16 swimmers participate in less formal Hobbs Pond Swim

Mon, 08/19/2019 - 3:30pm

HOPE — Sixteen swimmers, six boaters and a dozen spectators enjoyed the 28th annual Hobbs Pond Swim in Hope on Saturday, Aug. 17. 

This year, the event was less formal with no timing and no placing. 

The swim to the sunken truck axle and back is in mostly shallow, warm water along the edge of the pond, according to Bill Jones. 

Jones noted the event’s most spectacular swim was performed by Neil Krane, who completed the entire half-mile course swimming butterfly. The only other person to accomplish this, Jones said, over Hobbs Pond Swim’s 28 year history is Dollie Slater of Owl’s Head.

Dr. Mara Crans, 52, of Camden
Ivy Packard, 7, of Vermont
Dan Dalrymple of Rockland 
Neil Krane, 66, of Thomaston
George Amrhein of Madison, Connecticut
Margaret Bayse of Bayonne, New Jersey
Hettie Bickman, 13, of Hope
George Bickman, 11, of Hope
Bea Bickman of Hope
Ruth Jahn, 38, of Hope
Alison Jones, 42, of Somerville, Massachusetts
Bill Jones, 82, of Hope
Damon McClure, 47, of Hope
Maureen Ostensen, 59, Hope
Cameron Pinchbeck, 12 of Hope
Susan Rardin, 69, of Camden

Kayakers, who ensured that no swimmers veered too far off course, were Alex Beshay, Lillie Beshay, Iris Eckelman, Petra Jones-McKeon, Matt McKeon, Gracie Packard and Vernon Smith.

Judith Jones, Hazel Eckelman & Talia Jones-McKeon arranged the sign-in and the start.

Afterwards, swimmers, kayakers and spectators gathered at Hope General Store where the McClures hosted a pizza party.

Reach the sports department at: sports@penbaypilot.com