MIDCOAST—Valentine’s Day isn't for everyone, especially if you’re flying solo. Whether you’re embracing the freedom of single life or just want to dodge all the heart-shaped clichés, check out five fun, anti-V-Day happenings in the Midcoast that are perfect for singles looking to have a blast on Friday, February 14.

I Hate Valentine's Day Party

Bistro La Cave, Camden

While they are serving dinner for the love birds from 5 to 9 p.m., wear your perfect all-black ensemble and hit their Anti-Valentine’s Day Bash at 9:30 p.m., "where you can nicely dismantle the cheesy Valentine’s décor, make real connections, play some games, and celebrate love in all its fun, unconventional, and carefree forms."

This is a fun event for V-Day rebels with a stack of board games and conversation starters. They even have wristbands:

Red: Open to love and romance (but on your terms).
Green: Ready for anything – surprise me!
Blue: Just here to make friends and chill.
Yellow: Flirting is fun, but commitment isn’t on the menu.
Orange: No thanks, I’m just here for the party.

FMI: Bistro La Cave

Good Tern Wine Tasting

Good Tern Coop, Rockland

The best part of not sharing a bottle of wine with another is... more for you!

From 4 to 6 p.m., the Good Tern Coop is hosting a wine tasting with their wine and beer buyer, Deminique. Enjoy red and white wines from Domaine Montluzia vineyard in France, aswell as a Junmai Rosé Sasanigori Sake. Take it one step further and make a special dinner for yourself or friends that pairs well with these wines and sake with recipes here and here.

FMI: Good Tern Co-op  

Dance Party with The Right Track

Watts Hall, Thomaston

You know the expression, "Dance like nobody's watching?"

Nobody is watching, so go ahead and enjoy yourself and dance to the music of The Right Track, an 11-piece R&B, soul, and funk band. The show goes from 7 to 9 p.m. The Block Saloon will be on-site with a beer and wine cash bar, and Watts Hall will have light concessions available for purchase.

FMI: Tickets 

Singles & Friends Night

Hot Hill Tavern, Thomaston

Hot Hill is getting into the solo vibe "without all the mushy stuff" starting at 6:30 p.m. They'll do giveways, host a human Scavenger Hunt, and play Cards Against Humanity.

"It's a way to get people to talk to each other," said co-owner Carly Laughery. "Because in a bar, sometimes people tend to sink into their phones. We're not going to try and hook you up with somebody. I feel like Valentine's Day, if you're not in a couple, it is kind of depressing."

She emphasized that this night is more for adult humor. 

FMI: Hot Hill Tavern

Love is Funny... with Ian Stuart

Hey Sailor, Searsport

A night of comedy is just what Doctor Lovelorn ordered. Hey Sailor hosts headliner comedian Ian Stuart, star of the YouTube comedy sensation "Welcome to Maine."

He will be joined by comedians Dennis Fogg and Rosellen Earl.

Hey Sailor will have food and cocktails available, and the event starts at 7 p.m. Whether you're single, taken, or "it's complicated," this event is sure to bring a smile to your face. Grab your tickets for $15 before they're gone!

FMI: Tickets

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

NORTHPORT— Spark Bagel, owned by Shawn Williams, is the latest addition in Northport for anyone looking for a sweet or savory breakfast treat.

The bagel shop recently opened to the public on Saturdays.

Although he said he is a big fan of the New York City-style bagel, having grown up in Long Island, his methods stray from the New York style because he makes his bagels with sourdough.

Instead of boiling them in barley malt the New York way, he boils his bagels in a honey water bath using local Swan's Honey, which seals the crust.

Sourcing as much as he can locally using Maine grains, whole wheat, and malted rye from Blue Ox Malthouse, Williams is committed to making a bagel that benefits Maine businesses as well.

"Using local ingredients has always been my focus as a cook," he said.

Williams, who has worked in kitchens his entire career, moved to several states before deciding to land in Maine in 2018.

Taking the leap from his last residence of Austin, Texas, to Northport, wasn't his only pivot. For the last few years, he has been making hand-rolled, honey-boiled sourdough bagels and selling them at farmers' markets, using that test market to springboard into his first brick-and-mortar business.

The small building, formerly Stone Brick Oven Kitchen at 681 Atlantic Highway (Route 1), is now finally renovated.

Until February 15, Spark will only be open on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon before their winter break. The grand opening launch is scheduled for mid-March with expanded days and hours.

Spark offers classic flavors of bagels at $2.50 each, including plain, sesame, everything, poppy, and onion. Their biggest seller, however, is fennel and sea salt.

The winter menu includes several classic breakfast sandwiches and lunch options, along with coffee, juice, and a variety of cream cheeses. 

"We've been serving these sandwiches at the Belfast Farmer's Market for the last three years, so we're building off that menu, but when we fully open, we'll have more sandwiches and more beverages," he said.

Additionally, Spark will offer focaccia and pastries.

To learn more about Spark Bagel visit: www.sparkbagel.com

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

CAMDEN—Though the frigid 15-degree temperatures probably contributed to seeing fewer costumes on the ice this year, the 34th US National Toboggan Championships always brings out the local ice shack tail-gating crowd. From its humble beginnings as more of a locals' event, this has always been the heart of the Toboggan Weekend. We'll take you around and show you why the Maine vibe brings people out to Hosmer Pond every year.

The Camaraderie

From ice shacks to smelt shacks to the ever-popular Eskimo nylon pop-ups, each dwelling in Tobogganville is an invitation for anyone—local or visitor—to come up, say hi, have a chat, have a bite to eat, and maybe even a drink. It is the equivalent of a 1990s college neighborhood party where the figurative front porch is always open. Come on up!

Sitting in camp chairs with the windchill in the single digits, the Grippin' and Rippin' team hung out like it was 80 degrees on a summer day.

"They call us the National Championships for a reason," said Grippin' and Rippin' team member Sam Conlin, of Camden. "People congregate from all over the entire country to come here. This is a staple of American culture, and if you're not here today, then you're nowhere."

The Names

While toboggan teams take their craft seriously, their names are another thing altogether. Here are some of the best:

Hot Ruddered Bums

That's What She Sled

OK Goodbye

Hard and Fast

Unidentified Anomalous Tobagmena

Sweaty Betty and the Yeti

Chute! There It Is

Team Spirit

Being part of a toboggan team is something that friends, work colleagues, or family members — any group of people who decided to form a team — talk about and plan for year-round; it's an identity. Take whiskey on Ice, a team that has been competing since 2014.

"My wife dragged me here in 2013, and I thought it was going to be stupid, but when I got here, I was like, 'This is awesome,' and I've been coming ever since," said Whiskey On Ice team member Jon Maxcy, of Warren.

At the time of the interview, the team had already placed in the top five category.

As far as the team name?

"My friend and I were sitting in my living room one day, and a Hank Williams Junior song called 'Whiskey on Ice' came on, and we decided to name the team that," said Maxcy.

Looking at what Maxcy was holding in his hand — a Budweiser, however, prompted a look.

"Hey, we gotta pace ourselves," he said. "We're a dialed-in team."

Elsewhere on the ice, Big Ash Sled, a team that has been around for a long time, did some practice drills in the snow, sitting on the toboggan in the "full tuck position."

Asked why, if they'd been doing this so long, they still have to practice.

"We've got some new riders this year," said Kenny Corson, of North Haven. "We're teaching them not to take their limbs off when we go down the chute."

Iconic Tobogganville

Here are a few other signature vibes you will find in Tobogganville. A fire pit. A barrel stove. Multiple four-wheelers. Generators. A pot of chili on a propane stove. A few brewskis. A bottle of hard stuff sitting in the snow. Dogs. People dressed in 12 layers looking like the Michelin Man. Food trucks. Beer and cocktail tents. Lots of people standing around in circles and sharing a laugh.

Browse our gallery of photos to get the full picture from the captions.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

MIDCOAST—Coming up in February, Midcoast Mainers will see their favorite Maine shrimp on the market again—for a very short time.

Only seven fishermen were chosen out of 40 applicants to participate in a Winter Sampling Research Program for Northern shrimp and will be allowed to catch 58,000 pounds of Maine shrimp for the first time in more than a decade. Shrimpers will collect samples by either trawling and trapping in one of three regions of the Maine coast: Western Maine (Kittery to Phippsburg), Midcoast Maine (Phippsburg to Owls Head), or Eastern Maine (east of Owls Head). 

In contrast, when the fishery was forced to close due to a stock collapse in 2013, more than 10 million pounds were caught. At that time, the average price per pound was $1.81.

This is driving up a supply and demand frenzy for Northern Maine shrimp, which has not been seen before in Maine.

All but one fisherman chosen to catch Maine shrimp are located in the Midcoast.

Two Midcoast markets, Delano Seafood Market in Waldoboro and Port Clyde Fresh Catch, have announced they will be selling shrimp on a temporary basis—and people are lining up out the door.

Kendall Delano Jr., owner of Delano Seafood Market, had a direct connection to two of the seven chosen fishermen, having been a Maine shrimp peddler himself since the age of 15. He said while many people are clamoring to get the shrimp, others are complaining about the price per pound.

"I was a fisherman for 30 years, and in the winter, I used to peddle shrimp from six different boats out of the back of my pickup truck in Rockland," he said. "It was always about $1.50 a pound back then, but it just can't be that price this time. With only seven fishermen, what they ask for in a boat price is what we've got to give them. What I tell people now is that fuel has gone up, boat parts have doubled, and everything we buy in seafood costs more. And this year, fishermen can name their price because everybody wants it."

Delano said that picked shrimp meat used to be $5-6 per pound, but now that price will likely be around $45 per pound for picked shrimp and anywhere from $12 to $20 per pound for shrimp in the shell, which is on par with the rising prices of crabmeat and lobster.

"It's going to be really hard for seafood markets to get any," he said, adding that he was lucky because he had a personal connection. "The guy I've always bought shrimp from as a peddler got the permit this year. And I know another dragger in this area, so we'll get them as long as possible."

Fishermen can only fish one day out of the week during the trial period. Trappers can only catch 500 pounds and draggers may catch 1,200 pounds, according to the Maine Department of Marine Resources.

Delano said he doesn't know what day of the week the fishermen will start trapping and trawling in February as it is weather-dependent, but he knows one thing for sure: the line out of the door will be long.

"We're taking pre-orders now for both in the shell and picked shrimp and limiting it to 10 pounds per customer," he said. "Last time shrimp were available, our doors opened at 9 a.m., and people were lined up at the door waiting at 7 a.m. The lines were literally from my front door to the road."

Delano said the nostalgia around the taste of Maine shrimp is what is driving the demand. "There's nothing better than just boiling fresh shrimp in the shell and eating them right from the shell," he said. "It's just like eating lobster." 

Glen Libby, owner of Port Clyde Fresh Catch, also has a great connection—his son was one of the chosen applicants.

Port Clyde Fresh Catch will offer whole shrimp and picked shrimp for $45 per pound. Libby stated that this experimental fishing period is for research, and it is entirely self-funded by the fishermen chosen to volunteer. "It's a real risk," he said. "The guys are going out there alone and doing this on their own dime."

Port Clyde Fresh Catch primarily processes crab and fish, but will take on the picked shrimp orders for several reasons. "At $45 per pound to the customer, which is $12 per pound to the boat, we're not making a whole lot here," he said. "I'm basically doing it so my employees will have extra work. We've had comments, 'Oh, you're price gouging,' but I'm happy to have someone come down here any time and I'll show them the math."

The other point Libby wanted to stress is that buying Maine shrimp not only supports the livelihood of these seven fishermen doing important work for the state but also goes toward collecting data that could possibly re-open the fishery.

Though Libby views the shrimp fishery as mismanaged over the years, he hopes that if the research experiment is successful, it will be enough to provide the DMR with solid data.

"There's a common narrative that the Gulf of Maine is warming, but according to DMR data it is as cold as it was 10 to 12 years ago," he said. "That bodes well for a recovery of the shrimp fishery."

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

ROCKLAND—A recent post on the Rockland, Maine, Facebook page asked, "What is there for teens to do in the winter that locals can afford?" which received more than 200 comments offering suggestions. Outside of the local high school programs, there quite a few activities to do for teens around here. PenBay Pilot did some digging, and here are the opportunities broken down by category.


• The Rockland Public Library has a free teen book club, which meets on the first Tuesday of the month. FMI: Book Club

• The Camden Public Library has a YA Book-Lovers Club that meets on a Tuesday once a month from 4 to 5 p.m.  You don’t have to be a teen to like YA books; anyone can attend. FMI: Book Club

• The Belfast Public Library has a specific teen room (BFL Teen Room) where kids (11-17) can check out their Young Adult book collection, use computers, and have comfortable places to work and socialize. They are currently doing a "Call for Artists" for artwork to hang in the YA Gallery. FMI: Library

• The Belfast Public Library offers its last Tarot Deck workshop for teens (11-17) on February 4 from 3 to 4 p.m. "There you will find an inclusive group of teens who love making art and talking about tarot." FMI: Library

• The last session in the Belfast Public Library Teen Art series will take place February 24 on learning about and making Street Art, from 3 to 5 p.m. FMI: Library

• A Valentine's Day card-making event for teens will take place at The Belfast Public Library February 10 from 3 to 5 p.m. FMI: Library

• Center for Maine Contemporary Art (CMCA) in Rockland has a a creative drop-in workshop called ArtLab that's all ages. FMI: ArtLab

• The Camden Public Library offers virtual art classes. FMI: Library

• The Farnsworth Museum offers free admission on the first Fridays of the month, beginning at 4 p.m. They also will be offering a series of pottery, printmaking, and eco-printing over February break. FMI: Farnsworth

• Waterfall Arts in Belfast will be hosting an all-ages art happening called “CBARF: Cardboard Boxes Are Really Fun!” January 25 from 1 to 3 p.m. FMI: Waterfall Arts


• Flagship Cinemas in Thomaston often provide teen-centered movies. They also offer a Film Fanatic Club and a free movie on your birthday. FMI: Flagship Amenities

• The Strand Theatre has a family matinee series for only $5, screened on the last weekend of the month, though it skews toward younger teens. FMI: The Strand

• The Colonial Theatre in Belfast is also offering free family matinees this winter. Check back for their schedule. FMI: The Colonial

• The Banff Mountain Film Festival, short films on outdoor adventure, mountain culture, and the environment will be showing at the Camden Opera House from January 31 to February 1. FMI: Banff


• The Landing Place in Rockland has multiple programs for highly resilient and often marginalized middle and high school students living in Midcoast Maine. Their drop-in center hours are Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. On Tuesday & Thursday afternoons from 2 to 4:30 p.m. teens can get a warm meal, a chill space with WiFi, or to socialize. On Wednesdays from 2 to 4:30 p.m., three programs rotate weekly from community service to the Rainbow Room for LGBTQ+ teens to hang out and relax to The Creative Collective, which hosts a guest artist. Young artists and makers can use the art supplies to work on projects. Check out PenBay Pilot's original story on The Landing Place's opening and core mission. FMI: The Landing Place

• Youthlinks in Rockland offers community service, leadership, and enrichment programs for youth ages 11-17. FMI: Youthlinks 

• Out Maine is a welcoming community for LGBTQ+ with programs for tweens and teens, including an online group Fruit Loops for tweens, and ayouth engagement coordinator who participates in The Landing Place's Rainbow Room teen drop-in. FMI: Out Maine

The Coastal Recovery Community Center has been a member of the RSU 13 Youth Alliance for year and offers a safe, supportive space for people of all ages. This month they are hosting a free valentine making event on Feb 7 at 11 White Street Rockland from 1 to 5 p.m. FMI: Rockland Recovery

archery range have your own gear 8:30-6 m-f 8:$8 hour to rent three lanes.


• Camden Snow Bowl offers a $32 daily rental ski or snowboard package for teens up to 18 years old,  a toboggan chute, and tubing. In addition, several local schools have partnered with the Camden Snow Bowl on group discounted lift tickets and rates for students as well as bus transportation. Call your local school to inquire about more details.

• If you have your own skates, want to buy second-hand skates at a decent price, or rent them, here is a PenBay Pilot list of all the best ice skating outdoor spots in the Midcoast. Maine Sports Outfitters also offers free ice skating on their rink with skate rental. Midcoast Recreational Center additionally has an outdoor rink.

• The Rockland Breakwater is an 8/10 of a mile from Jameson Point each way if teens want to get some steps in, a good TikTok video, or an excellent vantage point for photography.

• Maine Sport Outfitters offers an intro to every Sunday on lakes and locations local to Camden and Rockport for only $20 and will provide all the gear.

 Indoor Sports & Fitness

• Midcoast Recreation Center has an indoor skating rink (with lessons), hockey and figure skating program open to teens, junior tennis, open play pickleball, three indoor virtual golf simulators, and a fitness center.

• Though most of Penobscot Bay YMCA's youth programs are geared toward younger kids, some options exist for teens, including group fitness and aquatics. Its Rockland location, Rockland Harbor YMCA, also has a state-of-the-art fitness Center.

• Planet Fitness in Rockland has a $15 monthly membership, which teens can join for only $1 in a special offer.

• Waldo County YMCA also has a youth membership up to age 18 for $22 monthly with a $50 join fee.

• The Flanagan Community Center, also known as the Rockland Rec Center, offers youth programs, basketball, volleyball, a and a weight room.

The Rockland Police Department Youth Mentorship drop-in happens every Thursday from 5 to 6 p.m. at the Flanagan Community Center. Teens are welcome to attend the group if they like also playing dodgeball or kickball in the gym.

The Belfast Curling Club is actively seeking youths aged nine to 18 to participate in lessons and games from 2 to 4 p.m. on Sunday afternoons. The cost is nominal and the ratio of instructors to students  is generally one to four. FMI: Belfast Curling Club

Johnson's Sporting Goods has three lanes of archery open whenever the store is open for $8 per session. Users have tobring their own equipment, however. FMI: Johnson's

Indoor Entertainment& Games

• The Game Loft in Belfast is a center for teens to play recreational non-electronic games and has become a welcoming teen hangout. It's offered free of charge to all teens. They also do role-playing campaigns and magic tournaments monthly and provide specific road trips to gaming conventions. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays are for teens (6th to 12th grade). FMI: The Game Loft

• The Flanagan Community Center has a game room located on the lower level, with a concession stand, many table games, arcade games, board games, and a living room with a play station, T.V., and a stereo. 

Trapt, Inc. in Rockport has trap rooms, billiards, ping pong, arcade games, food, and snacks.


• Lots of teens enjoy working with animals, and Pope Memorial requires volunteers to be 15 years old while PAWS Animal Adoption Center requires teens to be 16 years old for general duties and 18 years old for dog walking.

Guide Dog Foundation is looking for weekend puppy raisers in the Thomaston and Warren areas, providing vital socialization experiences for puppies. The puppies are currently being placed at the Maine prison, where they live with inmates during the week and receive intensive training targeted for these puppies to become service dogs for veterans with disabilities.

• The Game Loft is always looking for youth volunteers to serve their communities as junior staff, mentors, and volunteers. FMI: The Game Loft.

• The Telling Room, based in Portland, would love to work with teens 18 and over to volunteer with their younger writers.


ª Teens can post for jobs they are looking for on Midcoast Maine Job Search/Help Wanted Facebook Page

• The Simply Hired website with the keywords "teens" and "Midcoast" have generated a list of potential jobs for teens. FMI: Simply Hired

If we missed a listing in any of these categories specific to the Midcoast, please email us at news@penbaypilot.com with your listing formatted with dates, times, and relevant details, as seen above.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

WATERVILLE—As downtown Waterville continues to grow as a vibrant part of Maine's creative economy, it now proudly welcomes a new craft brewery. Cushnoc Brewing Co. opened its second location on 150 Main Street on January 2 with a new name and identity: Cuchnoc Cantina. While the Augusta brewery is known for its wood-fired pizza, the new location is putting its spin on Mexican fare with tacos and other inspired culinary dishes.

"When we were originally approached about opening a location in Waterville, we met with Central Maine Growth Council and saw all of the growth happening," said Tobias Parkhurst, co-founder, adding that Waterville's residents have been a large segment of their Augusts location's customers. "Waterville's been very supportive, and in some sense, Waterville already adopted us as their closest brewery as we were only 18 miles apart."

Regarding the Cantina concept, Parkhurst said they were mindful that there were already several established downtown pizza places and didn't want to compete with their business.

"We also didn't want to be our own competition at our Augusta location," he said.

Craft beer and street tacos are the essential theme of the Waterville brewery, which has an ethos of being "accessible, but nuanced," said Parkhurst.

So, while they don't purport to be a traditional Mexican restaurant ("Just like we don't call our Augusta location an 'Italian restaurant,'" he explained), the menu is heavy on the tacos every which way: carnitas, fish, and chicken for the die-hards, "Lunch Lady Tacos" for the traditionalists, and even Bahn Mi, Bang Bang Shrimp, and Ha-sheesh (vegetarian) and Lobster Tacos for the esoteric.

Rounding out the menu are salads and bowls, as well as other fun fare such as Cantina Tots, Walking Nachos, Avocado Fries, Shrimp Ceviche, and desserts. Also quite interesting for a craft brewery is the addition of a cocktail menu with multiple high-end tequila and mezcal selections.

"We're trying to do with tacos what we did with pizza in Augusta," he said. "A large majority of the menu items are familiar concepts to a wide range of people."

With individual tacos in the $5 to $7 range, he said, "Sometimes it's difficult to be super low-priced and high quality, so we try to walk that line so that people can come in and have a reasonable meal," he said.

The jazzy interior design of the restaurant also checks the "accessible but nuanced" box with big windows, lots of natural light, a sleek, linear bar, and plenty of shareable tables.

While the menu is the buzz of the town — as it is the first restaurant offering Mexican street tacos — the heart of Cushnoc still revolves around the beer.

The new location unveiled two new brews to the standard line up: The Guzman Light Lager, a light Mexican-style lager similar to Corona without the skunkiness, and Up River IPA, made with some experimental hops. The name reflects the brewery's connection to the Kennebec River, both from their Augusta location and now, Waterville.

"We've been making IPAs for six or seven years, and they've gotten better as we go along," he said.

With the Cushnoc Cantina now open, and the wealth of two galleries, three cinemas, public art studios, and rehearsal space for Waterville Opera House, along with the new bookshop, Oliver & Friends next door, it's worth a killer road trip to Waterville this winter.

Related: With new arts center, Waterville cements its resurgence in the creative economy

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

ROCKLAND — “The universe is not made up of atoms; it’s made up of tiny stories.” ― Joseph Gordon-Levitt

The Midcoast Maine Book Arts collective, which the PenBay Pilot covered for its first group exhibition in 2018 (see that story here), is back at it again with a Miniature Book Exhibition at the Rockland Library. The imaginative work made by 15 artists has to be seen up close to appreciate how beautiful they truly are.

Miniature books, by definition, are expected to be no bigger than 3" x 3" x 3," something book artist and founder of the collective, Sandy Wiseman, already knew when she visited the Boston Public Library's miniature book collection.

"They have Bibles; they have Shakespeare," she said. "I was amazed. How can you read Shakespeare in a book that's two inches by two inches?"

Wiseman's gallery of miniature books, called "Troubled Books", is a commentary on the obstacles of accessing physical books and a cheeky reference to the foibles of specific authors.

"Thinking about how hard it is to read Shakespeare in that tiny font, I thought, 'What other troubles do we have with books?' Some of them you can't get into ('Imprenetrable'). Some you can't understand. ('Inscrutable.') Some you can't even get the book. ('Out of Print.') Some you just can't get through. ('Interminable.') And some you just can't understand. ('Incoherent — the little book that goes haywire in the back.')

Artist Richard Reitz Smith's tiny folding book was created using tetra pack plates, which are milk carton materials.

"My inspiration for the work is a long accordion panorama of winter in Maine," he said. "The snow, evergreen trees, open spaces, and the sky. So in the bleak mid-winter, there is peacefulness."

For artist Laura DeGrace's spiky miniature book, she said: "When planning my miniature book, I was reminded of the concept of 'glimmers.' Glimmers are small, fleeting moments of joy that bring a sense of happiness, peace, and calm—often found in the simplest of things. In a world filled with constant motion and distractions, I believe we are all searching for these subtle yet meaningful experiences. This idea of finding beauty in the small, often overlooked moments became the core inspiration for my piece."

The Midcoast Maine Book Arts collective meets every other month with more than 55 members. According to Wiseman, the members' main interest is to work toward a collective exhibition.

Members determine the theme and get to work on their individual projects. Since 2018, they've produced work for a yearly exhibition, but due to the collective's popularity, this year, there will be three.

Find the Midcoast Maine Book Arts on Facebook, or join to get notices of meetings and exhibitions by emailing sandy.weisman2@gmail.com.  

Note: the photos only represent a few of the members' work. Visit the library's glass display cases to see them all.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

ROCKPORT—Author Michael Paul Lund spent many years seeking the answer to the age-old question, "Who am I?" After studying and listening intently to others, he found his path and stopped being a lonely seeker.

His insights will be shared with an audience at the Rockport Public Library January 15 as he reads from his essays, prose, short stories, and published books over the last 20 years. According to the library's event, his "presentation will focus on the beauty of nature and animals; finding peace in spiritual living; and the power of silence."

If the start of the new year with the violence in the U.S. that ushered it in, along with the devastation of California wildfires, has added to a sense of dread for many, this is one author talk that could soothe the spirit.

Born in England, Lund moved to the U.S. with his parents as a young boy. As an adult, he spent a number of summers renting a cottage near Castine — feeling such a connection to Maine that he moved here permanently to the Midcoast in 2006.

"After being a contemplative soul for more than 45 years, I have embraced the philosophy that 'All of life is an inside job.'  That is, we live from the inside out, not the outside in," he said.

"Being a seeker can be a very lonely journey," he elaborated. "Because if you're seeking something you think you don't have. And for many years, nobody really had an answer for me."

He credited a wise friend and mentor who gave him the wake-up call he needed. The older man, a Hollywood movie star from the 1930s who acted alongside Katherine Hepburn and John Barrymore, left Hollywood at the height of his career to pursue a more spiritual life.

As Lund admitted in one of his essays, he was preoccupied and frustrated with attaining spirituality, working very hard at it, when his mentor told him to stop echoing philosophy from books and surrender to the process. The man told him, "Dear friend, you are 'already' the very thing you seek."

"What was unclear before suddenly became clear," said Lund. At once, without trying so hard to attain it, the answers were right in front of him.

Regarding the turmoil many people feel throughout their inner lives when responding to the external stimuli of their environment, the news, politics, relationships, and the actions of humanity, Lund said, "It's very difficult to heal an agitated mind with that same agitated thinking."

For him, focusing on the beauty of nature and animals, finding peace in spiritual living, and using the power of silence are the avenues to quiet the agitated mind.

"I think most people want peace in their lives," he said. "They don't want to be roped into involuntary arguments or stress, and it takes turning away from the external and turning inward, which takes a conscious effort not to let your ego be your answer. Think of your mind as a house on a busy road, and going by, you see all kinds of traffic, say a noisy truck or a flashy sports car. These are your thoughts. Don't allow your attention to latch onto any of them because they are just thoughts passing by."

Having never been formally trained as a writer, he hesitated to put himself out there as an author until another friend hit him with another wake-up call in the form of three words, "Just do it."

Maybe that was the motivational tagline for Nike, but it was also the kind of "cut to the chase" advice he'd come to respect—direct and concise. So, he just did it.

Since then, Lund has published seven books, six in English and one in Japanese/English.

Having once been the seeker and now in a position to share with others what he has learned in his lifelong journey, Lund said, "People often get frustrated if they don't understand the concepts in 15 minutes. But you have to allow yourself a gradual awakening. If it takes a while—it took me a very long timeit's okay. It's all part of the process.'

Quiet Thoughts Read Aloud at the Rockport Public Library will take place January 15 at 1 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. Cozy refreshments and snacks will be provided.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

New Year's Eve falls on a Tuesday this year, which is like having an office party, and then being told to go back to work. Whether you’re a day partier, a happy-hour-then-bag-it-and go-home type, or a diehard up ‘til midnight and beyond, Penobscot Bay Pilot has the complete rundown on what’s happening for New Year’s Eve in the Midcoast, including new venues and events.

The events are color-coded. Enjoy your night, and stay safe!


NYE Community Sing

· All Ages: Belfast Last Night, an all-volunteer-run organization, is putting on a free community singalong at the Unitarian Universalist Church from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to sing along or to share/teach a song to the group. FMI: Community Sing

UU Ukelele

· All Ages: Midcoast Ukes is a group of ukulele players based in Belfast who will be playing at the UCC First Church Sanctuary at 8 p.m. The show is free, but donations are welcome. FMI: UCC First Church Sanctuary

Belfast Library

· All Ages: Do you want to release those old resolutions, negative experiences, and personal regrets? The Belfast Public Library will take your sentiments written on construction paper with a hanging ribbon and burn them in a big bonfire from 5-9:30 p.m. Free to the public. FMI: Belfast Public Library

Additionally, Last Night Belfast is sponsoring the Library's other free event: Conjuring Carroll- Maine's fun magician and family entertainer at 5:15 p.m.

New Year's Eve Games

· All Ages: Boardgame Cafe and Last Night Belfast are hosting an entire day and night of gaming starting at 11 a.m. and going to 11:30 p.m. For $5 per person, explore their game library, which contains more than 100 titles, from familiar classics like Monopoly and Clue to the latest award-winning strategy and cooperative games. The cafe has snacks and drinks such as fresh pastries, quiche, and tea. Play till 11:30 p.m., and join everyone for the midnight bonfire on the beach. FMI: New Year's Eve Games

Belfast Last Night

· Adults: Belfast Last Night also hosts a dance party with DJ Denis at Belfast Maskers from 9:30 to 11:30 p.m. There is a suggested donation of $5-10. FMI: Belfast Maskers

Marina Moonlight

· Adults: The Bayview Point Event Center on Belfast Bay will feature an exclusive event with an Asian fusion street food buffet prepared by Crave Maine food truck, two popular bands, The Hot Suppers and The Sugar Snaps, and a cash bar by Bagaduce Music. The event runs from 6:00-11:00 p.m. for all-inclusive ticket holders and 7:30-11:00 p.m. for show-only guests. FMI: Bayview Point Event Center


Bistro La Cave, Camden

· Adults: Get ready for a New Year's Eve Masquerade Gala for an evening of live music, a four or five-course menu and live music from New Shades of Blue playing until 9 p.m., followed by an energetic party set by DJ Alex Schellhaas. Dining guests will enjoy a complimentary exclusive pass, and for non-dining guests; there will be a $20 cover, which includes photo booths, complimentary masks upon entry, and a champagne glass. FMI: Bistro La Cave

Holiday on The Harbor, Rockport

· All Ages: When the sun sets at 4:30 p.m., luminaries will light Rockport harbor with fire pits, a DJ, and food trucks to add to the festive atmosphere. Then, stay to watch the fireworks at 6 p.m. After that, the Rockport Opera House will be hosting a NYE party with The Right Track band playing and a cash bar by Flatbread. Tickets will go fast. FMI: Rockport Opera House

NYE at MRC, Rockport

· All Ages: Mid-Coast Recreation Center is hosting a sports-themed night of events and tournaments from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. Activities include a late night skate; pickleball (Learn to Play, Open Play, and Random Contests), Tennis (Hit with the Pros, Triples, and Upside Down Tournaments). A sparkling grape juice toast will be offered at the stroke of midnight. Entry to this event is by donation, and you choose the amount. FMI: MRC


The Steel House

· Adults: Practice your best English accent as The Steel House is hosting a British New Year's Eve Party early with food, beverages, and funky music from 5 to 7 p.m. FMI: The Steel House

High Tide

· Adults: A New Year's Eve '80s party is taking place at High Tide starting at 10 p.m. with all your favorite hits performed by Maine's Hottest 80s tribute band. FMI: High Tide

Ada's Kitchen

· Adults: Don’t miss DJ Leather Mommy at Ada's annual New Year’s Eve Party from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. FMI: Ada's Kitchen


Hey Sailor

· Adults: Hey Sailor's Rockin' New Year's Eve will feature the band Rigometrics with a toast at midnight and music til 1 a.m. Doors open at 4 p.m. Music starts at 8 p.m. 21 & over. FMI: Hey Sailor


Watts Hall Noon Year's Eve

· Parents and Kids: Watts Hall starts early with a dance and sing along with Fun Run, a Maine-based Kindie Rock Band, which brings family-friendly singalong songs to children with a sparkling grape juice toast. Their songs tell stories that range from adventurous dogs and ladybugs to teaching kindness. Tickets are $10. FMI: Watts Hall


The Narrows Tavern

· All Ages: The Narrows will have a festive dinner menu along with some drink specials and live music with Mark from 7-10 p.m., then switching it over to the speakers and dancing into the new year! FMI: The Narrows Tavern

kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

For many, the Christmas season is a month to look forward to, but for others, "holiday overload" is real. Between the stress and exhaustion of social commitments, shopping, decorating, and cooking, and the sensory overload that comes with large crowds, sometimes you need to do something fun, relaxing, and non-Christmas related. Here are five upcoming events to soothe the soul.

Gardens Aglow, Boothbay

Ongoing until December 31

With more than 750,000 light displays illuminating the night sky, the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens turns into a quiet winter wonderland under the stars. Trees, grasses, ponds, the children's garden, herb gardens, and outbuildings are lit up as you walk the garden paths.

The enchanting outdoor scenes feature trees and bushes shaped like mushrooms, birds, reptiles, and other animals glowing from within, and many come for the popular giant recycled-wood sculpture trolls, Roskva and her baby sister, Lilja. First-time visitors have called it "spectacular and breathtaking" on review sites like TripAdvisor. FMI: Gardens Aglow

Pagan Coffee Talk and Yuletide Craft Circle, Waterville

Sunday, December 15 at 12 p.m.

Waterville Creates is hosting a chill afternoon for people who like to work with their hands or who just want to meet some new friends. Located inside the Paul J Schupf Art Center in downtown Waterville, the event is free and invites guests to take a craft to work on or make and decorate your own mini Yule Log candle holder with donated supplies.

Organizer Alexis Burbank said the coffee talk will revolve around an open convesation around favorite traditions around the winter solstice, seasonal folklore, and what the Yule log's symbolic meaning for the return of the sun. FMI: Pagan Coffee Talk

Full Moon Hike -Hidden Valley Nature Center, Jefferson

Sunday, December 15, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

If you really want to clear your senses, register for this hike soon, as space is limited. Start at the Welcome Center at HVNC with good hiking shoes or boots, a snack, drink, flashlight or headlamp.

This upcoming full moon on Sunday, December 15, is known as the Cold Moon, as your guide takes you through the moderate two-to-three mile hike.

Listen for the sound of owls and other nocturnal animals or just forest bathe under the illuminated night sky. FMI: Midcoast Conservancy Hike

Candle and Charcuterie Class, Brewer

December 19 at 5:30 p.m

Perfect for the creative person who loves the scent of candles and charcuterie. Downtown Charcuterie has partnered with another business, Blooming Tree Studio, to offer an after-work event.

First, you'll be able to make a natural wax candle with the scent of your choice to take home with you. While that's curing, Downtown Charcuterie will teach you how to make a delicious charcuterie spread for one person that you can either nibble on while you're there or have wrapped up and take home with you.

Register early; this limited class only holds 24 people. FMI: Candle & Charcutierie

Winter Solstice By The Sea, Searsport

Saturday, December 21 at 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Hundreds of luminaries will be lit along a pathway for a winter solstice celebration of light on Sears Island courtesy of Friends of Sears Island (FOSI).

At 5 p.m., FOSI members and Carver Librarian Ronda Nichols will present "The Shortest Day" shadow puppet theater, as well as some solstice poems. There will be a fire pit, an evergreen spiral path to walk, and a table with free hot cocoa and cookies.

The Portable Pie Place food truck will be offering soups, savory hand pies, desserts, coffee, and cider drinks. FMI: Winter Solstice By The Sea.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

ROCKLAND — Six friends, homebrewers themselves, launched their dream job last month. Taking over after Liberator Brewing Company closed, Shawn and Andrea Wilcox, Jill Mitchell, Brandon Allen, and Tara and Todd Boynton launched Stone Alley Brewing at 218 South Main Street in Rockland.

Like most great stories, their entrepreneurial venture began over pints of home brew with their buddies.

"We got the crazy idea we should start a brewery together," said Todd Boynton. "When Richard [Ruggerio, owner of Liberator] was ready to sell, I met with him and then met up with my friends for trivia. We all were like, 'Where do we sign the papers? Let's do this!'"

"When Todd started home brewing, and we talked to other craft brewers about their stories, we realized how many breweries started from home brew operations," said Tara Boynton. "We were always like 'Maybe, someday...' and launching the operation with our friends, that day came a lot sooner than we anticipated."

Five months later, the friends opened their first brewery together. Everyone still has a day job in order to make this venture work, so the brewery for now is only open on the weekends (Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays). 

"It's been a lot of work, but it's also fun," said Mitchell "It's so different from what we all do at our jobs. We'd like to add another night, but we're just starting."

Their brew setup includes a three-vessel 2BBL system. They use Maine-grown grains and hops whenever possible, allowing the team to make IPAs, saison ales, stouts, cream ales, seasonal selections, and even a hard seltzer with signature natural flavor emulsions created by the group's resident "foodie," Shawn Wilcox.

Their signature brews include a Stone Alley Cream Ale and two styles of IPA—a Stone Alley First Pitch IPA (a nod to the team's softball team as well as the first beer they made) and a West Coast style From Away IPA.

Guest taps include some of Liberator's original brews and a rotational cider produced by their friends from Rockport's Sea Hag Cider. They also offer wine and non-alcoholic options.

The current food offerings include chicken bites, pork egg rolls, soft pretzels, warm mixed nuts, and some bagged snacks.

Many Liberator customers have remained loyal to the new operation and have remarked that they like the new bright and airy interior. 

"We've been working on making it our own," said Todd Boynton.

The back tasting room still has room for potential.

"We have games that people can come in and play," said Mitchell. "We're also open to public events and private events."

To learn more visit, Stone Alley Brewing's Facebook page.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

ROCKLAND—Alan Kearl, the executive director of AIO Food Pantry and Energy Assistance, has only been in his position for 15 months after formerly serving as a volunteer. In that time, he has seen an exponential need from the community for food and supplies, brought on by inflation, sky-high rental rates, and the nearly unaffordable cost of living for so many in the Midcoast.

This week, AIO distributed about 225 Thanksgiving boxes on Nov. 21 and has provided another about 75 since, thanks to some 75 volunteers helping all week, and multiple partner organizations. The boxes weighed some 20 pounds without turkeys and were a boon to families.

"People got either a substantial box of food items with a $15 gift card, or they got a whole turkey," he said.

Typically, AIO sees 300-350 people a week come through the doors, but this week, that number soared to 600, a record, according to Kearl.

"Since then, other organizations who didn't know of our timing have donated another 60 or so turkeys after the giveaway," he said.

While food insecurity has always been a problem in Maine, especially in post-pandemic times, the need for food continues to climb in the Midcoast, with the statistics telling a surprising story of who is getting squeezed out.

"We have seen a pretty dramatic week-on-week increase in recipients since a year ago and I think it is because life is just plain expensive to live here," said Kearl. "Food, plus housing, plus transportation. Our population includes what you'd logically assume to be those on limited incomes, those who are elderly on social security, and those who've hit an unexpected hardship, but we have way more people ages 19 to 49; that's 40 percent of our membership base who need help. So, that's a primary group that tells you this is a group of working people who aren't able to make it. They come once a month because it's the cost of living."

Kearl emphasized that AIO, which has existed for 35 years, has always been a friendly, inclusive place, making it easier for people in Knox County who struggle with the thought of receiving assistance. "We have fostered that—taking away limits—so that it's a place people feel safe coming to. Nobody will judge you or will ever tell you you're taking too much. I think that's also what's contributing to the demand."

Giving Tuesday

AIO is more than a food pantry, and works with a million-dollar budget each year to purchase food and supplies, such as a diaper program, energy assistance, and weekend meals, to name a few. "Happily, we continue to have strong support from the community and are meeting the need," said Kearl.

For Giving Tuesday this year, Camden National Bank, The Maine Lobster Festival, and Lonza have come together to generously give AIO a $11,500 matching fund, and on Dec. 3, any donations to AIO will be matched dollar for dollar up to $11,500.

Still, the need for help for the community is year-round. The AIO Food pantry will be open on Wednesday Nov. 27 until 6 p.m. and will give the staff and volunteers Thursday and Friday off.

To learn more how to contribute to their programs, visit AIO Food Pantry. To become a volunteer, visit the website.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

SEARSPORT—After two years, the $17.8 million road construction though downtown Searsport finally concluded in September to the relief of locals and business owners. And now there's more reason to celebrate.

After Maineport Brewing opened on Main Street this past summer, two more businesses, Edwards Supermarket, and H&H Mercantile, have set up shop on Main Street, cementing a revitalized downtown, while Anodyne Book shop has reopened down the road.

H&H Mercantile

H&H Mercantile, owned by Patrick Hutchings and his husband, Jack Hill, moved from its initial location at the Hobby Horse Antiques Marketplace to the former gallery on 31 E. Main Street and held its grand opening on November 15.

"We probably doubled our space," said Hutchings, who added it has increased their capacity to display the work and goods of more than 150 artists, crafters, bakers, authors, farmers, and growers. 

The front section of the store displays in-season produce and bakery items, along with a refrigerator and freezer of organic meat, cheese, microgreens, cider, eggs, and milk. Handcrafted items from Maine line the shelves, along with a room in the back for more artisans and books by Maine authors.

In a Facebook post concluding the grand opening, Hutchings wrote: "Today went so well! It was so amazing to see everyone! It was worth every minute of the wait to reopen, see all of our friends, and make new ones!"

While they work on restocking items, Hutchings said they're planning some specials and events for the upcoming holidays.

"There's a revitalization going on here and we got in right at the beginning," said Hutchings.

For more information, visit their website.

Edwards Brothers Supermarkets

Jeremy Edwards, along with his brother, Jason, bought the former Tozier's Family Market, after it abruptly closed in August, leaving residents without a local grocery store.

The brothers have been steadily working on renovating and stocking the full-service supermarket, with a projected November grand opening on November 22.

The Edwards brothers, who also own stores in Unity, Trenton, and Dover-Foxcroft, have a lot of experience with supermarkets.

"Long story short, my dad worked for Hannaford supermarkets for some 40-odd years, then became a general manager for the Graves supermarket chains," said co-owner Jeremy Edwards. "When the owners of the Graves stores retired, he bought a couple of their stores and started the family business of Edwards Family Supermarkets."

Jeremy said it's taken about two months to complete renovations to the store's interior, including completely revamping the deli and hot food counter. 

"We put some time, money, and love back into the building and can't wait to share that with the community," said Jeremy. We are supplied by Hannaford Supermarkets, so we're confident in the product quality and pricing."

"The support has been phenomenal, and I saw a comment on our Facebook page the other day from someone who said, 'I can't believe I'm so excited about a grocery store opening.'"

Stay tuned to their grand opening by visiting their Facebook page.

Anodyne Book Shop

In 2023, Anodyne opened on 33 East Main Street. A year and a half later, the owner Elly Burnett knew they would to need to move to a bigger space.

After moving a mile down the road to 175 West Main Street and doing renovations, the book shop is re-opening November 21. "We have a much bigger space; it's more than doubled," she said. "Luckily, we bought it from artists who took a lot of care of the building and its aesthetics.  In addition, we will soon have a coffee shop in early December for for events and for people in the community to gather and have conversations.

Burnett envisions using the wall space for artists with a monthly artist show and more events for authors.

Stay tuned to their Facebook page for more updates.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

For National November Writing Month, we turn to Philip C. Baker, author of Hunger Hill, a crime thriller set in Maine. Baker has conducted presentations for fellow writers on "How to write a novel: it's easy!" For many first-time authors, however, building a 100-120K novel—in a month, no less—is anything but easy. Luckily, Baker has some great advice to break down this daunting goal.

PBP: In your presentations, you discuss using a "What-If Machine" to construct your premise, using the example: "What if right and wrong are inverted, and morality is overturned?" to create an interesting plot. What steps do writers need to take in order to create their "What-If Machine" on paper and do you recommend any online tools tohelp them jump-start this process?

Baker: I write crime fiction so I'll focus on the genre. Puzo used his imagination, his "What-If Machine," to create a family whose dynamics and morality ran contrary to the norm. We love crime fiction because it's about the outliers and those who contradict conventions. We're a society of rule-followers, and crime fiction often celebrates the rule-breakers, as did Puzo. I bet there was a kid in your primary school class who broke all the rules and you still remember his or her name. So I recommend that writers start with their character or characters and turn on the "What-If Machine" by asking the question. For example, "What if Rocky McStonewall stole one-fifth of the Pentagon and hid it in Nevada?" Just by asking the question, all sorts of other ideas will occur.

What about the other four-fifths? Will Rocky hold the employees in the one-fifth hostage? How did he do this? How did he transport the building to Nevada? Etcetera. Let the antagonist break some laws and get creative here. It seems like all the laws have been broken, so we must find creative ways for our villains to breach the peace. Abby Hoffman tried to levitate the Pentagon, but nobody, until Rocky, stole it. The only jump-start I can think of is reading internet articles about how the crime you're imagining has been committed in the past, if it has. Research the crime. The inciting incident for Hunger Hill happened during a dinner party at a condo on Casco Bay. An enormous private luxury yacht was anchored in sight of the balcony, where we drank wine and wondered about the owner of such a boat. A Russian oligarch owned it, and that was all the information I needed to get the "What-If Machine" turned on and running. What if a young Russian woman wanted to impress the oligarch so she could become his trusted hit woman by killing the unlikeable butcher of Hunger Hill?

PBP: You tell writers we all have the hardware to write; the software is pre-installed. Can you elaborate on that?

Baker: The hardware is our brain, and the factory-installed software is our imagination. If you want to start writing your novel this November, using both parts is critical to the process, not to mention essential in living a fulfilled life. Let them both run wild, the brain and the imagination, so you find yourself working hard to keep up with them. You will love what happens next: the beginning of your book.

PBP: AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a highly controversial topic for writers looking to find a shortcut to "doing the hard work" when writing a novel. Where do you think AI is useful and where do you think writers should not use it?

Baker: AI is not new, in a sense. The thesaurus, and the dictionary for that matter, are artificial sources of information.

Roget developed the thesaurus to help writers with their word choices. Do you know that Roget also invented the slide rule? What a mind! Anyway, use the thesaurus prudently; only use it as a learning tool. If you're not learning from it, don't use the information.

That's the problem with AI. What does it teach us? Beware, author, of using of AI as a shortcut. But can it be used? I use Grammarly (an AI app) as a spell-check. Microsoft Word spell-check won't find a word spelled correctly unless used improperly. Two words I typographically misuse are "from" and "form." Word's spell-check won't catch this, but Grammarly does. This simply saves time in the editing process.

PBP: A lot of writers ask you, in the planning stages, if it is necessary to craft an outline and write linearly (chapter by chapter)
when constructing the novel. What are your thoughts on that and what works best for you?

Baker: I know of one best-selling author who writes a 300-page outline for a 300-page book. I, on the other hand, do not write an outline. I tend to write a treatment instead. This is the plot, or part of the plot, written out in no-frills jargon. I'll write a treatment for a part of the book, maybe encompassing a few chapters. I'll write a lot of treatments for the back story. It's like short-hand for plot planning.

This brings me to the second part of the question: I do not write linearly. About 60 percent of the way through "Hunger Hill" (which had come together in less than a linear fashion), the final scenes came to me, the end presented itself. I wrote it. This made the rest of the book, the as-yet-unwritten pages easier to deal with because I had an end in focus and a strategy to get there.

PBP: When creating protagonists and antagonists, what is necessary to build believable characters?

Baker: Building believable characters might be the most difficult thing to do in writing. I don't plumb my experience for characters. Maybe I should, but I haven't put anyone I know into a book yet. A believable inhabitant of a novel must be more than an amalgamation of emotions, reactions, motivations, and relationships with others; but it must include all of these elements. When I start writing the story, I trust the characters to begin to expose themselves to me. We must take care to avoid creating a basket of emotions and motivations that don't necessarily work together. It looks like a basket, not a person. It's tricky. You have to trust your characters.

PBP: As a Maine writer, what inspired you about this state and its people? What is your advice for people who use Maine as their backdrop—and how important is research to accurately portray its people and landscape?

Baker: Painters who've worked on the coast of Maine claim there is no light like the light in Maine. Perhaps we write prolifically in this state and about this place because the light exposes the landscape and the people to us in a unique way. I had the luck of growing up here and treasure the sense of place in my childhood home. Maybe many share this feeling with me and want to share it with the larger world. If you're using Maine as a backdrop, though, get it right. I suppose that's true with any backdrop you use, but it seems there are too many cliches, particularly with the language of Mainers, and if you get it wrong, the light of Maine will expose you! Research is always good, but getting Maine right is intuitive; it comes from your hypothalamus, it's left-brain information. It's stuff learned by a bonfire on the pebbly beach with a can of beer and Maine wrapping her foggy arms around you.

PBP: What's a fun piece of advice you like to give aspiring writers
you meet along the way to encourage them to take the risk?

Baker: If the writer is older, approaching retirement let's say, I say you've been making and chasing goals all your life. It's why you're successful. Now, chase something you started making when you were a kid, your dreams. Dreams are associated with childhood, with night-time, with mysticism and magic. You've held onto them all this time. Now is the time to go after them. I'd say the same thing to a sixteen-year-old, now that I think about it! Pursue your dreams.

PBP: What are you working on in 2025?

Baker: My new novel is a crime thriller with many of the same characters on the protagonist's side of the equation. I have a whole new group of trouble-makers, though. And they are quite a fun bunch to be hanging out with. My "What-If Machine" is working overtime.

For more information on NaNoWriMo, visit the website. For more information on Philip C. Baker visit the website.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

ROCKLAND—Spice Pizzeria, which reopened mid-September in its new Rockland location, is hitting its stride.

Aphiwat Ruklittikul (Mr. Wat), who formerly owned Mr. Wat's in Rockport, took a year to renovate the vacant gas station at 59 Camden Street opposite the McDonald's into a colorful take-out restaurant. Offering more than just Thai-inspired pizzas, Mr. Wat and his family have also brought back some of the best-loved Thai dishes from Mr. Wat's to the updated menu.

For Mr. Wat, the new business is a culmination of his restaurant experience, which started in Boston more than 30 years ago.

"In Boston, I started as a dishwasher, then a busboy, and worked my way up," he said.

Eventually, he trained with sushi chefs in multiple Boston restaurants and honed his skills. He and his family moved to Maine 22 years ago. He became the sushi chef of the former Tamarind in Rockland (where Roseyln Thai restaurant is now) before opening Mr. Wat's (See that PenBay Pilot story from 2017 here.)

While years of making sushi required long hours of prep, standing, and late nights, taking a toll on his body, the new take-out location has been much easier on Mr. Wat. With his wife Jaruwan, and sons Prem and Kem working alongside him, the family business has found its flow.

"It took us a couple of years to renovate the garage, but business has been much better in this location," said Kem. "Now, that we're open, it's been really busy and people have been really positive."

For a sushi chef, making pizza was a complete 180-turn as a menu item, but Mr. Wat's wife was the inspiration.

"After work or on my day off, she'd make me this spicy tuna on pizza dough and I liked it," said Mr. Wat.

It spurred him to experiment with different Thai-inspired pizza flavors.

"Any flavor can be on the dough," he said.

As a student of culinary arts, Mr. Wat studied under an Italian pizza maker, learning how to make all of his dough from scratch.

The most popular pizza with customers has been the Thai sausage.

"Most people think of pepperoni when it comes to a meat pizza," said Mr. Wat. "But, Thai sausage is much tastier, in my opinion."

They took the pizza oven from Mr. Wat's with them when they moved to the first Spice location on Route 90 in Rockport at the start of the pandemic on 2019.  However, the oven became more expensive than the Ruklittikuls anticipated, requiring an additional $30,000 in wiring the building correctly just so the currency powering the oven would work.

Though the Rockport location didn't pan out in terms of traffic as they hoped and they had to close after two years, they kept the oven and took it to the new Rockland location.

In addition to pizza, Mr. Wat has brought back some of his customers' favorite Thai dishes on the menu, including appetizers, noodles, and fried rice, all reasonably priced.

"The Pad Thai noodle dish is the most ordered," said Mr. Wat.

The parking lot with only six spaces only allows take-out service, but the model has worked out so far, according to Kem. Spice is open year-round and closed on Mondays.

To learn more about the menu, visit the website.

Related story: Tomi's Sushi and Noodle Bar to replace Mr. Wat's in Rockport

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

NORTHPORT—Sometimes, you need to make something with your hands and see what comes of it.

Reeves Gilmore, 74, along with his husband, both native-born Texans, moved to Maine 14 years ago and found their home in Northport.

"I volunteer at several places, but last year I was sitting and thinking that I needed to be constructive and do something with my hands, especially in the wintertime," he said.

He thought about crocheting or knitting, but, that didn't pan out. Then he woke up in the middle of the night and got the idea to make potholders, the kind that kids used to make for fun. 

"I remembered making those as a kid," he said. "The next morning, I ordered on a potholder loom kit on the website and it didn't take me but a second to get back into it."

Gilmore started making potholders and trivets in an array of colorful patterns and color schemes. The more he made, the more he wondered what to do with them all.

"You can only give so many away," he said.

He decided to sell his cotton potholders/trivets under the name “ManMade in Northport,” with 100 percent of the proceeds benefiting the Northport Food Pantry. 

"I have made more than 700 in the last year," he said. "And more than 500 have sold so far."

He approached the Northport Town Hall, the Scone Goddess, in Northport, and Brambles in Belfast to ask if they would carry them, and they all agreed. Each item has a suggested donation of $4, but many people have exceeded that by paying $5 to $10 per item.

"A couple of times, I've been in these stores while replentishing the products, and people come up to talk with me," he said. "Sometimes, before I can even get the new potholders out of the basket, they reach in to buy one."

Gilmore said it's hard to pinpoint precisely how much his potholder proceeds have made for Northport pantry given the variations in donations, but he estimates it's about $2,500.

"We are very grateful for Reeve's initiative and generosity," said Patti Wright, president of the Northport Food Pantry. "Besides providing extra income to help us serve an increasing number of area residents each month, Reeves’s potholders have helped build community awareness of the pantry’s work. The potholders make an instant nostalgic connection, conjuring thoughts of shared meals in cozy kitchens.  When we distribute food, we hope that we are creating comfort and nourishment for our recipients."

"It's an amazing organization in that they serve 80 to 90 families monthly," Gilmore said. "Every time someone asks me 'why do you do this?' I tell them that it brings me great joy. It serves a creative, artistic need for me and it's beneficial for someone else."

The Northport Food Pantry welcomes recipients from any community. To learn more visit: Northport Food Pantry.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

ROCKLAND—Locals now have another place to grab lunch or dinner, and "S" marks "The Spot."

The Spot

The Spot, owned and operated by Brian Fickett and Jillian Lary, opened in its second location in the former Oceanside Deli at 131 North Main Street.

Their menu is simple: salads with protein, such as chicken tenders, beef and veggie burgers, and handheld sandwiches, beer, ice cream, fries, and onion rings inspired by their love of American fast food.

"Our hamburgers and cheeseburgers are both double-pattied smash burgers," said Fickett. "Just like in our seasonal Washington Maine location the burgers and sandwiches can be customized with different toppings and sauces, all complimentary as part of the price.

Since their Washington space has to close down every season, Fickett and Lary have been looking for something permanent. They jumped on purchasing the former deli when it went up for sale.

"The building in Washington is not equipped for year-round operations, and closing down in the fall has never felt 'right," said Lary. "The Washington Spot is where it all started, but we knew it was time to begin probing for the perfect year-round Spot. The location on North Main naturally emulated that 'roadside vibe' we had been searching for."

Adding another affordable lunch option to Rockland has been a boon to the locals.

"Branching out to Rockland has opened up our market to cater to the many working professionals, students, our north-end neighbors, tourists, and anyone looking for a simple, non-pretentious meal at a casual hang," said Fickett. "We create our family-friendly spaces with community at the core and prioritize being an easy place to meet up with friends, colleagues, etc. The ease of online ordering has appealed to many and makes for a quick lunch option for those on a tight schedule or an easy way to order takeout for the whole office."

This is the fourth food-centered business Fickett and Lary have opened in recent years, along with Sterlingtown Public House, Sterlingtown Bake House, their Washington location of The Spot, and now, their Rockland location. "We've taken some big swings over the past few years and often remind ourselves and our team that we can figure everything out," said Lary.

"The answer to this is simple: a fearless, cohesive, dedicated team as well as a kind, supportive & hungry community," said Fickett.

The goal was to keep the menu the same. "We wanted to offer the comfort food that everyone knows and loves, made with fresh, recognizable ingredients, skipping the yucky additives," said Lary. "Our beef is fresh, never frozen, and burger patties are hand formed daily. Our french fries are made with Maine-grown potatoes and our Shaker Pond ice cream is made in Alfred, Maine. Many of our alcoholic beverages are brewed right here in Maine as well. 

It doesn't hurt that when the winter months start to close in and the time change makes the afternoons dark, The Spot, deliberately offers a cheerful tropical interior. "We draw inspiration from places we've visited on our travels," said Lary. "When you walk through the door, you'll be greeted with beachy reggae, surf highlights on the TV, tropical plants, mounted surfboards and sunshiney warmth."

The sit-in and takeout restaurant is open seven days a week, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. closing only on major holidays. To learn more visit: www.thespotmaine.com.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

As we approach The Midnight Hour in the Midcoast, here is a comprehensive list of Halloween-themed events everyone can enjoy. From parties to movies, poetry to theater, here are the color-coded events for partying adults, parents, and kids.

Friday, October 18

· Parents and Kids: The Friends of Sears Island will install a self-guided Halloween-themed nature scavenger hunt and “spooky animal trail” along the Homestead Trail. From October 18-31, scavenger hunts will be available to island visitors at the kiosk just beyond the island gate. Families are encouraged to take scavenger hunts for their children and try to find all the items on the list. Details

Saturday, October 19

· Parents and Kids: The Penobscot Bay YMCA invites the entire community to a free afternoon of Halloween fun at The Monster Mash from 1 to 4 p.m. The family-friendly event in Rockport promises wicked fun for everyone, with lots of activities that will get you into the Halloween spirit. Details 

· Parents and Kids: Thomaston Trunk or Treat's annual event takes place at 3 Emery Avenue in Thomaston starting at 4 p.m. Go dressed up and join a fun evening of trick or treating in a safe location where everyone is welcome. This event will run until 6 p.m. or while supplies last. Decorated cars that wish to participate should arrive by 3:30 p.m. Details

· All Ages:  It is time to pick a pumpkin on the Belfast and Moosehead Lake Railroad.Hop aboard the train in Unity for a round-trip train ride to the pumpkin patch from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Adults, $25; children $12.  Details

· All Ages:  The Trail of Terror at the Union Fair officially kicked off October 11 and will take place Friday and Saturday nights (18, 19, 25 & 26) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Suggested for 13 and older.  Tickets and Details

· All Ages: Unity Artisans Boo Bash takes place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 141 Crosby Brook Road in Unity. Unity Artisans invites the public to go for a day full of early Halloween activities. Costumes are encouraged but not required. Photo booth, sensory bin, giant Jenga, and bubble station for the kids. Details

· Parents and Kids: In Belfast's Reny's parking lot, the annual Trunk or Treat goes from 12 to 3 p.m. They will have bikes and cars handing out candy. Details.

Wednesday, October 23

· Parents and Kids: Rockland Public Library is hosting a Children’s Halloween Party. Join Miss Katie for silly Halloween stories, six MONSTER-ous crafts, and more. Costumes are encouraged. This program will take place in the Community Room at Rockland Public Library, 80 Union St. FMI: Details

Friday, October 25

· Parents and Kids: Riley School staff and families are hosting a Trunk or Treat in Rockport starting at 4:30 p.m. Visit our campus with your children for some fun treats! If you would like to include your vehicle in the lineup, please email us at office@rileyschool.org.Details

· Parents and Kids: Put on your favorite costumes, buckle up, and join the 5th Annual Shepard & Pope Memorial Trunk-or-Treat Drive-Thru in Thomaston from 4 to 6 p.m. Details

· Adults: The Pour Farm Brewery in Union is hosting a scream contest and movie. At 6 p.m., there will be a blood-curdling scream contest. Screams will be judged on: 1) volume, 2) length, and 3) curdle factor. Prizes. At 7 p.m. they will screen an "Attack of The (TBD)" movie. Details

Saturday, October 26

· All Ages: The third annual Belfast Lions Club Ghostly Gallop 5K run is Halloween-themed, and runners and walkers are encouraged to participate in costume! The run goes from 8:30 to 10 a.m., and tickets are $20. FMI: Details

· Parents and Kids: MAC Storm is hosting a Trunk-or-Treat in Warren with photo opportunities from 3 to 6 p.m. Details

· Adults: Trackside Station in Rockland is throwing their annual Halloween Party! No GUTS No GLORY returns to rock starting at 8:30 p.m. $100 cash prize for best costume. The party goes until midnight. Ages 21 plus, $5 cash cover. Details

· Adults: High Tide in Rockland will be hosting a Halloween Party starting at 9 p.m. with a costume contest and DJ Mad Flex. Details

MRC Community Saturday: Halloween Themed! On Saturday, October 26, 6:30-8:30pm enjoy a free evening of Public Skate, tennis games and contests, and Pickleball Learn to Play and Open Play. Costumes are encouraged. MRC, Route 90, Rockport.

Sunday, October 27

· Parents and Kids: Stone Tree Farm & Cidery in Unity is hosting its second annual Trunk or Treat event from 1 to 4 p.m. Go celebrate Halloween with your family. Details

Tuesday, October 29

· Older Children: Professional Storyteller and Youth Services Librarian Stephanie Holman will present spine-tingling tales at the Belfast Free Library, 106 High Street, Belfast, on Tuesday from 4:30-5:30 p.m.  Found in collections of children’s literature, this type of tale helps one face fears through story and in a fun group setting.  This event is for older children: listening, patience and a love of scary stories are required. Details

 · Adults: The Colonial Theater in Belfast is hosting an indie horror movie, Beyond The Decay, at 6:30 p.m. This is the Northern New England premiere. Cast and crew will be in attendance. Plot Summary & Details

Thursday, October 31 

· Adults: Get ready for a monstrously good time at the third annual Bridge Street Halloween Block Party in Bucksport at 20 Bridge Street from 5 to 8 p.m., a night of spine-chilling fun and feast on a wickedly delicious selection from one of the food trucks. Frankenstein's in the house, so prepare for a thrillingly and electrifying atmosphere. Details

 · Parents and Kids: American Legion Post Annual Trunk or Treat in Rockland will take place at 335 Limerock Street from 4 to 6 p.m. Details

· Parents and KidsRockland Rec Center is holding its annual Trunk or Treat at the Coastal Recovery Community Center from 5 to 7 p.m. Details

 · All Ages: Hot Hill Tavern in Thomaston is giving out treats to trick-or-treaters and hosting a costume contest starting at 4 p.m. Details

Note: Fright at The Fort is not taking place this year. More adult events will be added for the week leading up to Halloween. Check back for more listings to come or email to list your event (Midcoast only) Please include relevant details.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

Lighthouses may be beacons of light and hope for some; for others, they are haunted places. With their rugged seaside locations, connection to shipwrecks, and other maritime accidents during storms, not to mention the association of loneliness and madness that some lighthouse keepers experienced, it's only fitting that lighthouses are the subject of ghostly tales.

Here are three local Midcoast lighthouses which have had its share of spooky sightings.

Owls Head Light

According to NewEnglandLighthouses.net, Owls Head Light, which juts out on a stunning promontory, has more than its share of ghost stories. Here is one:

In the mid-1980s, Coast Guard keeper Andy Germann went outside one night to ensure some construction materials were in their proper place as the lighthouse and tower were undergoing renovations. His wife, Denise, told The Bangor Daily News that she felt the bed move and assumed her husband had come back inside. According to the story by New England Lighthouses' website: "When she turned over, she saw the 'indentation of a body' next to her. The indentation was moving as if an invisible person was shifting in the bed. 'I’m a pretty practical person,' she says. 'I don’t drink. I don’t do drugs. I’m positive it wasn’t a dream.' After a few minutes, she asked the 'visitor' to go away so she could get some sleep."

Matinicus Rock Light

New England Folklore's blog has an unsettling story reiterating a ghostly tale from Horace Beck's 1957 book The Folklore of Maine. Beck researched lighthouses in Maine for the book, including the lighthouse on Matinicus Rock, located about five miles from Matinicus Island in Penobscot Bay. Built in 1827, the lighthouse had two towers, a north and south tower; however, only the a south tower remained lit while the north tower was decommissioned and locked up. After inquiring why, Beck was told that a long time ago, a lighthouse keeper hanged himself in that tower and that his ghost "could be heard roaming through the tower on dark, windy nights. The ghost also broke dishes, slammed doors, and made equipment malfunction."

Marshall Point Lighthouse

There was nothing scary about Tom Hanks running up the walkway in the 1994 movie Forrest Gump, but if you go back to the early 20th century, people reported seeing the ghost of a teenager around Marshall Point Road who was allegedly killed by rumrunners who discovered he'd found their stash. According to American Ghost Walks, the boy, Ben Bennet, was murdered after running through the woods to escape the rumrunners, and people still claim to see his ghost wandering that road in foggy nights. 

"I have heard of ghost stories attached to Owls Head Light and Matinicus Rock," said Bob Trapani, the Executive Director for the nonprofit American Lighthouse Foundation said, Along with having served as a U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliarist and a lighthouse technician for 22 years assisting the USCG in maintaining the lights and fog horns at 26 lighthouses from Port Clyde to the Canadian border, he is also the author of Gleams and Whispers: Maine’s Lighthouses and Their Allure and was featured in a PenBay Pilot article

Still, Trapani has yet to experience what other lighthouse keepers have.  "I spent twelve years working in the keeper's house at Owls Head, and personally, I have not experienced anything unusual," he said.

It's Halloween night; do you dare go visit one tonight?

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

CAMDEN—Camden, with its picturesque small town and harbor, has been the backdrop to multiple films over the last several decades, including Stephen King's horror drama, Thinner, and the supernatural fantasy, Casper.

According to a September post in Reddit Maine, Camden got another spooky close-up in the psychological horror TV series From, which debuted September 22, 2024, and is streaming on Amazon. 

The IMDb logline describes From like this: "Unravel the mystery of a city in middle U.S.A. that imprisons everyone who enters. As the residents struggle to maintain a sense of normality and seek a way out, they must also survive the threats of the surrounding forest."

IMDb notes that "The town set was built specifically for the series in North Beaver Bank, Nova Scotia;" however, eagle-eyed Maine residents spotted Camden in part of the scenes with one Redditer wryly noting, "The entire show is just one Mainer driving through Camden during tourist season."

The first episode is available for free on Amazon. 

According to IMDb: "The Matthews' family road trip takes a horrifying turn when they are detoured to a small town from which they cannot leave. When their family RV crashes, Sheriff Boyd Stevens and other residents rush to save them before the sun goes down."

From the first episode, fans of the show ruminated that it felt like something Stephen King dreamed up. In fact, King said of the show on X (formerly Twitter): "I just saw the first episode of FROM (Epix, premiering 2/20). I was absolutely riveted. True edge-of-your-seat stuff, believable and scary." 

Despite the cameo, people often ask why so many Maine-themed movies are filmed in Canada. This PenBay Pilot story explains that it all comes down to Maine's tax incentives, which have historically, been unattractive to filmmakers. 

According to the Maine Film Office, the state currently only offers a 10-to-12 percent wage rebate back to financiers for employees who work on a film in Maine, with an additional five percent tax credit for any production costs in Maine. In contrast, both Massachusetts and Canada (where many "Maine" films are shot) offer filmmakers a refundable tax credit of 25 percent of a production's qualified labor expenditures. Efforts to pass laws to boost Maine's film tax credits have met failure after failure at the legislative level. 

A 2023 Portland Press Herald story uncovered a damning report that Maine's tax incentives are "behind the times" and that the Maine Film Office "does not effectively administer the program."

The story further elaborated:  "According to a study by the Maine Film Association, the film production industry has directly brought $29.3 million to Maine’s economy and indirectly sparked $64.3 million in output."

That's not chump change. Maybe with the success of more shows like From the next time, Camden won't merely be a cameo in future films, but rather, the star. 

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penabypilot.com

SEARSPORT—At the site of the old Captain Tinkham's Emporium, a new brewery has quietly opened, becoming a new "third place" for locals and visitors to sit down at the wooden benches, talk, and enjoy a craft brew. 

Rob and Paula Martell opened Maineport Brewing on 34 E. Main Street in June, after relocating to Searsport from Los Angeles during the pandemic.

The brewery offers four brews on tap, all special recipes crafted by Rob Martell, who honed his home brewing skills while running an electrical contracting company. With his wife, Paula continuing her profession as a data analyst, the partnership allows Martell to focus full-time on a vocation he has always wanted to be part of.

Since 2002, he has home-brewed, building fundamental skills of the craft brewing business and bartering his electrician skills with a brewmaster in exchange for mentorship. 

Then, partnering up with a friend with an outdoor kitchen in L.A., he began offering his home brews to his friends and family. When the opportunity arose to brew his beer in a small-batch community under the tutelage of a brewmaster in Long Beach called Dutch's Brewhouse, Martell finally had use of the commercial equipment to test out his recipes.  

"It was a lot of fun," he said. "We drank more than we brewed."

Currently, one half of the building — the tasting room — is under construction, but the brew room, doubling as the de facto tap room, has a cozy feel with exposed brick and plain wooden tables and benches. Behind the tiny cashier stand sits his four-barrel system that the Martells bought from The Waterville Brewing Co. Where their operations are still small, he brews twice a month.

The four beers on his menu all have some special meaning. 

The Odanata, a Mexican Lager with spicy notes from the hops, is for the community. 

"A Mexican Lager is a light drinking beer, a good summertime beer," he said. "I've done a lot of research on what people like and wanted a crisp, light beer people would enjoy."

The Sugarmamaness, a malty Brown Ale with a hint of chocolate, is an ode to his wife, Paula, a big fan of brown ales, and whom he credits for allowing him to live his dream in Maine. 

"Because she kept her job affording me to do what I'm doing now, this is a tribute to my Sugar Mama," he said.

The Angler Fish IPA is a recipe he wrote for himself. 

"I really don't care for how IPAs are made these days, so I brought this recipe back to the late '90s West Coast old-school IPA," he said. "The beer is mellow with a higher ABV with piney, stone fruit notes, but none of the bitterness often accompanies East Coast IPAs."

Patty Mahoney, a light, malty Irish Blonde Ale is a recipe for his mother. 

"This one is our best-seller," he said. "People love it." 

The brewery also offers non-alcoholic seltzers and snacks.

There is no Wi-Fi in the current tasting room, something Martell feels is good for community building.

"We like to create community in this room," he said. "We don't have TVs. You're encouraged to talk with people when you're here."

A natural people connector himself, he told a story about two farming families who sat near one another and didn't know each other. He introduced them and they sat in his tasting room for four hours talking about working  on a farming collaboration. 

Martell predicts the tasting room will be finished around the holidays. At that point, they'll offer trivia, game nights, tournaments, live music, and other events. They will also have food trucks and a beer yard in the back is in the works for next summer. 

"It's been a great experience," he said. "We have about 80 percent locals here every weekend, which makes us hopeful for the winter. The brewing community has been more than welcoming. I'd say every brewery within two hours of Searsport has stopped by. We've been told by a few brewers that it's rare for a new, small brewery to open and the beer is good." 

Maineport Brewing Company is open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Visit the website for more information and hours. 

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

WINSLOW—Living in Maine, it’s a fact of life that wildlife will cross the roads and in the most unfortunate circumstances, sometimes will get hit by cars.

Kristen Linscott, 32, was returning home from work on August 27,  driving behind a pick-up truck around 8:15 p.m. when she watched, horrified, as the truck plowed through a family of raccoons crossing the road.

“I’m guessing the driver was distracted because the person didn’t put on the brakes or swerve to avoid the raccoons or anything,” she said. “There was no other traffic coming from the opposite direction, so there was no reason the driver couldn’t have braked–but the driver didn’t stop and kept on going.”

She made a U-turn on the road and pointed her headlights toward the middle of the road, where one still raccoon was lying.

After a semi-truck and a car passed around the raccoon,  Linscott kneeled to see if it was still alive.

“I felt so bad for her,” she said. I could tell she was still alive and breathing and I went to get my sweatshirt to wrap her up in it, not knowing if she was going to reach around and bite me, but she just allowed me to pick her up and put her in the car. Her mouth was a little foamy and bloody.”

Linscott remembered a man named Don Cote in Vassalboro whom her parents used to bring abandoned baby raccoons. She called, apologizing for bringing the animal in so late and he told her, “It’s not late at all.”

“As soon as I brought her to Don, he checked her over limbs and told me there were no broken bones, which I was relieved about because she still wasn’t moving,” said Linscott.

Duckpond Wildlife Rehab Center is run by Don Cote, 85, a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, who has run his wildlife rehab center for five decades with his wife, Carleen, who has since passed away.  As one of more than 25 wildlife rehabilitators throughout Maine, Cote is the crucial link between whether an injured wild animal lives or dies. The goal is to rescue, heal, and release animals into the wilderness. The Wildlife Care Center survives through donations, which provide the lifeline of needed medical care and food.

After reaching home, Linscott organized a GoFundMe campaign for Dote Cote, raising more than $1,800 for this animal and his wildlife center. As it turns out, many wildlife rehabbers depend upon the services of different facilities within the state, so Winnie was transferred to and is now being rehabilitated at the Wilderness Miracles Wildlife Rehab in Bowdoin.

Run by Kathi McCue, the nonprofit rehab center also takes care of injured, orphaned, and sick wildlife to return a healthy animal to the wild.

“Winnie came to me with a soft tissue rear leg injury,” said McCue. ‘It takes time, medication, and rest to heal and it’s now been about three weeks. At first, she hid in the corner not wanting to be touched, and over a few days,  I gained her trust to pick her up and help her move her legs with physical therapy. Now she’s graduated to a bigger cage with a hammock. She’s crawling up and down, lying in that hammock like a little diva. She now hangs out with another little raccoon recovering from being hit by a car. His name is Wally and they love each other.”

Like many rehabbers, her Wilderness Miracles Wildlife Rehab also relies on community donations. McCue said rehabilitating Winnie costs around $1,000, though she has personally spent up to $5,000 to save other animals with veterinary help.

Linscott went above and beyond and stopped into the Wilderness Miracles Wildlife Rehab in Bowdoin to bring a monetary donation, as well as a few groceries for McCue. Linscott has been invited to witness Winnie’s release back into the wild once she is ready.

“’I’m really grateful that she made it into the hands of the wonderful people she did who truly care about helping animals, and that she’s healing with them,” said Linscott. “That’s the best thing I could have hoped for.”

Related: If you care, leave them there: What to do, whom to call when discovering baby wildlife

Related: Rescue of debilitated wild raccoon siblings captivates animal lovers everywhere

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

CAMDEN—In one room set aside for PAWS Animal Adoption Center, more than 12 cats— mostly tuxedo and black-haired breeds hang out in their comfortable beds and boxy houses staring warily at anyone who enters. They are the Island of Misfit Toys—stray cats found in feral colonies, cats who were surrendered by owners after the pandemic adoption surge, or who landed in this room after an owner died. These cats have lived at PAWS for more than a year and still haven’t been adopted.

One black-and-white cat, Evanescence, lies curled up in her soft, nubby bed, her alert eyes on anyone who comes near, body tensed as though ready to spring away. She was part of a feral litter, among many that PAWS has taken in over the years. At the date of this interview, she had been there 805 days with staff resigned to the unlikelihood of finding her a home.

Currently, PAWS has around 110 cats in the shelter and every cat condo is filled to capacity.

“We’re getting so many cats coming in, we can’t keep up,” said Meghan O’Connor, director of PAWS Animal Adoption Center.

Most people who adopt animals want a pet to cuddle, but unfortunately, cats such as Evanescence, who didn’t grow up with human touch, see it as a threat. O’Connor said the ideal person to take on a feral cat would need to be attuned to the cat’s need for isolation and safety and be patient. According to American Pets Alive, it can take up to a year or more to socialize a feral cat.

Two days after this story for PenBay Pilot was written, Evanescence’s fate would change.

Carly Minnis, who owns an animal sanctuary, came into PAWS Animal Adoption Center on September 7 and adopted five cats, including Evanescence, along with two older feral cats and two kittens. 

“After deciding on the two barn cats we were going to adopt, I asked who the longest resident was and they told me about Evanescence,” said Minnis. “She resembled one of our cats we recently lost at 19 years old. We are happy to house nervous cats and intentionally have many places for them to hide. Since we brought her home, she is starting to relax, eat her food and treats and isn’t hiding under her blankets. My son was petting her head a little last night and she was laying there, allowing him to.”

While this particular cat’s story has a happy ending, there are too many feral and stray cats in the Midcoast, according to O’Connor, a big part of the problem with an overpopulation of stray feral cats is when owners do not spay or neuter them.

“If an owner doesn’t spay or neuter the animal when it’s young and it gets pregnant, the owner gives the kittens away for free to his or her friends who then don’t spay or neuter their cats and let them outside, it creates feral colonies,” she said.

Another hindrance is that people in the Midcoast communities are at capacity with adoptions.

“We had a lot of people adopt these animals during the COVID-19 pandemic, so now we have fewer and fewer people coming in who don’t already have animals,” she said. “If we have cats or dogs who need to go into homes with no other cats or dogs, what happens is, they just remain here year after year.”

O’Conner said that “kitten season,” which usually begins at the beginning of spring, has been extending longer and longer into November.

“We’ve had cats who live in the condos [stacked cages] who have been here for so long, that we’ve moved them into a big enclosed room and they regress with people socialization. They get their affection from other cats but the staff really has to work to gain their trust back.”

PAWS is actively working with the community to make it affordable to spay and neuter as well as to adopt animals. One is a “Last Litter” program for cats who’ve just given birth to kittens. When the kittens are eight or nine weeks old, PAWS will spay and neuter them for free. They also offer low-cost veterinary services (including spay and neuter care).

For low-income families, she said: “There are so many programs you can get vouchers for. The best advice is to call PAWS with your question and let them guide you.”

To find out more visit: https://www.pawscares.org/

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com



ROCKPORT—You know what Maine can never see enough of? Great Mexican food.

Joe Simko, owner/chef of the new Taco Joe’s food truck, opened quietly last week in the parking lot of The Country Inn in Rockport, next to two other food trucks: 207 Eats and Shift, wood-fired pizza.

Having grown up in Everett, Massachusetts, Simko’s family decided to move to Maine six years ago, back to where his great-grandparents once lived.

“We all decided to come back to where our roots were,” he said.

Along the way, Simko has put his time in numerous restaurants, starting as a dishwasher, then as a prep cook, a cook, and even a bartender. Mexican food was always his favorite and this year, he decided to take all of the recipes he’s absorbed over the years and turn out a little menu from a customized food truck. Inside, his setup includes steel tables, a steam table, a flat-top grill, a sandwich station, and a couple of refrigerators.

“I love to cook, but I also love the customer face-to-face aspect, so a food trailer was the right solution for me,” he said. With a two-year-old daughter and a fiancée, the time was finally right for it to all come together.

His menu is simple: tacos, burritos, quesadillas, and even hot dogs for kids. His flavors were influenced by his years in Boston, when he worked at a Mexican restaurant, and by his friends.

“Where I grew up in Everett was a huge melting pot of cultures,” he said. “I had friends from El Salvador, Puerto Rico, Portugal, and Brazil, so going over to their houses for dinner and tasting all the different flavors introduced me to a new world of food.”

“A lot of the recipes I saved in my head and tweaked a little,” he said. “I don’t use any sauces; I just use combinations of spices and everything is small-batch made daily.”

His offerings include seasoned chicken, pork carnitas, and carne asada. His pico and guacamole are all made daily from scratch.

After a week of being open, the carne asada burrito has been the biggest seller, followed by the pork carnitas tacos and the chicken quesadilla.

While prepping for the lunch crowd, the inside of the truck was fragrant with the smell of cumin and coriander. One bite of a chicken taco with its simple toppings of cheese and fresh tomato and cilantro was the real deal.

Simko credits The Country Inn for making the parking lot accessible to his business and the other food truck businesses. He said people in the trades who don’t have a lot of time for lunch have praised his food and thanked him for having on-the-go offerings.

“A lot of people have told me it’s so hard to find Mexican food like this,” he said. “I had a woman from Florida tell me she can get food like this anywhere, but not up here, so she got two chicken tacos and then came back for carne asada.” 

Simko’s truck will be parked all summer and fall in The Country Inn parking lot until November. He’ll also do some Maine fairs and festivals such as The Union Fair and The Windsor Fair. To stay on top of Taco Joe’s food and schedule, visit its Facebook page.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

LINCOLNVILLE—It’s always exciting to see someone’s hobby bloom into a full entrepreneurial business as we’ve seen in past PenBay Pilot stories, from The Scone Goddess in Northport and Sunflour Meals & Cookies in Hope.

Two years ago, PenBay Pilot stumbled upon Lincolnville resident Jessica Weeks’ tiny roadside plant stand in a local story, “The beauty of roadside farm stands.”

Back then, Weeks and her husband were growing a small garden of herbs, vegetables, plants, and flowers for passersby, who used a self-serve honor system to choose what they wanted off the metal tables at the end of their driveway.

This summer, with more acreage dedicated to growing beside their house and two brand new greenhouses, Weeks has expanded her roadside business and has opened her garden center and greenhouse up to the public on weekends.

What makes this so unique is how under the radar it is. Weeks doesn’t have a business name, a website, or Facebook ads. It’s a little like a speakeasy; you might have to ask around to find it.

“We’re located three miles from Lincolnville Beach on Route 173/Beach Road,” she said. 

Weeks said her high school teacher Dalene Dutton sparked her interest in gardening in 2000 after taking her botany class to Merry Gardens, a small garden center on Mechanic Street in Camden.

“We grew scarlet runner beans and I thought, ‘Oh my gosh, this is amazing!’” she said. “I started growing and planting since then.”

Her home business got a major boost when she and her husband decided to invest in a greenhouse from a company called Maine AgroTech, which came and built the wooden unit in one day.

“Adding the greenhouse has really changed our business, to be able to winterize perennials and store them there,” she said. “I quit my job after the pandemic and just started growing full-time. Last year, all of my plants were available at H&H Mercantile in Searsport, and this year, we’re able to open up our greenhouse to the public on the weekends.”

Her one-person business includes perennials, annuals, herbs, flowers, vegetables, and house plants. Each plant has a plant tag identifying it, along with the price.

Weeks said that during the summer throughout the fall she’s around the house on Saturdays and Sundays from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. and for those driving by to look for the plant flag. If anyone pulls into the driveway next to the roadside stand, she’ll come out and say hello and welcome them to view the greenhouse area.

Even on weekdays, the road stand cart will be filled with various plants and available on a self-serve basis from around 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

“As far as I’m concerned, it’s still just a roadside stand,” she said. Her personal Facebook page often posts what’s available.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

MAINE—On Tuesday, June 4, libraries around the state put out notices on their websites and social media platforms informing patrons that the Interlibrary Loan delivery service had been disrupted and that Maine InfoNet announced that the van delivery service between libraries was halted immediately.

This invaluable service, as reported in a 2020 PenBay Pilot story, gave thousands of people around the state nearly 70 times the borrowing power of their local library card. By using the Interlibrary Loan Service, a patron could reserve items through Maine InfoNet’s multiple shared library systems from nearly 68 public libraries statewide and van delivery often brought those items to the patron’s home library within a week. Within two years, more libraries joined and the van service provided delivery to more than 200 libraries of all types across the state. 

This service was particularly useful for young and low-income residents (who couldn’t afford the cost of a library card in the tonier towns which could be as high as $50 a year) and for college and graduate students, because Colby, Bates, and Bowdoin were all participating, as well.

Maine State Librarian (MSL) Lori Fisher declined to comment citing pending litigation.

“This is a very important service to libraries all over the state and Camden alone borrows and loans some 2,500 items each month," former Camden Public Library Executive Director Nikki Maounis told PenBay Pilot. "This is the kind of service that library users really value in our fast-paced world.”

Steve Norman, of the Belfast Free Library told PenBayPilot, “We send out and receive 30,000 items a year and it’s a big part of our service here. Our patrons will definitely lament the loss of this service for as long as it lasts.” Norman added, “While this affects anyone who uses this service, youngsters are especially affected when they’re looking for a complete series of a book. There are a lot of young adult books that we get from other libraries.”

The only information on what’s happening can be found on MSL’s website.

For statewide van delivery service to occur, the state had to issue an RFP (Request for Proposal)–essentially, a competitive bidding process– to potential van delivery vendors to ensure any purchase of services was done so in “open competition.” This RFP was put out on 3/26/2024 as the current contract was set to expire on 6/30/2024.

According to MSL, The state awarded STAT Courier the conditional award of the RFP for statewide van delivery service for 2025. However, an unsuccessful bidder filed a “Stay and an Appeal.” As for the identity of the business filing the appeal, MSL’s “Attorney General Liaison has advised MSL to not discuss who filed the Stay and Appeal.” However, on MSL’s website, a master scoresheet of the four bidders was listed.

MSL further stated on its website that it cannot enter into a contract with STAT Courier until the appeal process is completed. The appeal hearing has been scheduled for 6/12/24.

How long will it take for service to resume?

Whereas some libraries such as the Rockland Public Library predicted on their Facebook page that “the situation would last more than a month,” MSL’s website FAQs stated: “It is unknown at this time how much of a gap in service there will be, due to the ongoing appeal process. This makes it virtually impossible to create a firm timeline and work out all aspects of a plan in advance for how to address a gap in service.”

On the Interlibrary Loan FAQ, MSL stated: “We do not currently have firm dates for the length of this interruption, but we expect that there will be no delivery for at least six weeks this summer, starting on July 1.”

What patrons can still do

Patrons will still be able to request and place holds on locally owned items, but will not be able to request materials from other libraries.

However, any Maine library that is a member of the Maine Reciprocal Borrowing Program can visit other libraries and check out materials in person, but also must return the materials at the same place. Most Midcoast libraries are on this reciprocal borrowing program.

“This is a temporary interruption, the service will be back,” said Norman. “The absence of the interlibrary loan for the time being should remind every one of us just how important it is.”

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

ROCKLAND—It was Anthony Bourdain’s first book, Kitchen Confidential that first introduced me to the chef’s term, mise en place, a French expression for having all your ingredients measured, cut, and prepared and all your tools all aligned before you start cooking.

For Eileen Gaughan, the owner of the new kitchen store Mise En Place that just opened in May on 425 Main Street, the term was apropos of her entire store concept.

“I love to cook and I love to read cookbooks and some of the chefs I follow on TV or social media always bring up the concept of mise en place,” she said. “I’m a firm believer in the concept and it’s what I do at home. And I thought it was a great name for a kitchen shop.”

Gaughan, who has traveled the world and last lived in New York, moved to Port Clyde at the start of the pandemic in 2020. She spent years in corporate communications and had always wanted to open her own shop.

“I thought Rockland would be a great place to do that,” she said.

Her store is stocked with shelves of tools, such as Japanese knives, kitchen gadgets, cookbooks, and food items made by Maine craftspeople. And she hopes to add more in the coming months.

The shop used to be an insurance agency, and one of the standout features is a large bank vault in the back with an open steel door.

“I plan to use that little space of the vault for some kind of kitchen display,” she said.

Gaughan’s favorite comfort meal is making pasta and Mediterranean food. Knowing how Rockland is considered a “foodie” town, she is open to the idea of using the shop to host various chef talks and demos, as well as cookbook authors.

“My vision and tagline is: ‘Tools for the everyday chef’ so tools and ingredients for people who love to cook,” she said. “I want to make sure I’m catering to the community, so I will continue to expand my wares and I’m asking everyone who comes through the door for feedback.” 

She said more inventory and more shelving will be arriving in the coming months, which will be shaped by that community feedback.

“I am absolutely trying to feature as many locally made items as I can,” she said.

For more information visit: www.mis-en-place.me

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com




MIDCOAST—This year, we are consolidating our annual “Welcome back” article to acquaint those who haven’t been around this winter to see what’s open, what’s closed, what's new, and what's happening in Rockland, Camden-Rockport, Belfast, and inland.

New Restaurants & Businesses

Lincolnville & Belfast

The Hoot in Northport has changed owners. According to their website: “Anna and Jon Poto are collaborating with the new owners, Robert Macdowell and Janiece Fazio, to provide a seamless transition. The new owners have no intention of changing The Hoot since the restaurant already works like a charm.”

This winter was a brutal one with some of the worst back-to-back noreaster disasters Maine has seen in decades. The Lincolnville Pound sustained heavy damage during the flooding that damaged much of the Midcoast coastline and put Lincolnville Beach under water twice this winter. It impacted every single business along that low strip of Route One by the beach. Soon after, real estate notices put “The Pound” as locals knew it up for sale with the listing stating: “The building is in need of extensive renovation to bring it back to its prior glory and open back up as a restaurant.” At the time of this story, the owners could not be reached for comment. 

McLaughlin’s Lobster Shack located next to the Lincolnville Beach ferry has now moved to the former Chez Michel location and has been advertising for summer help. 

Nautilus Seafood & Grill also re-opened under new ownership this winter. Shawna Aitken, Shelley Trisch, and Mary Marchini took on the restaurant on January 1 from its previous owners, Ron and Roz Peters, who founded the restaurant in 2012. Not long after they purchased it, the winter storms previously mentioned flooded the Belfast harbor flooding the restaurant twice. Here are photos from January. However, since then, they’ve cleaned up, recovered, and are ready for the summer season.

Bell The Cat moved across the street to 18 Hatley Road next to Athena Health and they’ve been busy this winter building a new outdoor patio.

Dos Gatos Gastro Pub took over the basement lounge of the former Sophia beer and wine bar on 84 Main Street. This underground taco & cocktail gastro pub offers traditional standards as well as some taco combos such as duck confit, crab, etc. Find out more here.


Buttermilk Kitchen at Marriner’s is the latest breakfast and lunch spot in Camden to open on 35 Elm Street once Marriner’s closed. The owners modeled the Maine location after their Buttermilk Kitchen restaurant in Atlanta. Read Chris Wolf’s story. Marriner’s Restaurant changed hands when Dan and Becki Gabriele sold the business to Suzanne Vizethann after 41 years.

Per the Camden town office, The Bagel Café will be moving from its long-time location on Mechanic Street to the former Boynton-McKay space on Elm Street, which has remained vacant since the midst of the pandemic.

First Fig, a neighborhood wine shop and bar at 31 Elm Street, opened for business in late February. Read that PenBay Pilot story here.

Costa Media, formerly wolfpeach, at 50 Elm Street is the sister restaurant, South Portland-based Cafe Louis, and opened just before Christmas, offering a menu inspired by Costa Rican and Caribbean flavors.

Almost simultaneously in mid-December, Albatross, a new restaurant opened at 115 Elm Street in Camden, on the same property as the Cedar Crest Inn. The menu is a bit eclectic with a definite Asian flare to it. There is Japanese-style cured mackerel, Thai pickled shrimp, and Pho egg drop soup with a beef shank. Read that PenBay Pilot story here.


The biggest news coming out of Rockport this winter is the completion of the Rockport Harbor Hotel, facing the harbor. See the related article here. On May 8, the hotel announced its rooftop Atrium Restaurant was opened to the public with a Business After Hours event hosted by the Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commerce.

Another notable story this winter from MaineBiz announced, “Rock City Employee Cooperative, an employee-owned cooperative that owns a café and coffee roastery in Rockland, is planning to move the roastery from a leased space at 252 Main St. in Rockland to another building in the neighboring Knox County town of Rockport.”

Sea Hag Cider took over the space at 315 Commerical Street, also in mid-December opening Rockport’s first cidery. Sea Hag Cider features various Maine apples and orchards as well as other local ingredients like wildflower honey and even maple syrup to make their many ciders that you can try on tap in their tasting room.


Jennifer and Fabrice Roux opened Alsace Restaurant & Dining Bar opened in October 2023 at 1422 Heald Highway offering French and German cuisine.


Fresh & Co. is opening a sister restaurant in the former Cafe Miranda space on Oak Street. The owners could not be reached for any further comment.

Mise en place, a new shop for kitchenware recently opened this month. Located on 425 Main Street, it is Rockland’s first kitchen store since The Store closed. Owned by Eileen Gaughan, a home cook herself, the store is for home cooks, offering tools, cookbooks, and Maine-created ingredients. Read that story here


Honey’s Fried Chicken Palace is owner, Malcolm Bedell’s second eatery to open in the Midcoast this spring. Springing from Ancho Honey in Tenants Harbor, Bedell’s second restaurant features signature scratch cooking with chicken being the main star of the menu. Find out more here.

If we’ve missed a restaurant or business, email news@penbaypilot.com with the relevant details (who/what/where/when) and we’ll paste it into this story.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

OWLS HEAD—Owls Head Transportation Museum held its second annual STEM Fest 2024 on April 26  and 27— this time expanding over a full weekend, to great success.

To counter the adverse effects that the pandemic had on student achievement in Maine and to give teens and tweens an immersive hands-on experience with interactive displays in science, technology, engineering, and math, the museum transformed into multiple STEM stations throughout the building.

From operating a rolling robot that spits out Frisbees to participating in a physics display that made one’s hair stand up, students met with professionals in fields ranging from engineering to virtual reality technology, aircraft design, and medicine.

The sheer level of enthusiasm last year proved to Kat Woodworth, Director of Development, and Megan Galinksy, Education Director, that giving kids free access to tools, DIY projects, and hands-on experiments is the key to getting them re-engaged again in school and inspiring them to be entrepreneurs and interested in careers in the trades.

“Post-COVID-19, we were looking at a lot of data that showed teachers were having a difficult time getting kids to stay engaged and working in groups,” said Woodworth, “At this FEST, we saw kids light up around anything they could get their hands on.”

Friday was designated as a special school field trip day and closed to the public. The museum secured enough sponsorship funding to invite schools from within an hour’s radius of Owls Head to visit all of the STEM stations in the museum for free, prompting some 340 students to partake in the field trip. On Saturday the museum was open to the public and Gaslinsky said many of these same students came back with their families to show them their favorite exhibits and activities from the previous day.

“They were amazed by the collection we had and with the people who brought the activities here,” said Galinsky. “We had kids leaving really thinking about what paths they wanted to choose in their lives from this.”

“Our program grew 700% from last year as a result of the outreach we did to more rural areas as well as the sponsorship dollars we secured to pay for their transport to get here.

-Kat Woodworth

There was an activity for everyone from arts in STEM such as leather crafting and embossing to working with engines, automobile computer equipment, and experiments in viscosity, among many others.

With aviation and automobiles as their central theme, OHTM included plenty of activities in stations positioned around the museum that would tie back into these themes as a career.  For example, Woodward said that the flight simulation activities were a huge hit with the kids.

“So when you’re talking about how planes fly and how they pull and drag, we have that activity stationed right next to the aircraft, so they can look up and make that immediate visual connection,” she said. “And in the Electricity Room, students got to see under the hood of an electric car and how that all works, along with rides on a Model T as counterpoint.”

Three undergraduate students from the University of Maine’s College of Engineering and Physics Program worked with David Sturm, of the Physics and Astronomy Department to use an electrostatic generator to conduct static electricity. Once students touched the metal ball of the generator, their hair stood up on end.

“Today we’re just giving different physics experiments to show how physics can be cool and how it relates to daily life, said UMaine student Tom Murphy.

The Girl Scout Troop 191 from Rockland had a table demonstrating how to make a cardboard stethoscope to anyone who wanted to stop by. The girls nominated Hope, one of their troop members, to explain their process. “As this is part of our engineering journey as Girls Scouts, we thought why not do something at the STEM FEST?” she said. “We wanted something easy we could build and because I’m in EMT training, we chose to build homemade stethoscopes.”

View our gallery with more information and visit OHTM to see more of its upcoming events.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com





MAINE—I have a theory about books you were meant to find and those which were meant to find you—treat a bookstore like the open road and see where it takes you. I have found books that have changed my life this way. 

This Saturday marks the 11th Independent Bookstore Day across the country to support independently owned bookshops that continually compete against Amazon and big box stores.

Grim stats but some slow gains

It’s been an uphill battle for indie bookstores in the last decade with the Census Bureau reporting that the number of independent bookstores dropped nearly in half between 1998 and 2019 from 12,151 stores to 6,045 stores.

But, here’s some good news: Amazon hasn’t nudged out brick-and-mortar bookstores, yet.

The pandemic delivered an unexpected gift to flagging bookstores when people began reading more while stuck at home. Independent bookselling hit an uptick in 2022 with membership in the American Booksellers Association reaching its highest levels in more than 20 years. What’s more, readers were hungry for lesser-known authors in the new and diverse stores that opened nationwide.

Indies in Maine


According to a 2023 story by MaineBiz, there are roughly 37 independent bookstores in Maine. With a population of 1.3 million people, that works out to be one bookstore per 35,000 people as opposed to the national average of one bookstore per 54,299 people.

Here in the Midcoast, we have a couple of new bookstores that opened in the last two years, such as Grump & Sunshine, a romance-only bookshop in Belfast. This sweet and salty store is only one of the hidden gems in Belfast, which also includes the fiercely independent Left Bank Books as well as Craig Olson Books (formerly Old Professor’s Bookshop) selling used and rare books. Farther up the road, Anodyne opened in Searsport just after the pandemic to wild success.

In Camden, Owl & Turtle Bookshop is a homey, community bookshop with a café and Stone Soup is a hidden treasure trove of used books.

In Rockland, hello hello books is a neighborhood favorite that encourages grassroots activism, while Sherman’s Maine Coast Bookshop is one of nine independently owned stores in Maine and a champion of local authors. Arctic Tern Books is another new boutique booskhop in Rockland with a cozy vibe.

“We are really looking forward to Indie Bookstore Day this Saturday, not simply because of what it stands for—a celebration of all that independent bookstores bring to communities—but also because it marks our first birthday at Anodyne,” said owner Elly Burnett. They plan to have a festive first birthday party with balloons, cupcakes, and special drawings for gift certificates, and other bookish prizes. 

“I’m so excited for Grump & Sunshine’s first Indie Bookstore Day,” said Cassidy James Taylor, owner. “All purchases will come with a book from the ARC (advanced reader copy) table. I’ll also have the popcorn machine going so shoppers can have a little snack!”

“We look forward to Indie Bookstore Day as an opportunity to celebrate independence in bookselling and culture—the freedom to step off the worn-out track and find alternatives,” said Jacob Fricke, Operations Director of hello hello books in Rockland. “ To think and feel beyond the mainstream, to see beyond the normative, to imagine different trajectories.” They will have cooperative table games, free ARCs/galleys/advance reader copies, missed connections ads for books, and other special merch and games, along with a guest appearance by Hannah Matthews, author of You or Someone You Love, who will be on hand with signed copies of her book.

With Indie Bookstore Day held at more than 1,000 independent bookstores across the U.S., here are a dozen bookshops to explore on a road trip this weekend. If you find the perfect book that found you, let us know in the comments what the title is.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

For the holidays, we’re shining the spotlight on Maine craftspeople who make custom items by hand. Shop locally and support innovators and entrepreneurs who keep the creative economy alive in this state.

Maine Blueberry Gifts


The back story: Go to Maine Etsy and search “Maine Blueberry Gift” and you’ll find dozens of handcrafted items using Maine’s most iconic fruit for every budget, from stocking stuffers for $5 to gift boxes for $50.

Sample food boxes are always a safe bet and Maine Foodies provides the holy trinity—Blueberry Honey, Blueberry Jam, and Maple Syrup.  Wagamuffin considers dogs “foodies” as well with their handmade plant-based blueberry dog treats. But other creative entrepreneurs have used the blueberry in alternate forms, such as Downeast Doodle Candles' hand-poured soy blueberry candle that gives off a scent that one customer called “spot on.” Brayer Ridge Soap crafts a handcrafted blueberry lip balm made with coconut oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter, Vitamin E, and organic beeswax from right from their farm. 

Maine Lobster Gifts

Photo by MetroCreative

The back story: Apart from buying lobster directly from reputable pounds who can ship cross-country, Etsy is the place to search for “Maine Lobster Gifts” with nearly 2,000 gift ideas.

Do you know someone who can’t stop talking about how much they look forward to eating lobster when they come to Maine? We see a lot of lobster-themed gifts in this state, so here are a few of the truly unusual ones that stand out made only by Maine craftspeople: PL Detailz crafts a lobster-shaped map of any town you specify and frames it for a unique house gift. Wooden Penneys has kind of a wacky gift, a saved lobster claw shell turned into a Santa Claus (Claws) Christmas ornament. Vacationlander cracks us up with a “Jaws” parody T-shirt featuring a giant lobster “Claws” coming up from the deep instead. And those who know the industry in and out will find this gift to be very cool: Lobstermans Wife offers a gauge bracelet fashioned from the tool lobstermen use to measure the length of “keepers.”

Maine Craft Beer Gifts

Photo by MetroCreative

The back story: Maine has cemented its rightful place on the craft brew throne in the last decade and with more than 165 breweries (and counting), plenty of people who visit not only love the beer but also the memories of it that they take home. We combed through all of the unique Maine craft beer-themed gifts on Etsy to bring you a few Maine-only crafted items that are the next best thing to a cold, frothy mug.

Benoits Design Company has a Dirigo pint glass with the original 1901 Maine flag with a tree and star, but these are going fast. If you’re a big fan of Allagash Brewing Co. (Maine’s largest award-winning brewer) you’ll like the craft beer magnet set MashedPotatoMosiacs make from their bottlecaps. Geary Brewing is a Portland brewery and New England's First Craft Brewery, which poured its first flagship ale in 1986. Shop their beer soap; the Beer & Christmas Cheer soap smells like “clove, citrus, fir trees, and good memories.” 

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

The comforting aroma of hot cider, ginger, and cinnamon fills the kitchen when you make the ancient mulled drink wassail, but did you know that the drink itself dates back to pre-Christian times?

Farmers in England would use the drink to bless apple trees for a bountiful harvest for the next season and to ward off evil spirits.

The word originated from Middle English “wæs hæil,” or  “washayl,”  meaning "a toast to someone's health” similar to the way we raise a glass to toast someone with the word “cheers!” 

As a verb, the word took on even more energy as “wassailing” meant to take a sip from a communal bowl filled with warm spiced cider and go house to house  and carol to one’s neighbors with good wishes and greetings.

Of course, a bit of brandy in the recipe probably aided with that.

In any case, making wassail and going wassailing has its roots in the holidays, after the harvest is through and early winter is upon us.

According to the modern pagan movement, Arcane Alchemy, wassail has literary and social significance as well, serving as a way to break down class barriers—even for just one night. 

With a slew of holiday parties coming up this month, wassail is a delight to simmer on your stovetop at home when the wood stove is burning and the music is on.

It’s so easy to make, it would even serve as an interesting appetizer to a potluck holiday party.

I got all of the ingredients locally in Belfast, starting with an organic apple and spices at Belfast Co-op.

The Co-op, in case you didn’t know, has an amazing array of every kind of spice you can want, sold by weight.

A few whole cinnamon sticks and about 20 whole cloves only cost $2.

The rest of the ingredients were easily found at Hannaford Supermarket, including the Maine-made Ricker Hill cider.


For two peopleFor a group
  • 1 apple
  • 3 cups apple cider
  • 3/4 cups orange juice
  • 1/2 lemon juice
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 15 whole cloves
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/2 tablespoon light brown sugar
  • 2 apples
  • 8 cups apple cider
  • 2 cups orange juice
  • 1/3 cup lemon juice
  • 4 cinnamon sticks
  • 15 whole cloves
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1 tablespoon light brown sugar

First, stick cloves all around the apple.

Combine all of the ingredients, place the apple in the middle, and simmer on the stove for 30 minutes.

Serve warm with a slice of lemon or orange and an extra cinnamon stick.

This can be alcoholic with brandy or rum or not.

I made two cups with two shots of rum.

If you really want to go full-on Maine wassail, make it with Allen’s Coffee Brandy, then haul the warmed drink around in a flask and go sing some raucous songs to the trees and your neighbors.

Kay Stephens is a home cook with a penchant for recipes and a reporter for Penobscot Bay Pilot. Her dishes are decent enough, but not Instagram-worthy.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

ROCKPORT—Musician/artist Jon Friese’s cigar box guitar art exhibit is still up at the Rockport Public Library in case you haven’t caught it yet, and it’s worth a walk-through before it comes down at the end of this month.

These unusual pieces of functional art date back to the Civil War, according to Friese. During the early days of the pandemic, he got inspired after viewing one being played on YouTube, and it spurred a desire to go find a cigar box and make one of his own.

“I was always interested in building guitars,” he said. “I built one with my grandfather back in sixth grade.”

To start, he began sourcing beautiful vintage boxes wherever he could at yard sales and thrift stores. Customizing each box, he built out the electronic work in them and inserted pick-ups, circuitry, and volume and tone controls. He has made hundreds of cigar box guitars, amplifiers, and combinations of both, called “amplitars” since 2020. He also sources unusual candy boxes and makes guitars out of them as well.

Friese’s pandemic hobby has turned into a money-making side hustle since then, having sold 143 amps and 127 guitars to people all over the world.

“It’s been so much fun; progressing and each one just gets better and better,” he said, “I learn a little more after making each one.”

Friese comes by his hobby naturally, having always been interested in music and instruments. In the 1970s, he was just a rock n’ roll kid living the life as a drummer in several bands. In 1975, he landed a warehouse job at the biggest music store in Miami in 1972 called Ace Music, which was only a few doors down from multiple music studios of major rock bands who were about to start their world tours. 

Famous musicians such as The Rolling Stones and The Eagles used to wander into Ace all the time, sometimes to rent an unusual instrument, other times, to shoot the breeze, as they knew the music store was where they’d find their “people.” Some of those photos with Friese and various rock stars can also be seen at this Rockport Public Library exhibit.

“I was working in the warehouse one time when Glenn Frey and Joe Walsh from The Eagles came in,” he said. “We had about 250 Fender Stratocasters and they wanted to go through every one of them. So I spent the afternoon showing them each one and chatting with them.”

The library hosted Friese on November 18 for a little meet and greet so that the public could physically handle the guitars and amps and play with them. “I just sat and jammed with people all day,” he said, “It was so much fun.”

All of the guitars, amps, and amplitars on exhibit are available for purchase directly through Jon Friese (207-660-7470 or jfriese954@yahoo.com) and also via his shop on Etsy.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com


Rutabaga. What do you do with this alien softball-sized thing?

This is the kind of vegetable I’m likely to pass over at a farmer’s market, because it’s so unfamiliar, but it’s a fall/winter root vegetable that’s in season right now. It’s nutrient-packed, low-calorie, and high in antioxidants.

The best part? One only cost .99. A side dish for a buck that could feed four people!

But back to what to do with it—you just have to go on faith that if you peel it and cook it, it will taste good. I found a great, simple recipe that can be a comfort fall side dish or the perfect dish to bring to a potluck Thanksgiving.

Mashed rutabaga with roasted garlic and browned butter

  • 1 rutabaga
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream
  • 3 tablespoons light cream
  • 1/4 cup chicken bone broth
  • 1/4 cup white wine
  • Seasons: salt, pepper, fresh chives.


All you have to do is peel it with a vegetable peeler and cut off the rough ends. Dice and throw in a big pot of salted boiling water. A rutabaga is just like boiling potatoes.

After 30 minutes or so, it will be soft enough to drain. Then put back in the pot.

While you’re doing that, cut off the top of a head of garlic and drizzle a teaspoon of olive oil over the exposed garlic.

Pop in the oven or toaster.

By the time the rutabaga is done, the garlic will be roasted.

Put the butter in a saucepan and simmer on low until the butter is browned. It adds a subtle nutty flavor to savory dishes, so stir that in first, then add half of the roasted garlic bulbs and mash well.

On low heat, add the cream, and sour cream and stir.

Then at the end, give a splash of bone broth and wine; continue stirring. Sprinkle some fresh chives over your dish.

I made the side dish to go with a New England pot roast, in which I layered a thick chuck roast steak in a crockpot over new potatoes and carrots from the farmer’s market, along with half an onion.

After eight hours, the pot roast was fork-tender and the mashed rutabaga was the star of the show. Its flavor with the savory butter and garlic was more interesting than bland old mashed potatoes, complementing the rest of the simmered vegetables. This is a two-night meal, saving money at the grocery store.

The ease of this dish is that it is a perfect side to bring to a Thanksgiving potluck dinner—you’re guaranteed no one else will have garlicky rutabaga. A turkey gravy over it even elevates those flavors even more.

If you’re in the Midcoast, check out Chase’s Daily, the restaurant on Main Street. Their back room doubles as an indoor farmer’s market with an eye-popping abundance of fall vegetables, herbs, and flowers for sale.

Kay Stephens is a home cook with a penchant for recipes and a reporter for Penobscot Bay Pilot. Her dishes are decent enough, but not Instagram-worthy.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

“Quiet and thoughtful” is how I’d describe my first meeting with 15-year-old Caleb Carr, a relatively new Camden Hills Regional High School student to the Midcoast from Massachusetts.

Turns out that’s an apt description for his photography, as well.

As we chatted in the school library, I got to know him a little bit and what he’s drawn to in life, and behind the lens.

“When I was in Massachusetts, I focused on sports and aviation, which is what I was interested in,” he said.

Hockey and football are his two favorite sports and he brings his Panasonic Lumix fz300 camera to capture the action in the games. But, once he and his family moved to Camden, Caleb started to really look around—and found that capturing images in nature was just as rewarding.

 He got the camera for his birthday but admits he didn’t know much about photography at the time. 

“I wasn’t super serious about it at first, but then I attended some Zoom meetings on photography and this guy who taught it worked for major magazines and taught us how to use the camera better,” he said.

This sparked an interest in knowing the camera’s settings and how he could master them. He began teaching himself how to take quality photos through YouTube tutorials and using the online photo editor, Adobe Lightroom.

Simultaneously, he began to explore the Midcoast from all angles and paid special attention to objects and scenes that weren’t obvious to everyone else.

“I have more nature photos now because I’m surrounded by it here,” he said. “I like natural photography and don’t alter too much of it except to preserve the colors. I find these little spots and try to capture images that aren’t necessarily seen by everybody.”

The following are a few of his photographs and what was the inspiration behind capturing the image.


Photo by Caleb Carr
When taking this photo, I was drawn to the isolation of this island. Most photos of Maiden’s Cliff are focused on the cross that overlooks the Midcoast, but I wanted to look past that and focus on the smaller unnoticed features of Megunticook Lake.
Photo by Caleb Carr

While at Hosmer Pond this past summer, I was able to capture the sunset across the water. It created an amazing scene with the raft and the quiet pond. I did some color grading to make the light off the raft billets pop.
Lobster boat
Photo by Caleb Carr

While in Camden, I noticed The Gladys Wink tied up at the dock. They were unloading the boat and it appeared that no one noticed that compared to the other things happening in the harbor.
Photo by Caleb Carr

After being beaten by Sandwich the previous season, Norwell was back for revenge in the MIAA D4 final. Timmy Ward, the star player of Norwell crosses over in front of the bench preparing to receive a pass.
Rockport Harbor
Photo by Caleb Carr
I was just walking around Rockport for several hours, exploring, and I came across a gap in the bushes. When approaching it, I realized it created a window into Rockport harbor. It was a perspective that goes unnoticed and I wanted to bring attention to how pretty it is.

At 15, not many people know what they want to do, but Caleb is pretty serious about pursuing photography. Knowing that he loves to shoot sports, we offered him a guest column to cover the high school sports games, such as in this recent story. A chance mention of his photography on Midcoast Message Board led to this story and to a guest column—one never knows the opportunities that await, until you manifest your intent. For Caleb’s thoughtful approach to nature, beauty, and hidden gems, his photography career is only beginning.

Hail To The Rad Kids is an ongoing feature highlighting teens in the Midcoast with special talent. 

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

It’s 4 p.m. in November as dusk settles in Maine. You pull back your curtains...and sigh. Another winter approaches as the days get shorter. And everyone cocoons in their houses for what seems like an eternity.

If you’re not an outdoor person once the days get colder, don’t despair—there are a number of ways to still be social in the Midcoast this fall and winter.

Trivia Nights

Trivia Nights are a special kind of bonding with a group of pals or work friends because they require the team (usually six to eight people) to develop a clever group identity and compete with other teams — usually once a week — on questions ranging from science to entertainment. Friendly rivalries between teams are encouraged.

Marshall Wharf Brewing Co. in Belfast has Smarts and Crafts Trivia Night on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. (‘crafts’ meaning craft beer). FMI: Details

The Jack in Camden hosts a Trivia Night with Bobby on Thursdays at 7 p.m. Email for more info: thejackllc@gmail.com

Lake St. George Brewing Co. in Liberty hosts a Trivia Night every Friday at 6 p.m. FMI: Details

The Knox Clinic and Thomaston Public Library will be hosting a ‘90s Themed Trivia Night on Thursday, Nov. 16, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Thomaston Public Library, 60 Main Street in Thomaston. FMI: Details

Book Clubs

Camden Public Library hosts an adult book club monthly (along with kids’ and YA clubs). For the month of November, the group will be reading and discussing The Sentence” by Louise Erdrich meeting on November 27, from 10 to 11 a.m. Visit the library’s website for more information.

At the Rockland Public Library, Catching Up With The Classics is a book group that meets monthly. This year they will be exploring classics by Maine authors and settings in Maine. The next club meets on November 20 at 6 p.m. View the library’s website for more information or contact: pking@rocklandmaine.gov.

The Thomaston Public Library hosts four different book clubs. The Intergenerational Book Club meets every third Tuesday of the month at 2:30 p.m. in the main reading room. Let's Talk About It meets on the second Tuesday of every other month at 2 p.m. The Mystery Book Club meets on the first Thursday of every month at 2 p.m.  The Pop-Up Book Club began as a limited series of book group meetings outside at the library's gazebo during the summer. View the library’s website for more information or contact library@thomastonmaine.gov.

Cozy Music Nights

Perhaps you enjoy music, but not late-night rock bands. Marshall Wharf Brewing Co. in Belfast hosts a fiddlers’ jam weekly every Tuesday around 5 p.m. People can bring an instrument and join in. FMI: Details

Homeport Tavern in Searsport hosts a "Celtic Music” night with The Irish Session Band from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. every Thursday. FMI: Details

Movie Nights

Marshall Wharf Brewing Co. hosts fun, familiar movies on Thursday nights from 6 to 8 p.m. Watching it with a crowd usually leads to a lot of extemporizing and shouted-out quotes from the audience. On Thursday, November 9, they’ll be screening Caddyshack. Stay tuned to their website for upcoming movies.

Craft Nights

Good Natured boutique natural goods store in Liberty and Lake St George Brewing Co. have collaborated to offer a Craft Night every Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m. in the upstairs loft. It’s a “BYO” craft (knitting, painting, etc.) There will also be an optional simple craft each week with a donation requested for any materials used. FMI: Details

Cover Me In Art, a  DIY arts and craft studio in Belfast is hosting a Paint Night on Saturday, November 11 at 3 p.m. Connect with friends for a creative experience. Bring your own drink and snacks. All materials included to create a 16 x 20 painting on canvas. Then, on November 20, at 5:30 p.m. they’ll host a wine bottle and glasses painting party. Stay tuned to their Facebook page for future events.

PechaKucha Night

After a long hiatus, PechaKucha Night is back! On Friday, November 17, The Strand Theatre will host the latest event. Eight individuals share their passions, projects, and processes in this unique 20x20 presentation format. Doors open to the public at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $5, available in advance on the Strand website, or at the door if tickets remain. Stay tuned to its Facebook page for future PK events. FMI: Details

Skill-Building  Workshops

On November 18 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Camden Public Library is hosting an “explosion book” workshop in which participants will make a handmade small square book, which “explodes” into a series of square and triangular pages when you open it up. The fee for this seminar is $10, which covers the cost of materials and includes a small donation to the Camden Public Library.

Waterfall Arts always has some art-related events going on. On November 30, they’ll host a Fun with Fused Glass workshop from 6 to 8 p.m. In this two-hour workshop, students will learn how to fuse a glass wave using a 4″x4″ flat glass sheet and bits of crushed transparent glass in shades of blue and green.

Michael Good Gallery in Rockport is hosting a couple of book arts workshops in December. on Saturday, Dec. 2 drop in from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for a free “Simple Books” workshop with Naomi Howe and Cindy McGuirlLearn how to sew the pamphlet stitch, make an eight-page booklet from a single sheet of paper, and more.Then on Saturday, Dec. 9. drop in from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on “Paper Ball Accordion Ornaments” with Joelle Webber.  Paper ornament fun! Come see the Midcoast Maine Book Arts Holiday Pop-Up Show and make your own paper ornament.

If we’ve missed any Midcoast Maine indoor weekly or monthly events for adults, please email us a detailed sentence (who, what, when, where, etc) as well as a website or social media link so that we can pop it into this list.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

ROCKPORT — In a game that started hot, with a continuous back-and-forth between Camden Hills Regional High School girls varsity team and their counterpart, Brunswick, CHRHS eventually prevailed with a final score of 2 to 1.

The competition took place Nov. 4 at Camden Hills Regional High School in Rockport, during a playoff for the Class A North semi-finals. Both teams have had a strong season.

Camden went into the game with a 13-1-1 record and Brunswick with an 11-2 record.

Neither team scored in the first half of the game, but going into the second half, Brunswick was able to open up with a goal at 37:51.

It didn't take long for Camden to bounce back with their own goal two minutes later at 35:25.

Brunswick and Camden battled for the next goal, but Camden was able to score one more at 15:46.

Even though Brunswick was down by one, the two teams battled until the very last second of the game.

Seeing how Brunswick handled this loss so well, it was apparent the team had a hard-fought season. Camden had speedy players who could run fast and make fast passes. Brunswick was dominant with heading and their touches and had fantastic ball control.

Both Camden's boys’ and girls’ teams are set to play in their class finals this Tuesday, Nov. 7 in Lewiston. varsity, only Girls are playing at 4:30 p.m. and boys are at 6:30 p.m.




November 1 kicks off National Native American Heritage Month, which holds significant importance in Maine as the state is home to several Native American tribes, including the Wabanaki Confederacy, which comprises the Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, Maliseet, Mi'kmaq, and Abenaki peoples. According to Four Directions in Maine, a nonprofit Community Development Corporation, the Wabanaki Confederacy or (Waponahki) — is “translated as “People of the First Light” or “Dawnland” stretching from Newfoundland in the north to mid-Maine in the south, and parts of Quebec in the west.” 

This month provides an opportunity to recognize and honor the historical and contemporary contributions of Native American communities. Here are several art and cultural events that are worth the road trip, along with a couple of virtual exhibits you can enjoy at home.

2023 Waponahki Student Art Show

Abbe, Museum, downtown, Bar Harbor

Current exhibit

This is a beautiful art collection created by Passamaquoddy, Penobscot, Maliseet, and Mi'kmaq students from early childhood education through high school and is a current exhibit at the Abbe Museum. This collaboration with Maine Indian Education, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Border Towns, and the Abbe Museum (quotes) Drive to its location in downtown Bar Harbor or check out the online gallery here.

Wabanaki Collection

The Hudson Museum, UMO

Permanent exhibit

Drive to the University of Maine in Orono to the Hudson Museum (2 Flagstaff Rd, Orono) which is free to all and open Monday through Friday 9 to 4 p.m. to see its Wabanaki Collection, or do a virtual tour of Native artists who are videotaped making their art.

Wabanaki Art Market

Wabanki Health & Wellness, Bangor

November 4, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Join local Native artists for a special market at the Wabanaki Public Health Youth & Cultural Center in downtown Bangor to celebrate native artists and find some special handmade items. The event will be at 57 Park Street in Bangor and will feature paintings, traditional and modern beadwork, traditional salves, digital art, ink drawings, and more.

Performance by Firefly

Penobscot Theater Company

November 18, 2023,  8 to 9 p.m.

Jason Brown, also known as Firefly, is a Native American artist of the Penobscot Nation, with Swedish roots, born and raised in ancient Wabanaki territory. Firefly, as he goes by professionally, is a vocalist and songkeeper who has performed for the Kennedy Center’s Arts Across America series. Learn a little bit more about him here. He will be doing a one-night show at 135 Main St, Bangor, ME to “illuminate the beauty and healing power of his ancient indigenous culture through music, visuals and creativity.”

Videos & Podcast

Wabanaki Studies Learning Progression

Permanent collection

If you don’t want to drive but want a cultural immersion this month, consider watching or listening to these videos and podcasts all around the state on culture, history, contemporary issues, and arts and entertainment. Another podcast to check out is WERU’s Wabanaki Windows, a monthly podcast hosted by Donna Loring, an author, broadcaster, and former Senior Advisor on Tribal Affairs, featuring topics of interest from a Wabanaki perspective.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

The Spooky Season is upon us! We have combed through every Halloween-themed event going on in the Midcoast to bring you a comprehensive rundown of events. From parties to art, from poetry to theater, we’ve color-coded these events for partying adults, parents, and kids to make finding them easier.

Thursday, October 19

· Adults: The Rockland Public Library will host Deputy Library Director Patty King as she shares her multi-year project of exploring cemeteries to find epitaphs, which she crafts into songs. This event starts at 6 p.m., is free, and open to all.

Friday, October 20

· Parents and Kids: Rockland Public Library is hosting a Halloween Hootenanny Party from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Join Miss Katie for silly Halloween stories, six MONSTER-ous crafts, and more. Costumes are encouraged. FMI: Details

· Adults and Parents and KidsThe Trail of Terror at the Union Fair officially kicked off last Friday and will take place Friday and Saturday nights (going through Oct. 28) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Suggested for 13 and older. $15 per person cash only. FMI: Tickets and details

· Adults and Parents and Kids: Fright at the Fort is the Annual Halloween Scarefest in Prospect when Fort Knox becomes the largest Haunted House Tour in Maine. It kicked off on Saturday, October 14 (going through Oct. 20, 21, 27, 28) and goes from 5:30 to 8:45 p.m. where monsters, aliens, zombies, and other scares lurk around every corner. Note, this year they do have a “Chicken Hour” from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. with no jump scares! Tickets are only online for $15. No purchase at the door. FMI: Tickets and Details

Saturday, October 21

· Parents and Kids: Penobscot Bay YMCA is holding a Monster Mash Halloween Open House that is free to the community, including a vampire’s ball, fun inflatables, a floating pumpkin patch, and more from 1 to 4 p.m. FMI: Details

Friday, October 27

Postponed· Parents and Kids: American Legion Post’s third annual Trunk-or-Treat Drive-Thru will now take place 11/3 takes place from 4 to 6 p.m. The event is free to attend! FMI: Details

· Adults: Three Tides and Marshall Wharf Brewing are hosting a Halloween dance party at 7 p.m. with the band Rigometrics. FMI: Details

· Adults: American Flatbread in Rockport is hosting a Halloween party with DJ Beatrix from 8 p.m. to midnight. They will have spooky drink specials, games, and all you can eat pizza buffet throughout the night. A $10 cover charge at the door includes pizza. FMI: Details

Saturday, October 28

· Adults and Parents and Kids: The third annual Belfast Lions Club Ghostly Gallop 5K run is Halloween-themed and we encourage runners and walkers to come in costume! Run goes from 8:30 to 10 a.m. and tickets are $20. FMI: Details

Postponed· Parents and Kids: Hannaford Supermarkets in Rockland and Camden are postponing their trunk or treat to Saturday, November 3. from 5 to 7 p.m.  FMI: Details

· Parents and Kids: Stockton Springs Community Library (SSCL) will host its Annual Children’s Halloween Party on Saturday, Oct. 28, from 10 - 11:30 a.m. There will be treats, a costume parade, crafts, a story, prizes, and games. The event is free and all are welcome. FMI: Details

· Parents and Kids: Trunk or Treat/Monster Mash at Leroy H. School in Winterport. Come for some spooky (but not too spooky) fun! Admission is $5 per family. There will also be dancing, games, a photo booth, playground fun, 50/50 Tickets, and popcorn from 3 to 5 p.m. FMI: Details

· Parents and Kids: SaltWater Fields Wedding & Event Barn Kids’ is hosting a Costume Tea Party. Doors open at 12 p.m. Event is from 1 to 3 p.m. Ghosts, goblins, princesses, pirates, & more. Sing with Elsa, lunch, tea-time, a spooky walk with Miranda, & so much more. Tickets: $10/15. FMI: Details  

· Parents and Kids: Inspiring Bright Beginnings Childcare Trunk or Treat at 3 Emery Avenue Thomaston has moved the original event to Saturday due to the weather. The event goes from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. or while supplies last. FMI: Details

· Adults and Parents, and Kids: Watts Hall Community Arts is hosting "Tales of Terror" a unique Halloween-themed storytelling and variety show at 7 p.m. Recommended for ages 10+. Tickets $15. FMI: Details

· Adults: Stone Tree Farm & Cidery is hosting its third annual Monster Mash celebration from 4 to 9 p.m. Serving wood-fired pizzas with a haunted tasting around the picnic grounds and various candy/wine pairings! The event is 21+ and admission is just one donation of a non-perishable food item. FMI: Details

· Adults: High Tide in Rockland is hosting a Costumes and Cocktails party with DJ Scott B. 21+ event. 8 p.m. to midnight with a costume contest and cocktail specials. FMI: Details

· Adults: American Legion Post is hosting a Halloween Party featuring the Tyler Healy Band. $15 per person. Cash bar. Goes from 8 to 11 p.m. FMI: Details

· Adults: Rock Harbor Tap Room is having a Halloween Party starting at 6 p.m. with Dirtbag Daddy and EenoR WildeBoare. They’ll have a costume contest and some interesting giveaways. FMI: Details

Sunday, October 29

· Adults and Parents and Kids: Stone Tree Farm & Cidery is hosting its first Trunk or Treat event from 12 to 6 p.m. There will also be food trucks, a BBQ pit, and live music. FMI: Details

Tuesday, October 31

· Adults and Parents, and Kids:   DoryWoman Rowing will host the 5th annual Witches Row in Belfast Harbor from 4 - 5:30 p.m. Nicolle Littrell, the owner/operator of the local rowing service and licensed Maine Guide will be rowing her traditional-style wooden dory Sorciere with a crew of witches, warlocks and a maybe even a pirate.

· Adults and Parents, and Kids: Lucky Betty’s will be hosting their annual Halloween Party with the bar open from 2 to 10 p.m. A DJ will be spinning and they’ll have candy for trick-or-treaters. FMI: Details

Note: More events will be added for the week leading up to Halloween. Check back for more listings to come or email to list your event (Midcoast only) Please include relevant details.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

More than 70 farms in Maine have been growing produce, raising livestock, producing eggs, and making cheese all summer just for you. And now that fall is the most abundant time for harvesting food, you can pick up a pre-set or customizeable box every week if you choose chock full of Maine’s most diverse and nutritious offerings, thanks to the concerted efforts of Daybreak Grower’s Alliance, a farm share business. The service additionally allows for add-ons such as flowers, free-range, eggs, bagels, and much more.

Daybreak offers four different flexible categories and box sizes that you can order either by the week, biweekly, as a rolling subscription, or as a one-time purchase:

Daybreak Box ($35/$48/75)

This option gives you access to all of the seasonal produce, meat, dairy, and a wide array of value-added specialty and grocery items. The week before your delivery, select what you want in your box from a large variety of Maine foods.

Farmer’s Choice ($30/$45)

You leave it up to Daybreak’s growers to curate your box with seasonal items with fruits and vegetables. They’ll let you know what the seasonal selection is in advance of your delivery so you can start menu planning for your week.

Green’s Galore ($18.50)

For the freshest local produce, you get four items weekly that include salad greens, cooking greens, herbs, and specialty greens.

Butcher’s Choice ($42)

They give you a versatile assortment of Maine-raised chicken, pork, and beef. As Maine enters into colder months, they’ll keep you stocked with slow-cooking cuts like stew meats and short ribs, half and whole chickens.

Did you know?

Daybreak Grower’s Alliance is also the founding partner of Waldo County Bounty, an initiative that seeks to bolster food security in Maine, crowdsourcing funding to purchase crops from their partner farms and distribute them to more than 22 hunger relief organizations and food access points in Waldo County.


All of these options are especially enticing for the home cook who would like to expand their cooking skills or for the chef who’d like to source the freshest most seasonal ingredients available. They also do a wholesale delivery program for Maine-based businesses.


“We offer a diverse mix and just try to meet our customers at a place where they can get local Maine products grown from all over the state from us at one location and not have to go to the grocery store for every ingredient,” said  Daybreak Co-owner Adrienne Lee “At the same time, this supports the local farming communities and our group of producers.”


“September and October is such an abundant time in harvesting. For those months say, in a Farmer’s Box you would find key staples, such as fresh greens, broccoli, cauliflower, winter squash, and lots of tomatoes. And this is also the stone fruit season, so you’d get pears and apples and you’d start to see leeks and Brussel sprouts as well.” 


In the Midcoast, they deliver to Steel House in Rockland, Bleecker and Greer in Rockport, Aster & Rose in Lincolnville, Bayside Store in Northport. and a home in Belfast.


For more information on how to order a box visit: daybreakgrowersalliance. com 

Kale, like beets, for me, is one of those vegetables I so want to like. It’s part of the Mediterranean diet, it’s been referred to as a  “nutrition superstar” due to the amounts of vitamins A, B6, C, K, folate, fiber, carotenoids, and manganese, plus it’s only 20 calories a cooked cup—and plentiful and cheap this time of year.

I really want to like and be friends with kale. But the raw texture of it for me in salads is not my thing.

So, instead, I consulted a chef friend of mine to give me some tasty ideas. She suggested a sautéed kale with lemon, garlic, and the killer ingredient—anchovy paste—and to spread it on toast. From there, I got the idea to make an open-faced breakfast sandwich.

Poached egg over melted brie and sautéed kale on toast

  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup chopped washed kale
  • 1 bulb garlic
  • 1 quarter lemon and lemon zest
  • 1 tbsp. anchovy paste
  • 2 pats of butter
  • 3 slices of brie
  • 1 slice of sourdough bread
  • Seasons: salt, pepper, red pepper flakes


First, put the butter and garlic in a skillet and saute the kale until it’s wilted.

Add the anchovy paste and squeeze a quarter of a lemon into the kale, topping it off with lemon zest.

While you’ve got that going, get a piece of sourdough bread in the toaster and a pot of water boiling on the stove.

For the perfect poached egg (I’ve learned through trial and error) put a tablespoon of white vinegar into the water until it comes to a boil.

Crack the egg into a mini sieve to allow the additional water to drain out and gently lower the intact egg yolk and white into a swirl of boiling water for three minutes, then lift out and blot on a paper towel.

Top with seasonings. Finish off the kale with one more pat of butter, then, layer the kale onto the slice of toast, top with thin slices of brie, and toast again until the brie is melted.

Gently slide the poached egg onto the toast.

The crunch of the toast and crispiness of the kale complements the creaminess of the brie and the runny egg yolk and altogether (with the saltiness of the anchovy paste and bright zing of lemon) the taste and texture of kale is finally something I can really enjoy—and if you never buy kale, try it, you will too. This quick dish can be for breakfast, brunch, or lunch and packs a lot of protein, is an immunity boost to start your day, and only costs less than five dollars with each individual ingredient.

Farms and farmer’s markets are where to buy kale right now; not only are you supporting them economically in your choices, but, you are getting top-of-the-line produce. Here is a list of all farmer’s markets in Maine and use the interactive map to find the ones in the Midcoast.

Kay Stephens is a home cook with a penchant for recipes and a reporter for Penobscot Bay Pilot. Her dishes are decent enough, but not Instagram-worthy.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

MAINE—Calling Midcoast people: there will be numerous Halloween-themed events around the Midcoast as we’ve compiled in our annual “Halloween Rundown” article. However, if you feel like packing up the costumes and the car, we’ve got the best outdoor events for every energy level around the state. Check it out:

Photo courtesy MetroCreative


(Energy level: Daytime; prefer to be home by dinnertime.)

  • Pumpkin Patches: Want to go on a road trip to a farm and search for The Great Pumpkin? Here are some of the best pumpkin patches around the state.
  • Frightful Scavenger Hunt at Fort Knox in Prospect: this event (Oct. 21 22, 28 & 29) is geared toward the younger monster hunters who search through historic Fort Knox’s dark passageways and creepy rooms to check off their list.  Goes from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. FMI: Details
  • Maine Witch Walk: This event at the Bangor Waterfront Walking Park on Saturday, Oct. 28 is calling for all witches. The walk goes from 12:30 p.m. and goes to 4 p.m. The Goblin Market opens at 12:30 p.m. Grab your brooms, hats and walking/dancing boots. FMI: Details
Photo courtesy www.pubcrawls.com

Kid At Heart

(Energy level: Up for anything; party into the wee witching hours)

  • Portland Maine Offical Pub Crawl: This is a pub crawl that spans three days (Oct. 21, 27 & 28) in downtown Portland and includes “trick-or-treating from bar to bar, spooky decorations, and pumpkin carving. You'll be dancing the night away amidst the eerie atmosphere.” 21+ only and drinks are included with the ticket. TMI: Details and Tickets
  • Halloween After-Dark Party: The Children’s Museum in Portland is hosting a Halloween After-Dark that’s not for children but for kids at heart. This is a Halloween-themed evening of costumes, elixirs, adult trick or treating, activities, and more at the Museum & Theatre’s inaugural party on Friday Oct. 27 from 7 to 10 p.m. FMI: Details
  • Hallowell Halloween Pub Crawl: On Saturday, October 28, while I’m told the official Hallowell pub crawl is off this year, it’s apparently not stopping anyone from strolling the streets in costume, popping into pubs for a drink, and then hitting Easy Street's Costume Party with the band Random Ideas at 9 p.m. and the Maine House with the band Stealing Sunday from 7 to 10 p.m. FMI: Details
Photo courtesy Farmington Fright Fest

In Bed by 9 p.m.

(Energy level: self-explanatory)

  • Farmington Fright Fest, an indoor/outdoor event in Farmington, “is an immersive journey through the darkest reaches of humanity.” Multiple attractions include multiple haunted houses, The Cabin, The Crematorium, and Mr. Marbles Maze of Mayhem. Fridays and Saturdays, Oct. 20, 21, 27 & 28 with a special event on Sunday, Oct. 29 from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. FMI: Details
  • Haunted Grandview Manor is an indoor/outdoor haunted attraction in Lebanon. “As you travel through the creepy dark woods of Lebanon Maine, you’ll pass through cemeteries, hillbilly shacks, the slaughterhouse, Grandview Funeral home, and more!” Open Thursday-Sundays in October. From 1 to 9 p.m. FMI: Details and Ticket Info
  • CarnEVIL of Souls & Trail of Terror Haunted Walk is a haunted woods walk in Saco each October weekend plus additional dates Oct. 29, 30 & 31 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 per adult. FMI: Details
  • Costume cruise: Fogg’s Water Taxi in Portland will give us a killer tour of Casco Bay on Saturday, Oct. 28, with live dance tunes by Purpler. This event is 21+ and BYOB from 4 to 7 p.m. There will be a couple of prizes for the best costumes. FMI: Details
  • Night Maze at Tweworgy Family Orchards: Nothing scary or haunted about this particular maze, but what maze at night isn’t scary? Children of the Corn anyone? Open from 6 to 9 p.m. FMI: Details


If drinking, get a ride share. Happy Halloween!

Kay stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com

So, how do you solve a problem like beets?  They’re available in season now and packed with fiber, folate (vitamin B9), manganese, potassium, iron and vitamin C.

The problem is: I really don’t like the taste of them. I got them anyway at an honor-system farm, where you just slip a check or cash into the box after selecting what you want. I picked up a quart of carrots and tomatoes, too. It’s my fall challenge to take the kind of end-of-season bounty you find at farmer’s markets or are given to you by neighbors and make something delicious out of it.

I had a football party to go to this weekend and some of my friends are vegetarian, so I thought, I’d make something that everyone can snack on.

Beet Dip that Doesn’t Taste Like Dirt

  • 1 bunch of raw beets
  • 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 small package of seasoned goat cheese
  • Hot honey
  • Wedge of lemon
  • 1 tbs. of olive oil


This takes a little preparation, but this puts you in the kitchen and into the zone. First, cut the beets off the root and trim, then wash.

Turn the oven on to 350 degrees, wrap each clean beet in foil, and bake for an hour. When done, let them cool.

The easiest way to remove the skins is to run them under cold water, but it’s best to wear a pair of plastic gloves, because the beet juice stains.

When done, place them in a food processor, along with the goat cheese, Greek yogurt, and hot honey (basically honey with red pepper flakes) with a squeeze of lemon and a drizzle of olive oil at the end.

One whole bunch was enough to make this dip, but if you have more, you can also slice them thinly when cool and make beet chips.

The carrot fries were peeled and cut into quarters, then tossed with olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and parmesan. The crostini was done nearly the same. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

The beet dip was savory and earthy, tinged with sweet and a little heat. It would also be good with crackers and Terra Vegetable Chips. 

Most importantly, it didn’t taste like dirt, so mission accomplished.

If you want to see a particular ingredient that you rarely buy and want me to do a test recipe on it, email me below and I’ll give it (and you) a shout-out.

Kay Stephens is a home cook with a penchant for recipes and a reporter for Penobscot Bay Pilot. Her dishes are decent enough, but not Instagram-worthy.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com



It’s harvest time!

When your neighbors drop off heaping bags of produce from their gardens and the farmer’s markets are overflowing, the question remains: “What should I make tonight?”

First, let me start with the admission that I’m merely a home cook with a penchant for recipes and a platform with PenBayPilot. I don’t have Instagram-worthy photos or state-of-the-art cookware. I use what I’ve got and what I’ve learned.

Tomatoes are overflowing this time of year and I got a bunch of heirlooms and cherry tomatoes from various sources this week—almost too much! I never refrigerate tomatoes, so I knew these babies had a shelf life. Here’s what I made.

Cherry Tomato Vodka Sauce

  • Dozen cherry tomatoes washed
  • 2 bulbs minced garlic
  • 1 tsp. minced shallot
  • 1/3 cup chicken stock or bone broth
  • 1/3 cup heavy cream
  • Squeeze of tomato paste
  • 1 oz vodka
  • 3 oz. pasta water
  • 6 basil leaves
  • Couple shakes of parmesan cheese
  • Seasonings; salt, pepper, oregano, minced basil
  • Garnish with minced parsley


These funky cherry tomatoes were picked up from the dirt and pavement, still fresh, still viable, but would have rotted if left to the elements, so I washed them thoroughly, then blistered them in a pan with a couple of glurgs of olive oil. I threw in the garlic and shallot until they were aromatic.

Next, I mashed them into a paste, added the stock, simmering that down for about five minutes, then added the cream and vodka, before getting the penne pasta and chicken breasts cooking.

Pasta water is the secret to superior sauce, so I saved a bit of that from draining the pasta and let that come to a simmer.

Lastly, I added the basil leaves, parmesan cheese and seasonings.

What came out is a tangy, cheesy, comfort food sauce, with just the right amount of acid from the tomatoes and the vodka heightening the flavor. (One shot for me, one shot for the sauce so we’re both happy.)

It took 15 minutes all said and done with the chicken and the pasta. Bam, there you go. Dinner for two on a Tuesday night.

Where to get produce

Along with our incredible local farmer’s markets in the Midcoast each week, there will also be a Fall Celebration selling produce at Erickson Fields Preserve on October 14  from 1 to 4 p.m.

There are also a couple of options to get fresh produce, meats, cheeses, and more right to your door including Daybreak Grower’s Alliance, a subscription farmer’s market, and Maine Produce Alliance, an online and offline network of nearly 50 farmers throughout the state of Maine.

I also just took a free Hannaford Supermarket Zoom “Cozy Fall Cooking Class” on how to use fall bounty in your everyday cooking. Here are more free cooking classes that they will be offering this fall and winter.

If you want to see a particular ingredient that you rarely buy and want me to do a test recipe on it, email me below and I’ll give it (and you) a shout-out.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com


BELFAST—As Mike Hurley, the former co-owner of The Colonial Theater in Belfast tells it, he and his wife, Therese Bagnardi were living in Belfast in 1995 when Bagnardi, in between jobs as a faux painter, lamented there was no work available. At that time, a small little theater in downtown Belfast came up for sale. He said to his wife: “Hey, The Colonial is for sale—you want to buy it?”

Days later, the couple closed on the theater and ran it for 28 years until last year. After a 10-day run of 40 carefully curated movies, the house lights finally went off. But, with an optimism that the Colonial would find its right owners again, the couple put the theater up for sale. It’s only apt that Hurley uses the metaphor of a movie to describe what happened next.

“It was like the movie Five Flights Up, when a long-married couple realizes they can’t climb the five flights of stairs to their Brooklyn apartment anymore and decide to sell their apartment and find a new one,” said Hurley. “The funniest part of it all is the people who come to take a look at it to buy it.”

Quite a few characters showed up to purchase the theater as well, he said.

“You could make a movie based on that, alone,” he said.

While he and Therese never doubted that the right person or group would come along, three criteria in the back of their minds would determine the right contender.

“Number one was the secret sauce,” said Hurley.

In other words, if someone came in with a vision, such as a musician with a large following, or an artist who had an established platform and could produce events besides just strictly movies, that would be a person of interest.

The second contender had to be someone with astable financial capability to keep the theater running. The third option would be a nonprofit.

As it turned out, a couple new to Belfast, Bill and Libby Catania met the third criteria they were looking for.

The Catanias had recently moved to Belfast took an interest in the Colonial Theater and talked with Hurley and Bagnardi.

“They had great heart and wanted to support the community, and we knew they were the one,” said Hurley. “I think this is the best possible solution and model and the right people. Therese and I couldn’t be any happier about their vision.” 

The Catanias explained that they wanted to see the community theater revived, but did not want to be the ones who took over the day-to-day operations. So they helped form a new not-for-profit group, Hawthorne Theatre & Arts Collaborative, to run it.

Kyle Walton is the collaborative’s executive director and the Colonial’s operations manager, along with a board of directors in the creative industries.

“The first goal is getting the marquee back on and the doors open,” said Walton, who said the theater will officially re-open the first weekend in November with an open house and a run of classic silent movies and free popcorn.

“Through the fall and winter, we’ll be adding new things to the Colonial caravan, finding new ways to make every square foot of that building entertaining and productive,” he said.

According to the Hawthorne Theatre & Arts Collaborative, the theater is set to re-open with lots of fresh ideas and plans including: “New movies. Live music. Old movies. Local artists. Great movies. Laughably-bad movies. Readings. Stand-up. Classes. Local movies. Party rentals. More free family movies. New forms of membership.”

“The Colonial is very versatile and I hope they experiment with programming the way we experimented,” said Hurley. “Not every idea will be a hit, like our John Wayne Festival when no one came, but it’ll be interesting to see what they do and we welcome them to the community.”

He said: “We loved doing what we did for 28 years, but everybody’s gotta walk away at some point. You are either carried out or you walk out. we’re certainly ready to hand off the baton.”

For more information about the grand opening and forthcoming shows and movies visit: colonialtheater.com

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com




MIDCOAST—It’s been five years since Rockport native Davis Saltonstall and his partner Tessa Rosenberry started ScrapDogs Community Compost, an innovative business to collect food waste from subscriber restaurants and Midcoast households, keeping it out of the landfills.

“When we first started, it really felt more like a project than a business,” said Rosenberry.

That was in 2018: they only had between 80 and 100 customers and no facilities.

“We were composting at a farm, and because we didn’t have an office or a facility to use, we were just washing buckets in our backyard,” she said.  “I just have this terrible memory of Christmas that year; everyone was inside celebrating and we were outside in the snow washing buckets.”

Since then, they’ve garnered approximately 600 customers in the Midcoast (both residential and commercial) and are in the midst of an expansion to the Waterville and Augusta regions. Their business has also expanded into including commercial businesses, schools, and municipalities. They’ve since gained an office/warehouse in Rockland with a commercial dishwasher and have expanded their operation of open-air compost “windrows” or aerated piles on a plot of land in Washington.

People can choose to have a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly pick-up service or a drop-off service at the transfer station. If the customer chooses, the finished compost is delivered back to be used in gardens.

Saltonstall, who studied environmental studies and economics, said he’s always been fascinated by garbage studies, which he said is a catchall phrase for “unnecessary or disposable materials” and he’s always been challenged by ways to make systems more efficient in order to reduce waste.


  • The EPA estimates that in 2019, 66 million tons of wasted food was generated in the food retail, food service, and residential sectors, and most of this waste (about 60%) was sent to landfills.
  • Food reaches landfills than any other material in municipal solid waste in the U.S.
  • Of this, 40% was from households, 40% was from food
    service providers and 20% were from food retailers

“It’s a particular way of looking at systems, how they work, and what the priorities are and we started to see different ways to dispose of household waste,” he said.

Just this year alone, ScrapDogs Community Compost estimates that, due to their services, nearly 260,000 pounds of food waste has been diverted from landfills so far in 2023 with approximately 870,000 pounds diverted since August 2020.

This summer, they collected between 8,000 to 10,000 pounds of discarded lobster shells from The Maine Lobster Festival to be used in their compost.

Contrary to what most people think, the business of composting isn’t as stinky as one would imagine to work around.

“Believe it or not, the smell is not that bad depending on the pile size and microbial activity taking place,” said Rosenberry. “Ideally, good compost piles stay aerated. The more air you get into the compost and mixing it with the proper ratio, it breaks down really quickly.”

“We’re just used to it,” she said laughing. “Maybe a little too much.”

To find out more about Scrapdogs Community Compost visit scrapdogscompost.com/

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com


JEFFERSON—In a rural corner of Maine, a sanctuary for farm animals has quietly taken shape for pigs, goats, equines, and birds who’ve been abandoned or dumped by their owners. Or, who grew too big to be “pets.”

Amanda Glenn and Andy Theriault bought the 50 acre-property in 2018, not knowing at the time, that a draft horse named Jay would change the course of their lives.

The couple both grew up in Maine.

“I quit teaching to start a pet care business,” said Glenn, Darrowby’s founder and director.  “I’d farm-sat for a woman who had a draft horse named Jay and she reached out and asked if we wanted to buy him. At the time, we were living in Tenants Harbor, and it wasn’t feasible. So, we moved to Jefferson with the idea of taking on Jay. The woman who owned him was having a really hard time financially and he was in really bad shape. One of the stressors in his life was that he didn’t have a herdmate, so we found him a mare and they were instantly bonded. Before she even got off the trailer, they were whinnying to each other.”

From that point forward, their concept of Darrowby Farm Sanctuary —and its residents— grew.

“We started with two horses, then took in some pigs, and it kept growing,” she said.

Doing this is a labor of love for the couple as the sanctuary runs purely on donations. Animal sanctuaries do not have a safety net from national organizations. That’s why almost every self-started sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity in the United States.

The mission is to: “provide a safe and lifelong home for farmed animals, and educate people about living a mutually beneficial life with those animals in ways that do not use them for food or forced labor.”



1 to 5 p.m.

Music by Emmett Lalor The Little Cornbread Muffins.
A pumpkin party for the pigs.
Sanctuary tours!
Vegan snacks and treats!

Their 50 permanent residents include 21 pigs, six goats, four equines, four steers, and a number of ducks, chickens, and turkeys. That also includes their tabby,  Max, the “mayor of Darrowby Farm Sanctuary.”

“Dogs and cats have a fantastic network of shelters,” said Glenn. “If you have to go into the hospital or hospice, there’s a really good chance someone will take care of your pet. But if you have a farm animal like a steer or goat and something happens to you, you have no options.”

Glenn said news of their tiny operation has gotten around and those who’ve had to relinquish an animal have done so gratefully, and often in tears. But there are other mornings when they’ve woken up, gone outside, and found animals “dumped”—literally abandoned by car in the middle of the night on their property.

“We woke up one morning and these pigs were just wandering around in the road,” said Glenn. “Most of our animals have come to us from situations of abuse and neglect. Our local Animal Control Officer (ACO) is wonderful and alerted us to a few animals.”

One situation that tends to be all too common is the family that thinks it’s a great idea to adopt a teacup or pot-belly pig for the kids. Then the pig grows...and grows...and outgrows the apartment or house.

One such pig, Beatrice, who is still just getting adjusted to her life on the farm is 200 pounds.  The owners were told that 50 pounds would be “as big as she got,” which is also a stain on unregulated and unethical farm animal breeders who often dupe the owner into thinking the animal will be a certain size, take the money, and absolve themselves of any further responsibility for the animal.

“There’s no such thing as a teacup pig or a micro pig,” said Theriault. “All pigs will grow and there’s no real way to know how big they’ll get.”

Beatrice had been kept in a bathroom that was too small for her for five years and had never been outdoors or had a proper diet. When she was brought to Darrowby Farm Sanctuary, she spent her first morning in an outside pen staring up at the sunrise for hours.  Because she’d never encountered another farm animal,  she was terrified of the other pigs. Gilbert, one of their larger pigs, took it upon himself to acclimate Bea and continued to interact with her.

“And now they sleep together every night,” said Glenn. “She sleeps between his front and back legs.”

Stories like this are all too common. They also keep ducks who were likely bought as cute ducklings for Easter and abandoned.

“Do your research, expect to be responsible for them for a lifetime, and know how long that lifetime will be and have the right facilities,” said Glenn.

When news of an operation like this gets out, as per usual, more surrenders of animals begin to exceed what is economically feasible. “We have breakdowns of what each animal costs per year in terms of food, medicine, and other necessities,” she said. “So we have sponsorship programs for each animal and a lot of that helps to defray the costs.” 

Glenn said neighbors and community members have given them a lot of help, which keeps their animals in good mental and physical health. They collect excess produce from local food banks and one neighbor even collects apples out of her orchards and donates them by the bucket. “We have a lot of people who are very supportive of us,” said Glenn.

The dream is to take in as many animals that need their help. However, they have to be mindful of sustainability and what their limited means can currently provide the existing animals. They have the space.

“So far, since June, we’ve turned away 40 animals. Every time it feels devastating,” she said.

For more information on the farm visit: https://www.darrowbyfarmsanctuary.org/

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com





PORTLAND—Longfellow Books was the place to be on September 20 for an author talk amongst Maine writers Chris Holm, Bruce Robert Coffin, and Richard Cass with an enthusiastic audience of 20-25 people on the floor.

The topic: Author Stephen King and how each person in the audience had a personal connection to the man, his books, his movies, and his legacy in Maine.

Portland Downtown kicked off its inaugural week-long Stephen King Week event from September 18 to 22, in honor of King’s 76th birthday, which was on September 21.

Holm, one of the speakers who led the lively discussion, had his own story about King:

“Stephen King’s novel ‘The Tommyknockers’ was the first adult novel I’d ever read,” he said. “I was 10 years old at my grandmother’s house and after driving her up the wall, she told me to go distract myself and find a book in my aunt’s room. The first one I picked up was ‘Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret’ and I knew I wasn’t the target audience for that book. Then I saw a book on the nightstand of ‘The Tommyknockers’ and the cover was so eerie with this farmhouse emitting this creepy, green-yellow light, I knew that was a book I wanted to read. I brought it home and read it under the bed—not even under the covers, it was so scary. Just in case anything came for me.”


Holm’s story didn’t end there. “When I was 13, Stephen King came to Syracuse to a ticketed event where I grew up, and even though he wasn’t supposed to be signing books at this event, he made an exception for an incredibly dorky, superfan,” said Holm. Imagine the delight then, when Holm’s book garnered unsolicited praise from King. “To be able to tell Stephen King a story he liked was a thrill. I’m forever grateful.”

Holm’s story echoed many of the same stories people in the audience relayed: that Stephen King was the first adult author they ever read at a young age that just made sense.

“We all touched on our first experiences with Stephen King,” said Holm. “Bruce said he was around 10 or 11 when he first read ‘Salem’s Lot,’ which is what inspired him to become an author. He said he was terrified, but couldn’t put it down. He said, ‘I didn’t know people could write about things like this.’ When you’re talking about someone like Stephen King who is so beloved, we tried to make it more of a conversation with the audience as they had just as much of a connection to his work as we do. I talked to a young King fan and aspiring writer who had his own encounter with King a few weeks ago and got a book signed.  I thought, ‘It’s wild to see this full circle moment and to see his generosity.’ It’s been a through line with pretty much anyone who has ever interacted with him.

Fun Fact

Every year, Stephen King donates to the scholarship auction of Maine Press Association a signed copy of a book, which is auctioned off. That generates a good sum to then turn around and help fund journalism education of a current student.

“We talked about his influence on our own writing; on his short stories, on his film adaptations, and took a poll of the audience to see which films resonated the most. Films like ‘Stand By Me,’ The Green Mile,’ and ‘Shawshank Redemption.’ The other thing we touched on was King’s generosity, particularly in the writing community. There are a lot of authors he has championed over the years.”

Holm mentioned a few writers King has shone a spotlight on, including Michael McDowell. “McDowell was an openly queer writer of mysteries and southern Gothic novels and was not accepted in the mainstream when King described him as ‘the finest writer of paperback originals today.’ I think he just sets the bar ...and he certainly inspires me and certainly anyone else who has been lucky enough to interact with him. If a guy like that can keep paying it forward—76 years old—and take the time to lift up other struggling writers, it’s up to us to do the same.”

Happy birthday Stephen King.


Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com 



The latest report from the National Weather Service regarding Hurricane Lee is calling for tropical storm conditions tonight into tomorrow in the Midcoast with high surf, and rainfall amounts of 1 to 3 inches with gusts predicted up to 50 m.p.h. With the excessive rain we’ve had this summer causing root stress in trees, there is a major potential for falling trees and power outages. Today, residents still have time to get prepared.

Following is the National Weather Service forecast for the weekend.

Friday Mostly cloudy, with a high near 71. Northeast wind 5 to 10 mph. A 30-percent chance of showers, mainly after 3 a.m. Cloudy, with a low around 59. Breezy, with a north wind 10 to 20 mph, with gusts as high as 35 mph. New precipitation amounts of less than a tenth of an inch possible.

Saturday—Showers likely, mainly between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Cloudy, with a high near 68. Windy, with a northwest wind 25 to 30 mph, with gusts as high as 50 mph. Chance of precipitation is 70%. New precipitation amounts between a quarter and half of an inch possible.

Saturday Night—A 30 percent chance of showers before 8 p.m. Mostly cloudy, then gradually becoming mostly clear, with a low around 61. Windy, with a northwest wind 25 to 30 mph decreasing to 15 to 20 mph after midnight. Winds could gust as high as 50 mph.
Sunday—Sunny, with a high near 75. West wind 10 to 15 mph, with gusts as high as 25 mph.


To listen to live NOAA Weather Radio, visit wunderground.com.

Here is a checklist from the National Weather Service and other sources on how to protect your home, car, and pets during hurricane winds.
  • Secure loose gutters and shutters.
  • Identify an interior room of your house, such as a basement or interior bathroom, that you can take shelter in during high wind warnings.
  • If you live in a mobile home, identify a sturdy building you can go to if NWS issues a high wind or severe thunderstorm warning.
  • Tie down or put away items in your yard so that they don't blow away or fly through a window.



  • Move your car to a location where it is less likely to be hit by falling trees or power lines
  • Prepare an evacuation route and get a full tank of gas.
  • Store a basic disaster kit or emergency supply kit in your trunk.
  • Ensure windshield wipers are in good shape and that you inflate your tires properly.
  • Place all important documents in a waterproof bag and take them with you.
  • Charge your cell phone and plan to bring it if you evacuate.
  • If you expect to leave your car behind, be sure it’s not in a flood-prone area. Rising water can seep in and damage your vehicle.



  • Choose a safe place where your pets can go if you need to evacuate or seek shelters such as a friend or family member’s home, a pet-friendly hotel, or a boarding facility.
  • Choose a safe room for riding out the storm—an interior room without windows – and take your entire family there, including your pets.
  • Stay with pets. If crated, they depend on you for food and water. Don’t leave pets in vehicles.
  • Know your pet’s hiding places. That’s where they may run, so make sure to keep them with you.
  • Secure exits and cat doors so pets can’t escape into the storm.Double-check emergency supplies – including, medications, bowls, water, and food
  • Do not tranquilize your pets. They’ll need their survival instincts, should the storm require that.

Maine EMA has provided the following tips:

Steps people can take to prepare for the storm include:

  • Check that your emergency kit includes supplies needed for several days without power, including food, water, and hand sanitizer. Also consider medications, pet food or other special needs.
  • Get the latest alerts and warnings on your smartphone by downloading the free FEMA app or National Weather Service website.
  • Ensure cell phones are enabled to receive National Weather Service Wireless Emergency Alerts for tornadoes, flash flooding and other emergency situations.
  • Charge cell phones and other electronic devices.
  • Determine local evacuation routes.
  • Bring in all outdoor furniture, decorations, garbage cans and anything else that is not tied down.
  • Remove boats and other watercraft from the water and secure them.
  • Ensure generators are properly installed, fueled, and in good working order.

In the event of flooding, do not walk, swim, or drive through flood waters. Turn Around. Don't Drown! Just six inches of fast-moving water can knock you down, and one food of moving water can sweep your vehicle away.

Prepare for a power outage:

  • Find Alternate Power Sources. Plan for batteries and alternative power sources to meet your needs when the power goes out, such as a portable charger or power bank. Have flashlights for every household member. Remember, never use a generator indoors.
  • Appliances. Disconnect appliances and electronics to avoid damage from electrical surges. Install carbon monoxide detectors with battery backup in central locations on every level of your home to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Food Storage. Keep freezers and refrigerators closed. A refrigerator will keep cold for four hours. A full freezer will keep the temperature for about 48 hours. If you are in doubt, monitor temperatures with a thermometer and throw out food if the temperature is 40 degrees or higher.
  • Know Your Medical Needs. If you rely on electricity for any medical needs, make a power outage plan for medical devices or refrigerated medicines. Find out how long medication can be stored at higher temperatures and get specific guidance for any medications that are critical for life.
  • Cleanup. After power and other utilities have been restored, you might face the issue of what to do with storm-damaged trees. Maine Forest Service offers tips and helpful guidance for those faced with questions about what to do with downed trees, limbs, and branches.

Hurricane season runs June 1 - November 30. Please visit Maine Emergency Management Agency on Facebook or Twitter.

CAMDEN—The way PenBay Pilot has historically covered the Camden International Film Festival (September 14 -17) is to focus on films that local residents would be willing to take time out of their schedules to see. We talked with Cam Howard, the program coordinator at CIFF about the overall program this year about some staff picks in “Best of Fest” and a few blocks of “Shorts” films to check out.

“I think this year’s program came together in a very interesting way,” said Howard. CIFF which is known for sleecting boundary-pushing documentaries across the world, is now in its 19th year.

“People have come to expect from CIFF that there will be films to watch that are a little more out-of-the-box,” said Howard. “We’ve got some films coming right out of the Toronto Film Festival, some distributors like National Geographic, and a lot of films that we love that have already been playing at film festivals around the world.”

Best of Fest

See all films here.

Howard suggested two films that would resonate with Mainers: Joonam and Arc of Oblivion .


Sunday, September. 17, 10 a.m. Journey’s End, Rockland

In this documentary memoir, debut director Sierra Ulrich “feels her way through her relationships with her mother, Mitra, and grandmother, Behjat, who emigrated from Iran to Vermont, USA.”

“The daughter Sierra is the first generation of her family to be born in the United States and the film is all about her trying to learn Persian so she can communicate with her grandmother,” said Howard. “And in trying to learn the language, she comes up against all of these significant roadblocks about what it means to be politically displaced.”

The Arc of Oblivion

Sunday, September. 17, 4 p.m. Camden Opera House

Filmmaker Ian Cheney explores “life’s most existential questions: what it means to be human on this planet, whether anything really lasts; life and death and our place within the universe and in the arc of history.”

“Ian Cheney has really grown up with CIFF and we’ve really grown up with his career,” said Howard. “It’s all about him thinking through why humans have such an impulse to leave something behind when we die and the lengths we go to in order to leave some kind of archive or trace of ourselves. And the framing device he uses to build that arc is reminiscent of Noah’s Ark out in Waldoboro.”


CIFF Shorts

See all short films here.

The Shorts Program features blocks of short curated films, which have been historically free to the public with the exception of the Maine-themed Dirigo Docs. Howard chose two blocks that would appeal to locals: Where the Mountains Meet The Sea and the Dirigo Docs.

Where the Mountains Meet The Sea

Friday, September 15, 10 a.m. Camden Opera House

There are three shorts in this program, All That is Sacred, Camp Courage, and What The Hands Do.

“The films in that block are all world premieres, focusing on relationships with the outdoors,” said Howard. “Bing Liu’s film, What The Hands Do, is all about rock climbing and social justice. Max Lowe’s Camp Courage is about displaced Ukrainian refugees who travel to a summer mountaineering camp in the Alps and the third film in that block is so timely. Scott Ballew’s All That is Sacred is all about an arts community that sprung up in the 1960s in Florida and Jimmy Buffet was part of that community. “

Dirigo Docs

Sunday, September 17, 1 p.m., The Strand Theatre

There are seven short films in this block. You can see all of them here.

“These are all of our Maine-based films and this year we really took to the woods,” said Howard. “Many of these films are about the cycle of life, birth, and a couple of projects that deal with grief in beautiful ways. For example, Eat Flowers is really going to resonate with locals. It’s about local photographer Cig Harvey who was grappling with the death of a dear friend and the film is a celebration of her life.”

Tickets for individual feature-length films and Dirigo Docs are $15.  Visit CIFF for more info on the rest of the Festival’s various events and programs.

Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com