Agenda set for RSU 20 board meeting Sept. 13

Sun, 09/11/2022 - 3:00pm

SEARSPORT — The agenda for the next Regional School Unit 20 school board meeting has been set.

The meeting will be held Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 6:30 p.m. in the SDMHS cafetorium.

Livestreaming will be available.


1. Call to order

2. Adjustments

3. Accept agenda
3.1: Executive session: Legal right and duties of school unit
3.2: Executive session: Labor contract negotiations

4. Action to follow executive session

5. Recognitions

6. Consideration of minutes: Aug. 23

7. Consent Agenda
a. Building, Grounds, Transportation - Aug. 16
b. Policy - Aug. 22
c. Finance - Aug. 23

8. Presentations
a. Administrators and Directors - opening of school year

9. Public Participation

10. Superintendent Report

11. Committee Reports
a. Policy - Sept. 12
b. Finance - Sept. 13

12. Old Business
a. Board delegate nomination for MSMA delegate meeting on resolutions

13. New Business

a. Vote to authorize amendments to MSMA workers compensation insurance declaration of indemnity agreement 

b. Consideration of approval for new support staff hires: 
Michael Doucette, custodian, SES
Amanda Doucette, custodian, central office/district

c. Consideration of approval for the following position: 
Nick Neises, ELCO coordinator

14. Next meeting

15. Adjournment