Agenda set for Lincolnville school committee meeting Nov. 2
LINCOLNVILLE — The agenda for the next Lincolnville Central School school committee meeting has been established.
The meeting will be held Monday, Nov. 2 at 6 p.m. at the school’s library and via Zoom.
For the Zoom link, contact Wendy Tricomi at or (207) 763-3818.
1. Call to Order
2. Public Comment
3. Adjustments to the agenda
4. Signing of the Warrant
5. Acceptance of the minutes of the October 5 regular meeting minutes.
6. Superintendent’s Report
a. Financials
7. Principal’s Report
8. Resignation/Nominations
9. Discuss Action Steps and Measurable Indicators of Success for School Committee Goals
10. Results of research into Solar Power options and review of proposals. Vote on whether or not to pursue solar power options.
11. Discussion of the section of policy IKB that addresses laptop use at home.
12. Items for the Next Agenda. Meeting date: December 7
13. Executive session pursuant to M.R.S.A. 405 (6) (A) Superintendent Evaluation
14. Executive session pursuant to M.R.S.A §405 (6) (D) Negotiations of Memorandum of Understanding for Ending of the 2020-2021 school year
15. Adjournment
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