Maine Syria Relief project boosted by Flatbread Company

Wed, 08/19/2015 - 4:00pm

ROCKPORT — Flatbread Company in Rockport has donated $623 from their July 28 pizza sales to Maine Syria Relief Project. Another $200 was generated by a raffle that evening. Along with an additional $500 in donations, a total of $1323 was raised by the event. All of these funds will go toward the shipping costs of a cargo container of donated humanitarian supplies being sent to Syria. 

“We are so grateful to Flatbread and all of the community for their support” says McKellar, “All supplies are donated and all work is done by volunteers, and our friends at NuDay Syria ensure that all donations go for on-the-ground aid and aid-related expenses such as shipping and transportation of containers.” Syria is now considered the largest humanitarian crisis since Rwanda. Winters are severe and each year children in Syrian and neighboring refugee camps die of exposure to cold.

NuDay Syria is a 501(c) US aid organization.  Donations made to an organization with such status are tax deductible. Checks to NuDay Syria may be sent c/o Alison McKellar, 79 Mechanic Street, Camden 04843. She continues to collect donated food, medical and school supplies for desperate Syrian families, and is actively seeking additional storage space and a box truck or trailer to borrow for the trips to New Hampshire. Volunteers are needed soon to sort clothing. Alison can be reached at and .