Cast your vote for the exceptional Jan Dodge for District 39
We here in District 39 (Belfast, Belmont and Northport) have the honor and privilege of voting in another term for Democratic Representative Jan Dodge, who continues to serve us with singular energy and dedication. I know my values are alive and well in Augusta if she is there, listening to me and speaking for me!
In this current moment, when the teaching of our true history can come under incomprehensible assault, Jan's steadfast work in the best interest of education has earned her the endorsement of the Maine Education Association, representing teachers and school-related personnel.
Equally important is Jan's advocacy for women's freedom of choice -- in whether to continue or to abort a pregnancy. Bringing a child into this world is a heavy responsibility on many levels. Only the woman faced with the decision, and weighing all the factors that go into it, has any business making that decision, which will impact the life of the child, the mother, the family, even the larger community. I know I can count on Jan to respect this reality when making legislative decisions and I am deeply grateful to her for her intelligent leadership.
We cannot take anything for granted. Please join me in proudly casting your vote, early or on November 5, for the exceptional Jan Dodge!
Diane Oltarzewski lives in Belfast