As spring approaches (even though it doesn't seem like it today), birders across the state are getting excited for one of the most exciting events of the year: spring migration! Some birds, like hawks and waterfowl, have already started migrating, but the majority of birds will remain in their winter areas for a little longer. There are many well-birded spots in the state that are known for drawing in lots of migrants, and one of them is Gilsland Farm Audubon Center in Falmouth (website linked here).
At a recent trip to Gilsland Farm a few weekends ago, I was able to finally see an Eastern Bluebird, a species that has eluded me for years. I was ecstatic! This is one of the many species that can be seen there year-round, in the preserve’s mix of woods, fields, mud flats, and orchard. With that much habitat to explore and 2.5 miles of trails to walk, you can easily make a day of birding or just walking around. Some of the species that can be seen here right now (during the very beginnings of spring migration) include Red-winged Blackbirds, Eastern Phoebes, American Tree Sparrows, and Brown-headed Cowbirds, with Bobolinks and Eastern Meadowlarks nesting here later in the year.
These birds are just the beginning of what can be seen here, proven by the 254 species observed here by eBirders throughout the years. Gilsland Farm is a great place to walk around, enjoy the outdoors, and add some new species to your life list. Happy birding!