former chief operating officer of new york hospital

Lincolnville innkeeper elected chair of Pen Bay Chamber Board

Fri, 01/24/2020 - 1:45pm

ROCKPORT — Garry Schwall, of Lincolnville, was elected as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commerce at the board’s annual business meeting Thursday. Schwall replaces Sarah McLean of Global Packing & Shipping in Camden as the Chamber’s board chair.

McLean had served as chair for the past two years, and did not seek re-election to the post, although she remains on the board.

Schwall and his wife, Barbara, have owned and operated Pine Grove Cottages on US Route 1 in Lincolnville since the fall of 2014. Schwall was first elected to the Chamber board in the fall of 2016, as was re-elected to a second three-year term on the board in October.

Before moving to the area, Schwall led a successful career in healthcare, serving for many years as chief operating officer of NYU Winthrop Hospital in Minneola, NY before moving to Maine, according to the Chamber, in a news release.

Beyond his leadership with the Chamber, Schwall is also active in the local community with the Lincolnville Boat Club, treasurer of the Lincolnville Business Group, chair of the Town of Lincolnville Budget Committee, a member of the Town of Lincolnville Financial Advisory Committee, and participates in the Lodging Alliance of the Camden Area Business Group.

Schwall was also recently elected to the local board of the Coastal Healthcare Alliance.

The Board of Directors of the Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commerce is comprised of 18 business and community leaders, each elected to three-year terms by the Chamber’s membership and board. The board sets the strategic vision and provides governance to the Chamber’s activities.

The Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commerce serves as a primary business conduit for the Camden-Rockland Region, which encompasses 27 municipalities within and surrounding Knox County. The Chamber provides a variety of platforms and opportunities for close to 800 business and nonprofit members to promote themselves to residents and visitors to the region.

To learn more, visit or call 207-596-0376.