Rockland elects Kalloch, OKs council pay increase, agrees with smaller dwelling rules
ROCKLAND — The Nov. 2 municipal warrant for the City of Rockland was long and full of charter amendments, with some of them endorsed by voters, others rejected.
The competition for one open three-year City Council seat was won by candidate Nicole Kalloch over incumbent Benjamin Dorr, with Kalloch receiving 1,056 votes to Dorr’s 979 votes.
Other candidates for various seats ran unopposed. They were:
David H. Martz, RSU 13 Board of Directors (1-year term, 1 seat), received 1,455 votes.
Kelli M. McCannell, RSU 13 Board of Directors (3-year term, 2 seats), received 1,453 votes.
Noah Barnes, Rockland Port District Board (5-year term, 1 seat), received 1,490 votes.
Election Warden (1-year term, 1 seat), (No Candidates)
Ward Clerk (1-year term, 1 seat), (No Candidates)
Question 1 Charter Amendment, List of Offices
Shall the Rockland City Charter, Section 601 be amended to add the RSU #13 Board of Directors and the Rockland Port District Board of Trustees to list of City officers elected at the annual municipal election and determining the number of valid signatures required on petitions for nomination to those offices?
YES: 1,349
NO: 487
Question 2 Charter Amendment (Filing Deadlines)
Shall the Rockland City Charter, Section 602 be amended to change the dates that nomination papers for City offices are available and due from ninety (90) days and forty-five (45) day prior to Election Day, respectively, to one hundred and five (105) day and sixty (60) days prior to Election Day, respectively, to conform to the filing deadlines established by State of Maine Election Laws
YES: 1,316
NO: 570
Question 3 Charter Amendment (Candidate List, Address on Ballot)
Shall the Rockland City Charter, Section 605 be amended to add the RSU #13 Board of Directors and the Rockland Port District Board of Trustees to list of City officers elected at the annual municipal election, remove the requirement that a candidate’s residence be listed on the ballot, and to determine the order of placement of candidate names on the ballot by alphabetical order?
YES: 921
NO: 945
Question 4 Charter Amendment (Borrowing Referendum Limit)
Shall the Rockland City Charter, Section 513(c)(2)&(3), be amended to change the limit on the amount that the City Council may authorize for the issuance of Bonds or Notes without voter approval from no more than $100,000 to no more than $350,000, and to change the limit on the aggregated total of the City’s indebtedness on notes from no more than $200,000 to no more than $700,000?
YES: 770
NO: 1,131
Question 5 Charter Amendment (City Council Pay Increase)
Shall the Rockland City Charter, Sections 202 and 203(d), be amended to adjust the annual salaries of the Mayor and Members of the City Council from $1000 and $800 respectively, to $4,500 and $4,000, respectively, and to adjust said salaries annually based on the Cost of Living Index, beginning July 1, 2022?
YES: 994
NO: 974
Question 6 Charter Amendment (Meeting Notices)
Shall the Rockland City Charter, Section 210(a)(2), be amended to remove the requirement that Special Meeting Notices be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the City, as long as the notice is delivered to local media outlets for distribution to the public and complies with the provisions of 1 M.R.S. §406?
YES: 628
NO: 1,298
Question 7 Advisory Question
Do you support amending Rockland's zoning regulations to allow smaller, more efficient, more affordable dwellings?
YES: 1,354
NO: 655