full sept. 8 meeting agenda released

RSU 20 school board to vote on new SDMHS principal Sept. 8

Fri, 09/04/2020 - 5:45pm

SEARSPORT — The Regional School Unit 20 school board will hold its next meeting Tuesday, Sept. 8 at 6:30 p.m. in the SDMHS cafetorium. 

The meeting will be held remotely and in-person. 

The highlight of the agenda will be the consideration of approval of Josh Toothaker’s appointment as SDMHS principal. 


1. Call the meeting to order

2. Adjustments to the Agenda

3. Action: Accept board meeting agenda

4. Recognitions

5. Consideration of Minutes
a. Regular Meeting - Aug. 11
b. Special Meeting - Aug. 20

6. Consent Agenda (Minutes) - NONE

7. Presentations
a. Administrations and Directors - Opening of School Year

8. Public Participation

9. Superintendent Report

10. Committee Reports
a. Finance

11. Old Business
a. MPA Sports Season Update

12. New Business

a. Consideration of approval of appointments/nominations/authorizations
1. Josh Toothaker, Principal, SDMHS
2. Rachel Johnson, first year probationary contract, alternative education teacher, SDHS
3. Alison Bangerter, first year probationary contract, ELA teacher, SDMHS
4. Olivia Grant, Ed Tech III, SDMS
5. Tammy Sweetland, full time bus driver

b. Sub charts with consideration of approval for cook, bus driver and van driver rates changes (correction from August board meeting) 

c. Consideration of approval for laptop accidental coverage (ADC) - Bob Bradford

13. Date, Time and Location for next board meeting

14. Adjournment