Committee votes to strengthen protections for election workers, ballots, and election infrastructure
AUGUSTA — The Legislature's Veterans and Legal Affairs committee has voted to support bills to strengthen protections for election workers, ballots, and election infrastructure.
Committee members voted unanimously in favor of an amended version of L.D. 1821 “An Act To Make Interfering with an Election Official a Class C Crime” from Rep. Bruce White, D-Waterville, which will strengthen election worker protections by adding threatening an election official to election law as a Class D crime, as well as adding a reporting procedure for any threats election officials receive. Additionally, the Secretary of State will provide town and city clerks and registrar with de-escalation training.
Committee members voted 7-5 in favor of L.D. 1779 “An Act To Protect Election Integrity by Regulating Possession of Ballots and Voting Machines and Devices” from Rep. Teresa Pierce, D-Falmouth, which will clarify the chain of custody for both ballots and voting machines to ensure there is certainty regarding who may legally possess them.
“Protecting Maine’s elections from interference and subversion, either through election worker intimidation or outside political interference, is paramount,” said Secretary of State Shenna Bellows. “When our town and city clerks are threatened, or ballots and equipment compromised, our democracy itself is threatened.”
Both bills will next go to the Legislature for further votes.