Islesboro holding annual town meeting June 22; eyes school budget approval

Sat, 05/29/2021 - 11:30am

    ISLESBORO — The Town of Islesboro will be holding its annual town meeting, including approval of the school budget for the upcoming school year, at the town office Tuesday, June 22. 

    The town meeting will be held from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. with voting conducted by secret ballot. 

    The annual town meeting will also include the election of four municipal officials: one select board member for a three-year term, one select board member for a two-year term and two school board members for three-year terms. 

    Below are a few highlights of the warrant articles. To view the complete warrant, click here

    Warrant Highlights

    Article 5, School budget: Shall the town appropriate the sum of $2,743,604 and raise the sum of $2,456,120 for the school budget? The school committee recommends a YES vote. 

    The locally raised amount exceeds the maximum state and local spending target by $1,287,038.93. 

    Regular Instruction: $1,229,403
    Special Education: $255,978
    Career and Technical Education: $42,102
    Other Instruction: $110,106
    Student and Staff Support: $209,677
    System Administration: $194,467
    School Administration: $194,467
    Transportation and Buses: $68,512
    Facilities Maintenance: $268,562
    Debt Service and Other Commitments: $175,020
    All Other Expenditures: $68,160

    Article 7, Reserve accounts: Shall the town raise and appropriate $44,000 for school reserve accounts including $4,000 for the school bus reserve account, $15,000 for the school capital improvement reserve account and $25,000 for the solar capital reserve account? The school committee recommends a YES vote. 

    Article 8, Region 8 Career and Technical Education budget: Shall the town approve the regional career and technical operating budget in the amount of $5,446,304 with the local share from the town being $2,982.40? (Note: The town’s local share is included in the school budget which also includes $39,120 for debt service.) The school committee recommends a YES vote. 

    Article 9, Region 8 Adult Career and Technical Education program: Shall the career and technical regional appropriate $236,200 for adult education and raise $89,000 as the local share with authorization to expend any additional, incidental or miscellaneous receipts in the interest and for the well-being of the adult education program with the local share from the Town of Islesboro being $1,706.98? The school committee recommends a YES vote.