Ad-Hoc Committee issues recommendations for future of Thomaston Green Park
At Thomaston’s Annual Town Meeting in June 2023, citizens voted to establish, in perpetuity, Thomaston Green Park, located at the former Maine State Prison property. The Thomaston Select Board subsequently authorized and appointed an ad-hoc committee consisting of 21 Thomaston citizens to make recommendations for how the Town should proceed with the park.
The Thomaston Green Park Ad-Hoc Committee was tasked to make recommendations for the maintenance, improvement, and desirable near- and long-term features and uses of Thomaston Green Park to fully realize its potential as community open space and to make it as beautiful, welcoming, functional, and well-used as possible. The Ad-Hoc Committee were tasked with the following:
Identify and evaluate park uses and features that best align with the needs and desires of the community and can be enjoyed by all.
Review and prioritize sustainable options to fund proposed park features and uses.
Create a plan that offers a shared long-term vision while retaining the flexibility to respond to grant funding opportunities.
Base the plan on existing Town guidance (Examples include the Comprehensive Plan, the Parks & Recreation Masterplan, and the land-use ordinances.)
Recommend phases for the implementation of the plan.
Consider the park as a central link in the town’s system of public open spaces and their linking trails.
Offer recommendations for oversight of Thomaston Green Park and perhaps all municipal parks and open spaces.
Offer recommendations as to whether a separate Friends of Thomaston Parks group be established to serve as a 501-c (3) entity for receiving grants and foundation awards.
Develop proposed municipal policy language to govern use of the Thomaston Green Park and other municipal open spaces.
Offer design recommendations for Route 1 developments to enhance access and sightlines from Route 1 into the park.
A public workshop will be held Thursday, September 19, at 6 p.m. to discuss the recommendations presented by the Ad-Hoc Committee at the Thomaston Municipal Building. Recommendations are available to review on the Town’s website.