Celebrate World Fish Migration Day with a paddle on the Sheepscot River
ALNA — In celebration of World Fish Migration Day, Maine Coast Heritage Trust and Midcoast Conservancy are co-sponsoring a paddle on the Sheepscot River, Saturday, May 21, from approximately 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. World Fish Migration Day is a global celebration to raise awareness about the importance of migratory fish and free-flowing rivers.
Many partners, including Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Department of Marine Resources, Atlantic Salmon Federation, Midcoast Conservancy, and Maine Coast Heritage Trust provide protection of the Sheepscot River to ensure high water quality in this Midcoast watershed.
Registration is required and participants who register for the event will receive details on parking and launch time. The day will begin by gathering at Head Tide Dam, in Alna, to kick off the paddle after a brief presentation on why the Sheepscot River is an important part of maintaining healthy sea-run fish populations.
The paddle down the Sheepscot River will begin below the Head Tide Dam and finish at Sheepscot Village, in Newcastle. Participants will get a ride back to the launch site with a free shuttle provided courtesy of Kieve Wavus Education.
Paddlers should bring their own boat, paddles, and life jackets if they have them. There is a limited number of boats available free of charge upon request. The capacity for this trip is limited to 15 participants aged 15 years and older.
Please pre-register online at midcoastconservancy.org/events. Only those who have pre-registered will be able to join the guided paddle.
For more information contact Melissa Cote with Midcoast Conservancy by emailing melissa@midcoastconservancy.org.
Event Date
Head Tide Dam
Alna, ME 04535
United States