On the issues: Thomaston Select Board Candidate Kimberly Matthews
Mon, 11/06/2023 - 5:45pm
Two candidates are competing for one open seat on the Thomaston Select Board, with elections set for Nov. 7. The seat represent a one-year term. Those running for office are Patricia Hubbard and Kimberly Matthews. Penobscot Bay Pilot has posed questions to each candidate, providing the opportunity for the public to better understand their positions on issues. Here, Candidate Kimberly Matthews responds:
Please provide a concise biography of yourself.
When I was 2 I moved to Thomaston and have lived in this area all my life. My husband and I have owned a house in Thomaston for over 21 years. I have two grown daughters who also live in the area and three grandchildren. My mother also has lived in Thomaston since I was two and still does.
I have had a bookkeeping business for over 20 years. I have been on the planning board, budget committee and rec board for the Town of Thomaston for over five years.
I am very dedicated to the Town of Thomaston and what happens in it, that is why I got so involved over five years ago.
What are Thomaston’s greatest strengths, and how do you hope to support them?
Thomaston's greatest strength is the small hometown feeling. I hope to keep that feeling and try to get more people involved.
What are Thomaston’s greatest issues to address?
The greatest issue right now is the Dragon Cement plant. This is going to take a lot of work from the whole Town to make some financial decisions for the future of Thomaston.
How will you monitor and stay informed, and in turn, keep the public informed of the Dragon Cement Plant closure? And, what effects, economically and environmentally, should Thomaston be concerned about?
As a Select Board member, I will work with everyone involved to try and make the best decisions for the Town. I will make sure that the Town Office continues to put out information as they have been to keep the public aware of what is going on with the closing of Dragon.
Appleton, Camden and Rockport have adopted the ballot-only method of holding town meetings by presenting voters at the polls with the municipal town meeting warrant, as opposed to holding traditional in-person town meetings with floor votes. Should Thomaston consider doing the same?
I have mixed feelings about this. If you just put it on a ballot are people well enough informed of the question, to vote correctly? If you have a town meeting there is discussion about the questions but not everyone can always make it.
What measures do you recommend for designating the Thomaston Green Park as a public open space with recreational use in perpetuity, as voters approved at the June 2023 Town Meeting?
I think with the Committee that has been formed and the ideas that they have, will make the park a beautiful place for Thomaston Residence.
Should Thomaston’s zoning ordinances support denser residential patterns and construction of accessory dwellings on smaller lots to encourage the construction of more housing stock?
Being on the planning board we have added accessory dwellings, to help for more housing. But I do not think we should encourage smaller lots with being a Historic Town with your beautiful old houses.
What role does the Comprehensive Plan have in guiding the Select Board’s policies, actions, and decisions?
What is the importance of local government, and how do you see yourself, as a Select Board member, in it?
Government is very important to any Town or City. But so is public involvement, that is why I got involved. I feel as though I will be an asset as a Select Board member and to the people of the Town of Thomaston.
Where are your favorite places to spend time in Thomaston?
One of my favorite places in Thomaston right now is the Dog Park with my puppy. But driving through Main Street and seeing all of the Historic Homes especially during holidays is just a wonderful feeling
So I hope you all go out and vote and consider me when you VOTE.
Thanks to all of Thomaston.
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