how to create an environment to attract and support them. This includes identification of these creatures and how they work in gardens and where how they overwinter in the yard. Eco-friendly yard tips are included as well as ways to support overwintering pollinators.” 

The May 20 live class features "Companion Planting - Plants You Should Grow Side-By-Side" as a way  to maximize garden efforts. Vose will answer the age-old question of "do carrots really love tomatoes?" Companion planting is a method of getting the most out of one's garden in the most natural way.

“It’s a good way to not only make your garden work but also to make it look good,” she said.

This way of planting focuses on plants that bring in pollinators, help repel bad bugs while improving the health of plants around them. 

“It may seem a little chaotic, but fun,” she said. “So, you'll want to try it in your backyard.” 

Vose is an experienced Master Gardener, certified horticulturist and backyard beekeeper and nature instructor living in Nobleboro where she has created gardens to attract pollinators as well as the other beneficial creatures.  The original homestead, established in 1910, features a farmhouse of that era bounded by more than 10 acres of open fields and mixed woods. The gardens feature vegetables, herbs, ornamental grasses, trees, and shady spots. Most of her gardens have been established for over 15 years. She has been speaking and teaching about pollinators, honey bees, gardens, and garden design for more than 20 years. 


For additional information call 596-7752 opt.3 or to register: