A Healing Testimony: God Healed My Back on 7-11-15
My name is Roy Roden, and I was born with a curved spine. Over the course of my life, it has caused me some problems, but more so over the past few years. Often, I would become stiff in my lower back and experience increasing back pain, especially when I rose up from sitting, playing basketball, or lifting weights. Lately, however, it bothered me even while I was walking on my three-mile daily walk with Jesus.
The Lord promised as I got older, I would get younger. I am one of those called to be a Caleb. I believe when I reach 80, I will take “This Mountain” (See Joshua 14:12-15) and slay the giants for God’s glory! I refuse to believe just because you get older, you have to lose vitality and deteriorate. I know to touch God is to receive the life that is in God! Of course, proper diet, sleep, and exercise are all important factors contributing to overall good health.
During our June 2015 “Fire of His Presence” conference, I received a phone call from John and Shili Haynes, students of Global Awakening (Randy Clark's ministry). They had been on a retreat when the Lord gave them my name. I asked our soundman, Ryan Allen, to put them on our conference speakers to hear their story.
They were hiking in the mountains in upstate New York when the Lord gave to John the name “Roy.” The next day, they went to Walmart looking for Roy so they could pray for him. They checked out people in wheelchairs and so on, looking for the Roy that God wanted to heal. Eventually, they posted their request on Facebook and eventually found me.
Over the sound system, they shared that God had given them a word of knowledge to pray for my back. But even before they prayed, I felt a warm sensation, and the pain instantly left! Since then, the Lord has brought more healing to my upper spine between my shoulders.
Today, nine years later, I am still pain-free. Thank you, John and Shelli, for your faithfulness. God is so good. It’s just like Him to use someone as far away as New York to bring healing to someone through a phone call, witnessed by those in attendance at our “The Fire of His Presence” conference. It truly is His passion to reveal His goodness.
In His heart and love with joy – Roy