Megunticook River Citizens Advisory Committee hosts ‘Wabanaki Land Relations, Caretaking, and Responsibility’

Event has passed

    Megunticook River Citizens Advisory Committee’s next monthly speaker series event will be taking place Tuesday, May 16, from 4:30-5:30 p.m., via Zoom. The event will also be live streamed via the Town of Camden's YouTube channel, and the recording will be available on the MRCAC website following the presentation.

    May's presentation, titled Wabanaki Land Relations, Caretaking, and Responsibility—thoughts on the Megunticook, will be given by Dr. Darren J. Ranco. 

    Darren J. Ranco, PhD, a citizen of the Penobscot Nation, is a professor of anthropology, Chair of Native American Programs, and Faculty Fellow at the Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions at the University of Maine. He has a Masters of Studies in Environmental Law from Vermont Law School and a PhD in Social Anthropology from Harvard University. His research focuses on the ways in which Indigenous Nations resist environmental destruction by using Indigenous science and diplomacies to protect their natural and cultural resources. He teaches classes on Indigenous intellectual property rights, research ethics, environmental justice and tribal governance.

    As a citizen of the Penobscot Nation, he is particularly interested in how better research relationships can be made between universities, land trusts, Native and non-Native researchers, and Indigenous communities.

    Please register for the Monthly Speaker Series here.

    The MRCAC will also have a table at the upcoming Stewardship Education Alliance (S.E.A.) Fair on Friday, June 2, from 1 - 5 p.m., at the Camden Amphitheatre.

    “Stop by our table to say hello and learn more about our work,” said MRCAC, in a news release.

    See the attached flyer for more info! 

    Event Date: 

    Tue, 05/16/2023 - 4:30pm to 5:30pm

    Event Location: 
