
Family Cemetery Lots

Sat, 09/25/2021 - 2:30am

My mother-in-law was the one who always saw that graves had flowers on them on Memorial Day.

She said, “When I die I bet no one else will do this.” She was right and I need to do better in this area.

I love visiting cemeteries.  It is a trip down memory lane. When I walk in Mountain View Cemetery in Camden, I can walk by the graves of my parents, grandparents and great grandparents.  I can also walk by the graves of the people who were a big part of my life growing up in Camden.

On my list of things to do, cleaning my parent’s gravestone never seemed to get done.  Sunday we did it and it looks so much better.  I can no longer give my parent’s gifts but I can give them this gift.  I hope that people will read this and get inspired to do the same for stones on their old family lots.

My father is listed as the owner of our old gravesite.  There were two old gravestones on the site when he bought it.  Before we finish, we will also clean these two stones. One is a month old child that died in 1863.  I am looking forward to cleaning the second old stone so we can read it.  These old stones have a story to tell.  

I got the records on my family lot.  I wanted to change my father’s name as the owner of the lot.  I was told that once someone is listed as the owner of a lot that can never be changed.  You can give  burial rights.  I am have made copies of the layout of our lot to give to my family members.  In this way, others will know who is buried there and how many more spaces are available.  

As it gets more expensive and more difficult to find space in cemeteries, I think this is important information for family members.

Shirley Hamlin lives in Thomaston