Maine Senator Glenn ‘Chip’ Curry claims victory for District 11 (Waldo County)
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 1:00am
The race between for Maine Senate District 11, comprising all of Waldo County, continues between Glenn ' Chip' Curry (D) and Robert Charles Meyer (R) came to close with Curry stating he has won re-election in Waldo County for a third term.
“Thank you to the people of Senate District 11 for the opportunity to serve you once again in Augusta," he said, in a Nov. 6 news release. "The best ideas don’t often come from Washington DC or even Augusta. More often than not, they come from kitchen tables, front porches, and town halls right here in Waldo County,” said Senator Curry. “It is a privilege to get to bring these ideas from your door to the Maine Senate and across the governor’s desk.”
Outside of the Legislature, Senator Curry also serves on the board of Waldo Community Action Partners and volunteers building sets for the Searsport District High School Theater.
Standard Post