Letter to the editor: Connie Hayes

Pinny Beebe-Center knows how to bring people together, craft budget efficiencies

Thu, 10/18/2018 - 9:45am

Steady and level. Pinny Beebe-Center is able to identify how compassionate and collaborative legislation can be written to pull together the divisions we often see in government.  She keeps her eyes and ears open and patiently and kindly stays focused on legislation that will have the biggest positive impact on working families, elderly and children for safe and healthy lives.  

I know Pinny as a friend and have had numerous conversations with her in Rockland over the past thirteen years. I see her leave her ego at the door as she pursues service to her community. She is a true advocate of people’s needs as she creates a climate of cooperation in our legislature. She knows how to bring many people together and craft budget efficiencies in united efforts. Pinny has witnessed the deliberate erosion of systems that support communities and individuals and has held strong to her values working to reverse that trend. Her deep understanding of how the complex machinery in our state government works to accomplish effective legislation is of a very high value.

Voting for Pinny to continue her good work is very important.

Connie Hayes lives in Rockland