Knox Commissioners hire Gordon Page, Sr., as interim county administrator
ROCKLAND – Knox County Commissioners during their regular session in chambers February 13 at the Knox County Courthouse, appointed Gordon Page, Sr., of Owls Head, as interim administrator for Knox County County.
Former County Administrator Andrew Hart tendered his resignation effective February 1 on Jan 30.
Since that time, Knox County Sheriff Patrick W. Polky has acted as interim administrator.
Commission Chair Ed Glaser said Polky was already overwhelmed with the number of jobs that he has, and not because he hasn’t been doing an excellent job.
“In the meantime, we need somebody to take some of the burden off the Sheriff,” said Glaser. “And take some of the burden off the staff.”
Glaser said Page’s contract will be for three months and during that time the county will be advertising for a new administrator.
Page will receive $55 an hour for time worked.
Glaser said there were three applicants for the position and choosing Page was not a reflection on the other two candidates.
“We picked the one that we felt was the best match for the county,” said Glaser.
Page said he was looking forward to the job.
“It’s an opportunity where I can help the county,” he said.
Page said for the next few days Sheriff Polky will help him, “come up to speed,”
“I knew it was available and I received a communication from the commissioners asking not just myself, but a number of people,” he said. “And I reached out and said let me know what I can do to help.”
Page was interim CEO and president of the Penobscot Bay Chamber of Commerce twice, has served on the Owls Head Select Board as a member and as its chair, and the Knox County Charter Review Committee.
Glaser welcomed Page and said that he should fit right in.