letter to the editor: First Church in Belfast

Concert generates hundreds for opioid recovery; final concert to benefit asylum seekers

Mon, 07/15/2019 - 8:45am

Sunday, July 7, The First Church in Belfast sanctuary was filled with the incredible music of Grammy Award winning pianist Paul Sullivan. The approximately 50 people who attended the concert were enriched by his playing and enjoyed his sharing on each musical piece, most of which he has authored.

The concert was made possible in part by the generous contributions from Viking, Inc. of Belfast and Nickerson Professional Association, also of Belfast.

Donations received at the door went to support the Waldo County Recovery Committee to assist them in the fight against the opioid epidemic. $617 was given toward that work.

On June 14, 2018, representatives of the Waldo County Sheriff’s Office, Restorative Justice Project of the Midcoast, Seaport Community Health Center, Greater Bay Area Ministerium, Volunteers of America of Northern New England and Maine Adult Community Corrections, signed on to a new collaborative effort named the Waldo County Recovery Committee.

Their Mission Statement reads:

Waldo County Recovery Committee (WCRC) supports a vibrant community by providing a deeper understanding of substance use and mental illness, reducing stigma, improving access to treatment, and supporting families and those impacted by substance use. We favor efforts to divert people with substance use disorder and mental illness from the criminal justice system to medical treatment and community support. The WCRC measures success in improved quality of life in individuals and positive change in community.

As part of the Greater Bay Area Ministerium, The First Church in Belfast, UCC strongly supports the efforts of the Waldo County Recovery Committee and is thankful for the work that they are doing to combat the issues of addiction and the opioid epidemic in our area and in the revitalization and hope they bring to many within our communities.

Plans are being made for one more First Church concert this summer, featuring many of our own very talented singers and musicians, on Sunday, August 18. Donations will be accepted at that concert to assist the asylum seekers who have recently arrived in Portland and other parts of Maine. We hope everyone will join us for another wonderful musical experience.

The First Church is an Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ, welcoming all and ADA accessible, located at 104 Church Street with handicapped parking on Court Street.

For more information please call the church office at 338-2282. You can also check us out on Facebook @FirstChurchinBelfastUCC or our website: www.firstchurchinbelfast.org .