Agenda set for RSU 20 board meeting Sept. 27

Sat, 09/24/2022 - 11:45am

SEARSPORT — The agenda for the next Regional School Unit 20 school board meeting has been set.

The meeting will be held Tuesday, Sept. 27 at 6:30 p.m. in the SDMHS cafetorium.

Livestreaming will be available.


1. Call the meeting to order

2. Adjustments to the agenda

3. Action: Accept agenda

4. Recognitions: None

5. Consideration of minutes: Sept. 13

6. Consent agenda
a. Finance - Sept. 13
b. Policy - Sept. 12

7. Presentations

8. Public Participation

9. Superintendent Report

10. Committee Reports
a. Policy - Sept. 26

11. Old Business

12. New Business

a. First Reading of Staff Social Media Policy GBEEA

b. Referendum question consideration to consider authorizing construction of a 28’ x 38’ timber framed outdoor classroom at SDHS with a maximum cost of $120,000, with costs funded by federal funds through a state program 

c. Executive session: Negotiations with action to follow 

13. Next meeting 

14. Adjournment