Letter to the editor: Donna Short and Meredith Bruskin
Thank you, Samantha Paradis
Sat, 11/02/2019 - 11:15pm
At the recent Candidate Panel Discussion in Belfast on Oct. 22, it seemed like three of the candidates, Ridgley Fuller being the only exception, blame Samantha Paradis, the current Mayor of Belfast, for all the of the local incivility we would all like to see change. Wow. And she wasn't even there to defend herself!
We may not have agreed with everything Samantha said, but we definitely defend her right to say it. And we appreciate all of the time and energy she gave to Belfast, and her leadership around forming a city-wide climate change committee. What does seem obvious is that she did manage to shake up the " old boys' club". Thank you, Samantha!
Donna Short and Meredith Bruskin live in Swanville
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